Arachnids and potato guns pt3

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 A/N: mk so I'm lost  rn. I had this scripted/written down and went off of my head so it might be a bit confusing.  plz enjoy (:

Carol/ Captain marvel set her phone back into her pocket and sighed, as she turned her gaze to her only nephew. A noticeable tear ran down he's delicate cheek, nothing but a sniffle to be heard from the little spider. 

Carol lowered down and sat besides Peter on the right side of him, putting an arm over his shoulders rubbing the left. Gently bringing him closer to her. 
Peter used his hands to cover his face as more tears began to flood. He's sobbing brought a pain to his aunts heart. That night she swore that next time she meets he's so called family, she'd give them a piece of her mind. starting with Sam of course.

~On the other side of the story~

Tony was pacing back and forth in his room, 'he's gone and I wasn't notified' biting his nails still pacing around his room, 'why the fuck wasn't I notified'. Tony snapped he's head toward the door as soon as he heard it open.

"uh Tones" Clint began. "Pete's gone" 
"I know that."  Tony said with more venom in his tone.

Realizing the 'upper hand' (or watever idk) He took out his phone, scrolling down to an app he uses to check the security cameras. 

He found a video with peter in it and, and Clint being as nosy as usual, looked over Tony's shoulder. 
What they saw made their hearts ache and it hurt worse then having your own arrow shot into your leg. by the end Clint ended up crying.

"wtf  that was sad" he sobbed. Tony sighed and prayed that the stubborn fire in space, would return his 'son'

~and back to you peter~
"thank you, thank you, I've been impatient"
"dude no, DP has affected you, silence ur 4rth wall breaking"
It was morning, Peter had woken up to the smell of Pancakes and fried eggs. As he got out of bed he rubbed he's eyes, making his way to the kitchen. 
"morning Aunt Carol" He yawned.
"ew don't get me infected with your yawns" she joked.
"whas for breaky" 
"eggs, Pancakes and chicken sausages, would you like some tea too" She listed adding a British like accent. "your majesty" ending off with a bow and a chuckle. 
"yes please" 
"I got green tea motcha, Vanilla, Rooibos, its African best served with milk."
"ew who puts milk in their tea" 
" uncultured swine"   

after breakfast both the space flame and arachnid went for a walk, or a swing and flight around the city, making a stop at Delmars.
"tell me why you like this place again" Captain marvel asked holding a wrapped sandwitch.
"It's the best, its always been a tradition of mine to come here every birthday, I usually get a 70% discount on my birthday, sometimes I just come here for service and the food, Its like a second home to me."
"awe tha'ts so swe-"

"that's so sweet Peter we're honored" The workers screamed all together making the teen laugh.

Finally Aunt the captain and spider made their way to a what once was a home.
Taking in deep breathes, Peter reluctantly entered, only to be welcomed by F.R.I.D.A.Y's booming voice.  With a quick greeting they both entered the elevator. "going up" Aunt Carol declared pressing the button of the floor they were headed to.

She doesn't know why Peter was shaking, what happened last night, what he did, was basically run away. He should've been grateful that they took him in. that they had food and all necessary needs. As soon as Harley comes why shouldn't it be shared. Sure they ignored him, but he can't really blame them, he lost his  family, if anything his being selfish.

Peter let another deep breathe out, trying to calm himself. The thought of facing them, it kept running laps around his brain. He planned on jumping out the window as soon as they made it up there, but Carol had the upper hand of the idea and held onto him.

Giving him an assuring look like an 'it'll-be-ok-I'm-here-don't-worry' kind of look. Peter nodded slowly. As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors opened Carol walked out closely followed by Peter.

Everyone looked at their direction. focusing on the fact they never noticed a certain arachnid left, and that Captain Marvel was here. 

Tony was in his lab with, you guessed it, Harley. working on a, present? for, Peter? something in that video really brought some sense into the man, but as soon as F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted him of Peter's  arrival, He bolted out of he's seat and ran toward the living room followed by Harley.

He sprinted like he's life depended on it. 
"Peter" "Peter!" "PETER!" he kept yelling as he got closer to the boy. lunging forward to tackle him into a hug. that is until Carol stopped him. Standing in front of Peter holding her arms wide out like the T-pose, blocking Peter in view
"not gonna happen rusty " 
"fuck off , give me the child"
"how's about no." She put on a sickly sweet smile, making almost everyone's sweat drop and Clint go pale however Natasha was unfazed, just creeped by it.

