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Peter once again cried, sighing in annoyence, he walked straight to Natasha's room.

"Mama Spider, I'm in a crises I need that gun"
"Who" she asked with venom in her tounge.
Peter instinctively grabbed the gun and rushed to the lounge stood on the coffee table and cried out.

"GOODBYE, world of morrow sorrow" pulling the trigger, he felt a runner ball hit his head. The look of dissaprovell on his face. "Why"

"Peter stop with this already" Tony cried out.
"No" Peter intimidated-fully answered.

"Breaking knews.'
The Tv screamed catching everyone present in the rooms attention.

''A young highschool student attempted suicide due to the 'puny parker he's been shipped with' as he said.
Clear to see young Thompson is a bully."

"So your bullied huh" Tony stared.
"Me-wha-i-pshh, no, oh my look at the time" Peter ran out.

Hallo how are you hope your enjoying.
Also knews was aouro-corrected to knees 🤣 so like ...idk
Hope your enjoying

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