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VICTORIA DID NOT WANT TO BE HERE. And by here, she meant her brother and his best friend, Vincent and Anthony's apartment. This was her 'punishment' as her parents put it, for deciding to not go to college yet. Key word being yet. She was going to go, just not this year. So while her parents get to enjoy their summer vacation in Hawaii, she would be in Santa Monica all summer.

Which wouldn't sound too bad, if her brother didn't always treat her like she was a baby. Granted, she was the youngest of three, but even now as an adult, he didn't see her as one. Last summer, he ruffled her hair and called her baby sis, despite her just turning 18.

She was also annoyed that she'd be spending her 19th birthday here, with none of her friends and just.. Vincent and Anthony.

"Hey, cheer up squirt! You get to hangout with the cool guys all summer!"

Victoria raised her eyebrows at her brother's attempt trying to cheer her up.

"Calling yourself cool, doesn't make you cool. And don't call me squirt, I'm an adult," she shot back, trying to hide the frustration towards the end. He chuckled, which only further infuriated her.

"You just turned 18, Vic. If it helps, Anthony got a dog-"

"Do you have pictures?" She asked excitedly. It was as if he knew this would make her happy, as he already handed her his phone to let her open up his photos.

"You should really put a passcode on your phone," she mumbled as she scrolled through the many photos of the most gorgeous black lab she has ever seen. "What's their name?"

"Her name is Ari. And I don't need a passcode. What do I have to hide?"

"She's the cutest baby I've ever seen," Victoria gushed.

"Anthony won't be home until tomorrow, as you know him and Cat went back packing in Greece. Do you just want to order take out or something?"

Vincent was almost the perfect roommate, besides the fact that he can't cook to save his life. That was definitely an Anthony job.

When she visited last summer, he almost started a kitchen fire from boiling water water.


"Glad I already placed the order," he chuckled, knowing his sister all too well. Take out was always sushi.

"Did you get-"

"Tuna sushimi, California rolls, and monkey rolls. It'll be at the apartment for 6:00."

Victoria nodded in approval and leaned back in her seat. She wasn't going to lie, she was nervous. She's visited for a week at most, so she never had to worry about making friends. But this was an entire summer, and they both worked. It wasn't like they could take off the entire summer to keep her company.

"I know you're worried. I have next week off to help you get to know the area better, and maybe find some people to introduce you too. I couldn't get this week off because it was too short notice."

"I don't really want to know people," she mumbled out.

"Victoria," he let out a sigh. "You can't stay couped up in the guest room with your books for the whole summer."

"I'll go to the beach too," she joked, making her brother shake his head in amusement.

"Yes, and you'll meet people. Look, the people around here are very nice and welcoming for the most part. You'll be okay. Plus, Anthony works from home now. So you won't be alone."

Hearing that made her sigh in somewhat relief.

"And I'll have good food."

Vincent shook his head and playfully shoved her, making her laugh harder than what she already was.

"You're lucky we're here," he told her as he pulled into his parking spot. "Time to carry your entire room."

Victoria rolled her eyes.

"You're dramatic. It's four bags, and only one of them is filled with books. The rest are clothes and shoes."

"You're wearing shoes though. Why would you pack more shoes?"

"You never know, Vincent. You never know."

After dragging her luggage into the elevator, he pressed the button for their floor and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"You're safe," he reminded her, knowing her claustrophobia. "After this, we won't need to take the elevator again."

She just nodded and closed her eyes, silently singing Afterglow in her head. By the time she made it through the first verse, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Letting out a sigh of relief, she practically ran out and made her way down the hallway to his door.

"Not getting far without these," he shook his keys and rushed to catch up.

After finally being let in, he helped her put her bags in her new temporary bedroom.

"I'll leave you to unpack and rest. I'll let you know when the food gets here. Sound good?"

"Yes, thank you," she told him as she nodded. "I might take a small nap."

He nodded in understanding as he left, closing the door on his way out.

Sighing, she flopped on the very comfortable bed and sunk herself in to the mattress. While doing so, she noticed a new book shelf on her left, making her smile and jump back up. Deciding to go with clothes first, she hung up everything in the closet and folded others to go in the drawers. Her shoes were carelessly thrown into a corner, leaving her with her books. Vincent always kept toiletries there for her and her sister, so luckily she didn't need to worry about that.

By the time he came back to let her know about the food, she was still organizing her books. To no one's surprise, the whole shelf was filled.

"Anthony found that at a yard sale, glad we brought it home. Better than stacking them on the floor."

She jumped at the voice, not noticing that he even opened the door.

"Food is here, by the way," he shouted as he walked back to the kitchen, making her get up and follow suit.

"Ari is with Anthony on the trip, so you won't meet her until tomorrow either," he explained when he say her looking at an empty dog bed.

They continued to eat and talk about how their lives have been since they last saw each other. Vincent was in his final year of getting his masters in teaching, and was more than happy to be almost done. She explained that she does want to go to college for journalism, but just wanted a year off to relax. She's been in school for 13 years, a year long break won't kill her.

"I think they're being too hard on you," Vincent shook his head at his parents.

"They've always been too hard on us," she agreed with an eye roll. "They're acting like I'm going to go out and sell drugs or commit murder. It's just a break!"

"I know, I agree with you. And I support all of your decisions," he assured his little sister.

Their parents have always been insanely strict, and showed absolutely no affection. The siblings main source of affection and support, was each other.

After a long yawn, Victoria decided it was time for bed. Bidding her brother good night, she went to her room and laid down. The moment her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light.

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