Shuri's cousin

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A/n: just an AU idk if she has any other cousins besides her dead cousin Erik Killmonger so no attacks..Enjoy) (R.I.P Chadwick Boseman)
(P.S. all Xhosa translations at the end of chapter )

Peter was visiting Shuri with exceptions of Tony, who had to attend a meeting with the infamous Black Panther. Shuri wanted to introduce Peter to her cousin and assured that he wasn't like Erik.

Once they arrived Peter was tackled into a hug by his fellow vinee/viner and got a nod from Okoye before she walked over toward T'challa and Tony's direction.

Both Crackheaded Smartasses sat in Shuri's lab conversing and discussing an experiment that Peter opted they should try.
"yeah that's a good plan"
"I know right" Peter grinned.
"Shuri what are you doing with this white-coloniser boy"  a dark skinned  boy with circular glasses and a low afro the sides and back oh his a cut off, came into view gesturing his hands to Peter, who sat there either insulted or confused.
" thula Avile " Shuri shushed.
"andifuni" Avile scowled clicking his tongue and crossing his arms.
"anko right entloko wako" Shuri sighed.
"uza kubona kakhle"  Avile warned as Shuri pulled out her tongue.
"whatever, awunakwenza nto, so voetsek" 
"with pleasure" Avile sighed, "oh and before I forget, hers a lil something for you" pulling out a middle finger directed to her.

"bitch, she's beautiful you talk as if she some begie from the street, so hoe jo beck" 
"keep your stupid Afrikaans Language out of my lab you."
Avile and Shuri were in a fit of laughter as Peter sat cross-legged on the lab chair confused.
"don't worry Peter just inside-jokes"
"anyways this is my cousin Avile, he's from Cape Town in  South Africa" 
"hello Peter nice to meet you, Shuri speaks of you quit a bit" Avile grinned pulling out a hand for Peter, who shook it.
"She's also spoke of you a bit as well"


"Avile make me a coffee" Shuri demanded, to which Avile ignored by scrolling on his phone "Avile, Avile AVILE" 
"Ufunani" Avile yelled "ndiyeke man  " clicking he's tongue getting annoyed "you know what I'm changing my name"
"nah I like your name" Peter said.
"fuck your opinions, they don't matter" Avile joked still annoyed with Shuri.
"Avile more like Alive" Shuri snickered at her own joke making Avile scowl at her  "you know when you re-arrange the v and l in your name"
"why don't I just change my name to Die then, cuz I wanna be dead"
"what if you re-arrange those" Peter thought aloud mischievously grinning as Shuri caught on.
" Edi?" Shuri announced unsure.
"nah Ide" Peter corrected as it sounded better, realising what he said, "Idee" he repeated  beginning to laugh along with Shuri making Avile scowl again.
"why do I even bother"

Le translations:
Avile:  Ah-vee-leh

-thula Avile:  quiet Avile
-andifuni:  I don't want to
-anko right entloko wako: your not right in the head
-uza kubona kakhle: you will see
- awunakwenza nto, so voetsek: you wont do anything, so voetsek
-Mamakho: your mom
-hoe jo beck: shut up (I think, my Afrikaans, it don't Afrikaans if u get u get)
-Ufunani: what do you want/ what you want.
 -ndiyeke man: leave me alone man

voetsek means 
- go away [works on (south African) dogs, say it and they frek]
-go to hell
-fuck off 

P.S. Xhosa is my home language but I'm not very fluent with it so like yh 
plus I'm learning learning Afrikaans (by force) and Spanish soo :D yk.
ALSO, Avile is my older brother's name so ya have TikTok and like edits: if AvileTrunks66p
that's he's name be sure to check it.

kk till next time 
ba bai 

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