Chapter Ten

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Seeing Jesper walk into the building, I walk over to the table Kaz had moved to, as Inej goes to close out our tab. I slide into the seat next to Kaz keeping my eyes down and Jesper says he set up the alarm for our carriage.

'Horses are ready, and I've stashed the rest of our gear,' Jesper said, sitting down.

'If we don't move soon, the Black General will be on top of us,' Kaz said. 'We can't waste anymore time looking for the girl.'

Inej sat down. 'I just settled our tab with the last of our coin.'

Jesper looked between us. 'We're really gonna leave empty-handed, then?'

'We have to,' I say. 'We can't just capture an innocent girl and Kirigan isn't going to mess around if he finds us. He'll deliver the Cut at the very least and then we'll all be dead. Worse scenario is torture.'

Before anymore could be said a bomb goes off in the street. People in the bar scream and our little group looks around.

'Our alarm,' Jesper said.

We all stand as fear fills my body.

'Split up,' Kaz says. 'Much easier to take a Grisha one on one than a whole squad of them. Rendezvous at the fountain. Nat, you're with me.'

The second we step outside we come face to face with a mess of Grisha, staring straight back at us. An Inferni was staring at Inej with hatred in her eyes. I go to help her, but Kaz grips my wrist and pulls me in the other direction. I follow him down narrowed alley ways, his limp pronounced, and my breathing ragged.

We lost our Grisha in a matter of seconds. She was a Squaller, I almost wanted to know if we grew up together. Kaz was still pulling me. His gloves keep me tethered to the moment. We turned a corner, Kaz still pulling me behind him, and then Kaz stops. I almost ran into him as his grip on my wrist tightens to the point it almost hurts. I step up next to him and then feel my body freeze. Feel my feet stick to the ground.

The Darkling was stepping out of the shadows, coming up the end of the path.

Every step he took he got closer and closer to us. No. He got closer to me. I could still feel his hands on me. Feel his smile. Hearing words only whispered for me. I knew I was shaking. Kaz started tapping a pattern on my wrist, and I knew he felt me shaking, but it didn't help. Not with his eyes back on me. Not back here. I stepped closer to Kaz, doing my best not to touch him.

The Darkling smiled. 'My Treasure. I thought I'd never see you again. When you were taken from me all those years ago. But you're back now. Come. Join me, again.'

'Never,' I say, my voice shaky. 'I left. I wasn't taken, I escaped.'

'Escaped to what? Barrel trash? Ketterdam? These are criminals, Treasure. Criminals. You aren't a criminal, my love. You are so much more.'

I was folding in on myself. 'These criminals happen to be my family. And they care more about me then you ever did.'

My voice was shaky, and my confidence was gone. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. Kaz's grip was still tight, and I knew he was there, but it almost wasn't enough. For once it wasn't enough.

The Darkling eyed Kaz's hand wrapped around my wrist and smirked. 'You think these criminals care? You think he's not just holding you in place? They can't love you more than I do.'

'Leave her alone,' Kaz said, voice harsh. 'What do you want?'

Kirigan's eyes grew dark. 'I know you kidnapped my Sun Summoner. And now you're going to tell me where you stashed her.'

'We didn't take her. She fled on her own.'

Kirigan's head cocked to the side. 'Where is she? I won't ask you again.'

Kaz didn't waver, his voice was still harsh, but his face calm. 'I don't know. It was pretty clear she wasn't interested in being a captive anymore. Just like Natalia. She's known in Ketterdam, she's a queen, you won't have her either.'

The Darkling's face grew cold.

'The Summoner is probably halfway to Novyi Zem by now.'

Darkness pooled around the Darkling, inching its way towards Kaz and me. I focused on the winds around us, focused on it pushing back the Darkling, pushing back the darkness, but he had gotten stronger. And I never quite mastered beating him. Kirigan smiled at me. That horrible smile that made me shiver and the winds got weaker.

The Darkling started advancing again. 'I'll get my Sun Summoner, and I'll get my Treasure.'

He raised his hands together, and I felt panic rising in my throat. I felt a scream. The Cut was coming right for Kaz and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Kaz's hand left from my wrist as he reached into his pocket for something.

'You should have stayed in Ketterdam, Mister Brekker.'

Before the Darkling could send the Cut, Kaz lifted his cane, and slammed a bag onto the barrel next to him. Light erupted, cutting through the darkness Kirigan had pulled around him. The sound was like an explosion. It disoriented me, my vision impaired, my ears ringing.

Kaz's grip was back on my wrist pulling me the way we came. I struggled to keep up with him, but we were out of the alley before the fog cleared. Kaz's grip was unrelenting, but I could barely feel it. My body was shaking, forehead sweating, overall fear enveloping me.

When we got to the well, Kaz let go of my wrist, and I collapsed to the ground, trying to stop my shaking. I leaned against a wall, bringing my knees to my chest, and wrapping my arms around them. I wanted to make myself as small as possible. Jesper was already there, and I could hear them whispering to each other. Kaz knelt down in front of me even though I knew it killed his leg.

'Are you okay?' he asks me, his voice soft.

I nod but don't trust my voice.

'What did he do to you?'

I shake my head. I couldn't tell him. Not here. Not right now. Kaz nods once and struggles to stand back up. Jesper moves to sit next to me, but he doesn't try to touch me. I'm thankful for it. I don't think I could've handled it if he had tried.

When Inej jumped over the wall I was leaning on, she grunted when she hit the ground. Immediately, we all knew she was hurt. That's the only time she ever made a noise. Jesper and I struggled to our feet. Inej was grabbing her side and I could just make out blood through her fingers. Jesper immediately offers her an arm, letting her lean against him.

Inej was breathing heavily, struggling. 'The Inferni, she's dead.'

Kaz nodded but his face was pained. I didn't have it in me to reassure him. Inej was hurt, I was shaken, and Kaz's limp had never been more noticeable.

'Well, she can't manage a horse,' Jesper said. 'Not even riding double. We'll have to come up with another plan.'

Kaz turned around scanning before nodding to the Darkling's carriage. 'That's a pretty nice ride.'

Jesper was smiling. 'Yes, indeed it is.'

'Really?' I say. 'We're doing this?'

Both boys looked at me and nodded before walking toward the carriage. I huffed before following them. Jesper and Inej went to open one side of the carriage and Kaz and I went to the other side. Before we could open the door, a Grisha man was opening the door and jumping out. Kaz stepped forward and slammed his cane into the man's head, making him collapse onto the floor.

Jesper showed up in the carriage with a book in his hands. 'He threw a book at me.'

I can't help but laugh at him as we get Inej settled, and we take off in the carriage. 

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