Chapter ??: WAR.

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(This'll happen after the chapter Episode 5 happens in. I've had this idea for WEEKS now that i had to write it. I'll write the chapter number once im done with the chapters for Ep 5)

Awkward silence filled the room, as N, V, and Uzi stared at each other. Peppino was still unconscious, as he wore the weird helmet thing Uzi made so that Peppino could help her and Pizzahead retrieve N and V's memories back. Suddenly, Uzi had an idea.

"Heeeey.... since that conscious-transferer-thingy i made worked SO well with Peppino, what if we dug into his memories? He's still a mystery to us, yknow...." Uzi said, trying to change the topic. Somehow, it worked.

"Now that i think about it... The guy's pretty weird. I mean, who can just run at Mach 4 with only their bare feet?" V said, as she was snapped out of her murderous trance.

"But wait... Isn't that invasion of privacy, or something? I mean... I don't wanna make him angry... He's kinda scary sometimes." N said, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It'll be fine... I think." Uzi then spun back to her computer, as she began accessing Peppino's memories.

N and V stood behind Uzi, as Peppino's memories were being converted to a file type where her computer can accurately simulate his memories.

Eventually, all of them were converted.

To their surprise, Peppino's memories date back to as far as 1983.

"Wait wait, wasn't 1983 like, more than a 1,000 years ago? Peppino's old!" N said, marveling at Peppino's age.

"That WAS more than a 1,000 years ago! But Peppino should be long gone by now!" Uzi replied, equally perplexed as N and V.

"Maybe they found out how to live longer." V said nonchalantly.

"Or maybe they found out about TIIIIMEE TRAVEEEEEL!" N said, in an exaggerated voice.

"They can't live longer, V. They're hard-coded to live for a certain amount of years. And N, humans haven't even figured out how to time travel in our time period, how could they figure out time travel more than a thousand years ago?" Uzi said.

"You never know." N replied.

They then scrolled through Peppino's memories, which were all segregated by the year the memory was made in with folders. They eventually find a recent folder just before 3071 labled "2023". Much to their surprise, there was a subfolder inside of it named "Pizza Tower".

"Pizza Tower? Isn't that the thing Pizzahead made that made Peppino's life hell or somethin?" N asked Uzi and V, who said nothing.

They then clicked the folder. Inside it were a bunch of weird names for memories.

"John Gutter? Fun Farm? PeppiBot Factory? What the heck is all of this stuff?" Uzi said to herself, as she scrolled through the "Pizza Tower" subfolder.

Uzi mindlessly scrolled through all of the memories, but one stuck out to her like a sore-thumb. It was a 3 letter word, and it sent chills down their metallic spines.


"I-isn't that the thing humans do when their leaders don't uh... Exactly get along?" N nervously asked.

"Yeah, it is, N. Why would Peppino have this memory?" Uzi replied.

"Beats me." V replied.

Hesitantly, Uzi clicked the memory file, transferring their consciousnesses into her computer.


Pizza with a hint of... Oil? (Pizza Tower x Murder Drones) (REMAKE OUT) Where stories live. Discover now