Harley standing besides Tony got a view of his angel...he friend? he partner. who ever he was to him, he felt bad for the kid. Carol and Tony were busy bickering and bashing words and insulting disses that didn't even relate to why she was here with an upset Peter.

"whatever you fucking space fire" Tony screamed annoyed at the women.
"says the neglecting father" Carol added with venom in her voice.
"neglectful, how the fuck am I neglectful"
"How he says" Carol spat with anger. "for how long has Peter stayed with you, hmm"
"6 months" Tony mumbled annoyed by her remark. "so what."
"you fucking- GOD! How long has HE stayed with you" Pointing to Harleys direction. Who finally turned back to reality. 
"a few months" Clint answered in dismay.

Peter stood there Bashful of the situation, attention was what he least liked and the fact its 'his' fault this is happening his felt like he needed to to something.
"uhm Aunt Carol i-its fine." Peter opted. "he lost his family and needed comfort anyways, so its alrig-"
"no its not Peter" Turning to face the brunette, "I mean yes they knew him first so in a way Its good he helped him, but that doesn't mean they can ignore you or make you think less of yourself" 
Peter looked down as soon as everyone laid their eyes on him. 
"yeah but its fine" He tried reasoning. "its parker luck at best anyway" He mumbled to himself.

Carol just took a deep sigh and faced the other, then turned back to Peter. "Peter when was the last time they helped you with your nightmares, hm" 
"uhm" he couldn't find any words.
"exactly, who was there at you wore when you felt worthless or got bullied for practically being an orphan."
"as a 'hypocrite' I apologise, I would've came sooner but your aware of my situations. BUT, thats not the point."
"they still fed me though"

Carol raised a brow skeptically, "yeah I don't believe, your physical form says somethin' else" pointing to his shirt. 
"Has Sam ever treated you like you were worth something."
"well no but-"
"Has Pepper ever reschedule a meeting because you were sick"
"Have they even, ONCE, came to check that you weren't overworking yourself again."
"Have they ever nurtured you when you got shot"
"Mr. Banner has"
"well thank the gods for him, Good job Banner," to which he nodded.

silence in the room mixed sounds of everyone to slow the other fast, one gentle and calm, the other harsh and panicked. 

"Yesterday" She started again. "who sang to you"
silence flood the room once again. Everyone still confused, 'yesterday?' 'what's yesterday gotta do with this?'
"I did" Peter said more monotone 
"mhm, and did anyone bother to wish you." she stopped dramatically pausing, turning to face them. "happy bir-"
"Happy did" He spat out hastily. 

Sam got impatient and decided to 'be the bigger person' and end this.
"ok so." He grumbled." he's like what 16 he can handle himself besides he a fucking hero he doesn't need to be babied he had that childhood already. he's just doing this for attention."

Peter stood there in the gaze of many. Head to the ground he's breathe quickening, slowly a tear runs down unnoticed. Peter was hurt, he knew the man disliked him but this is, it was harsh.
Peter kept he's head low.

"your fucking dunce" Carol growled.
"what's the problem, he knew the moment he became a hero he had to let things die out of his life."
That sting harder than a hornet 'die out of his life' really of all things.
"I swear when I said I'll kill as a threat, I'm gonna make it real."

Peter held onto Carols arm with both oh his hands, the older women looked towards his direction confused. the boy just shook his head. "don't, its fine, he's right anyways."

"no Peter its not, you were 6 when your parents died, 13 when you uncle died and now what Mays gone too," she sighed, facing the boy again. "look your still a kid, still have to grow and develop, its bad enough you blame yourself. Peter, if any of them treat you like crap, just tell me"

"Harley, boy sorry for scaring you."
"nah is alright miss"
Carol and Tony presumed into their current argument while Peter left the building unnoticed.
Harley however, followed him, 
"you can stop following me" He said as he stopped walking.
"Peter, I'm sorry" Harley pleeded.
"not your fault"
"look, it was never my intention I really am sorry. I know what its like to be ignored and treated differently, and I wanted to be your friend to get to know you but the other wanted to catch up and I tried, but you were always busy so I let you be."
"no really its not your fault.  Its Parker Luck at best, first my parents, then my uncle, then my aunt." 

Harley reached out to Peter giving him a hug.
"want a restart." 
"yeah sure why not.
"I'm Harley Kenner, pleasure to meet you"
"Peter Parker, pleasures all mine"


love u all making new stories bye bye my sweet readers,
till next time(:

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