Michelle ): (angst)

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A/N: hello ma fellow wattpadians
I have come to inform you that......this is angst
and so says of the title Michelle MJ Jones is toxic.......
u may proceed

Peterchelle, cute couple name, right. The one the fandom reconises as Spideychelle, but in cases like these...you know.
During the time of their relationship, Peter has never told or hinted that he was indeed Spiderman. Michelle never paid mind to his absence or he's unbelievable excuses, why, because she's busy sucking of other people, girls, boys, even Flash at some point.

Flash was a pain in the ass, He wanted to so badly expose MJ to bring Peter to shame, but he had to wait for the 'perfect timing', Michelle constantly reminded him. She was a sadistic manipulative asshole, she had every person wrapped round her pinky finger.

One afternoon, Peter walked into the classroom, but what he saw shocked the living braincells out of him. To see the girl he'd been dating for almost 2 years, sucking the face of he's Bully,
was painful. He had to keep strong, he couldn't let a fucking tear leak, and project weakness, 
he's been played. 

"for how long" Peter asked, the two fuckers finally pulling away from the kiss.
"sorry scrawny" Flash mocked, "didn't hear  what u said."
"For how fucking Long" nearly yelling, hinted rage in his tone. 

"two months after we ...'dated' " Michelle spoke, giving a sadistic smile.
"how could yo-" 
"oh shove it of scrawny" Michelle interupted. "do you think I'd actually be with a low life sucker like you, Ha, please, this egoist's got more shit to pull then you do"
"hear that Penis" Flash said, grabbing he's attention, realising they filmed him. tears swelling in his eyes.
"Sorry not sorry, now fuck off" said Michelle with a sickly sweet smile, waving him off. "Say hi to May for me" 

Peter froze, May, the only person he could rely on, on days like these, but now, now she's
"oh yeah, right" Michelle said lowering her tone, "she's gone, ha, stupid Parker luck, wished you'd die though, life would been sooo much easier."
"dang right" Flash added.

Peter's vision clearing up a bit at the memory, entering the music room, after sweeping the classroom, he lifted a base guitar tuning it a bit, holding it in position, the strap tied from over he's shoulder to above the waste, both ends connecting with the guitar.

He started toward the mic playing the guitar,  lyrics swimming inside he's brain, clearing he's voice with a shaky sigh.

Walk in the room
Take off your coat
You look so nice
I've been so cold

He closed he's eyes, reminded by her sadistic smile, that sickly sweet smile she used when saying something horribly offensive.

You wanna be my special one
I cannot breathe
Please just go home

To focused 

You wanna be my special one
I cannot breathe
Please just go home

unaware that, both Ned and Harley have entered the room.

You are a monster from Hell


Ned suddenly pulling the camera (which was used for the daily news/school announcements).

You know just how to be cruel
When you shake your hips that way
Paint your lips that way

The camera on live, not even the simultaneously flashing red dot, stopped him.

You are a monster from Hell

Everyone watching from the hall. some surprised by he's angelic voice, other sympathetic of this, know who and what is was for .

Walk in the room

Watching you smoke
I'm such a fool
Take off your coat

A tear sliding down, the beat slowly dropping.

You know just how to be cruel
When you shake your hips that way

the tears suddenly, gone, everyone surprised by it. MJ watching from behind 'unfazed' hand in hand with 'Flash' Thompson.

don't care what you say

He's heart aching.


You are a monster from Hell



You are a monster from...

Silence filled the music room, the halls herded with students. The only sound being Peter putting the guitar down in its original spot.

Peter stood there frozen realising he's friends have just witnessed him sing, suddenly he's cheeks turned red from the embarrassment.

Both Ned and Harley tackling him into a hug, "we're here for you" the cooed into he's ear.
"yeah thanks guys" Peter said, hugging them back.

"so does that mean" 
"in your dreams Keneer" Peter said interrupting him, before he could even ask.
"nah I think you guy could pull it off" Ned said siding with Harley, making the brunette blush.
"fine I guess" 
"good"  Harley smirked in triumph making the said brunette blush harder, and Ned stand their akwardly,
"uhm guys" Ned called.
"yeah" both answering.
"the cams still on..." Ned stopped for a moment before becoming pale. "on Live"

Everyone in the room paling to the point their soles left their body.

(: how was it, did u enjoy
I hope ya did
also plz I need request anything will do , just no illegal shipping like.....Starker blagh..) or Peter x Flash....or any Avenger.




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