time to come out

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Peter sat cross legged on his bed, staring out the window listening to every car pass by, the clinging and clanging of beer bottle and the drum sounds of the street performers.

It was 4 am,  Peter only had to wake up in the next 2 hours. But he couldn't sleep. He was tired of waking up to the sight of his big chest or he's long hair.

May tried as best as she could to help her now nephew feel comfortable in his own body. Peter couldn't help but cry.

He had enough of this. Finally out of it, he stood up and made his way to the bathroom grabbing a pair of scissors, snipping his hair.

Once done he brushed his hair to keep those puffy brown curls. Proud of what his done he nodded a smile, cleaning up the mess.

As his alarm rang, he groggily woke up and dragged himself to the bathroom. Taking a nice hot shower to ease the thought from last night. Peter  never really enjoyed the sight of his chest.

Binding his chest with the binder May bought him last year. He wore a science pun T-shirt That had the words " if you believe in telekinesis raise your left hand" imprinted on it, a dark blue jean with black Jordans and a black zip up hoodie.

As he walked out, slinging his bag over one shoulder, he sighed, "morning May" he greeted.
"Guess she's working late today" he sighed as he saw the note she left on the fridge "again"

Peter finally made he's way to school, stopped a few muggings on the way, which resulted in him having a bloody left arm but it'll be fine, right.

As he entered, he was tackled by his best friend Ned and chuckled as MJ greeted with her usual sarcasm.
"Hey loser, what happened to your arm"
"Aw MJ do you care" Ned snickered at her sudden concern. "But seriously what happened dude"
"Oh you know the usual" he sighed.

Before class started Peter got his arm wrapped in a bandage. "Be more careful" the school nurse ordered "no promises" Peter grinned.

Peter sighed as he entered the class, greeted painfully by Flash's snarky comments. " oh hey Paige "
Peter winced at the mention of his dead name. "What's that, dicks fallen out of ya" Flash snickered.

Peter didn't even know what to expect, the teachers were pulling a blind eye whenever Flash tormented him. How he wished he was in MJ or Neds class right now.

The day passed as usual. Go to lunch, get beat up. Go to class, endure the insults. Get ready to leave, get insulted and beat up.

Today Flash was more cruel with his beatings and tormenting insults.
"I almost feel bad for your aunt, oh ma gad. No wonder your parents and uncle left a useless wanna-be-boy like you." He spat out. " useless f*g" he slurred.

Peter walked out, with a bruised lip, black eye bloody nose and an injured arm. Nearly limping until he spotted Happy.
He pulled his hood, facing the ground.
He can't cry, he refuses to show weakness.

He entered the car silently sniffling. Happy concerned about the boy's sudden silence, frowned. "You okay kid" "hm,yeah, just tired" he whispered. "Ok"

As they arrived Peter thanked Happy for the ride and walked into the building.  "good afternoon Peter, it seems you have an injured arm, bloody nose, black eye and an injured ankle, would you like me to inform boss"  F.R.I.D.A.Y announced. "NO! Um thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y but I don't want to bother Mr Stark." Peter muttered.

"As you wish"
"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y"

Peter made his way to his lab finishing his homework and now working on Karen his A.I, silence filled that room, only sounds of he's sighs and pen scribbling over the design.  Breaking the silence, he's phone rang.

"Hello is this Paige, sorry Peter Parker"

Peter tensed at the mention of he's deadname before answering, "yes, this is he"

" I'm sorry but your aunt has been in an accident at work, she is currently in the hospital, due to stress she passed out and is facing serious heart problems"

"Is she okay" he yelled, concern in his voice.

"Currently I am unsure, but you are welcome to visit around 7 pm"

" okay thank you, bye" he hung up.
"Oh May" letting a few tears run down his face.

Tony barged into the room announcing things he needed which were " assistance in my lab Pete, equation don't solve themselves, lessgo." Peter, who chuckled at the man's lack of maturity, followed along.

-20 minutes later-

"What's wrong Pete" Tony asked breaking the silence.
"Nothing Mr Stark" Peter muttered.
"Then take of the hood"
"Peter what are you hiding"
"Then take of the hood"

Peter took off the hood, still facing the ground.
"Peter look at me" Tony ordered.
"Pe-" Tony was interrupted by the sound of sniffling.
"Oh Peter" Tony whispered, bringing him into a hug. "Kid"
Peter just shook his head and engaged into the hug, burying his chest into he's chest.

After a while of comfort Peter promptly explained his situation and what's been happening, and without even realising he mentioned the whole transgender problem.

"Why don't you tell the teachers" Tony optioned
"I can't, Flash's parents pay of the school with their 'donations' practically, so the teachers always pull a blind eye, to which I get the blame."
"Does May Know your trans or even about the bullying"
Peter tensed at the mention of his aunt.
"Yeah, but not the bullying, she stresses enough, she" stopping as tears rolled down he's delicate face, " she's in hospital because of me, I can't loose her to Mr Stark, she the only family I have left" he cried.

Tony pulled him into another hug, rubbing his back in circular movement.
"It'll be okay kid"
"Thanks Mr Stark"

Mama's boy
Mama's boy
Mama's Boy
Mama's boy
I listened to that while writing this but sadly it ends here, I lost motive for this chapter sooo
(: fr though request plz
Like idek what to do
TvT please 🥺

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