Chapter One

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Rainbow Dash's POV

I flew to Twilight's annoyed that I couldn't finish my nap because what she wanted was so important. I kept grumbling to myself as I walked in the door.

"Late as usual, Rainbow Dash?", Twilight asked in a humerous tone.

I just narrowed my eyes and sat down with the rest of my friends.

Applejack was the first to say anything after a long moment of silence. "What're we doin' here anyway, Twi?", she asked, her southern accent strong.

"Well, acctually, Celestia sent me a letter along with this spellbook. She says the spell will transport us to another world."

I cocked my head. "Like when you went to go get your crown from Sunset Shimmer? Ooo! Are we going to Canterlot High?", I asked, perking up.

Twilight shook her head. "No, we're not going there. Celestia says this spell takes us to a place that nopony has been to before." She opened the spellbook and studided it for a moment.

"So, why are we here?", I asked.

"Celestia says she wants all of us to go. She said in her letter that she banished Nightmare Moon to that world."

"I thought she was good again though." Rarity said, interrupting Twilight.

Twilight shook her head. "Not anymore. Luna snapped again, so Celestia thought it would be safe for everypony to put her there. But, she's been causing trouble, and brought the other villains from our world to help her. Now she's taking lives."

I gulped. "L-Lives?", I heard Fluttershy whimper.

Twilight nodded solemnly. "Yes. Celestia says she banished Nightmare Moon to a place called the Dark Forest, where evil spirits reside, seeking vengeance. Nightmare Moon has sworn to destroy that world, and she'll take as many lives as she needs to to do so. That's why we must go to this world, and stop her. Its our only hope."

Twilight looked at the spellbook one last time, and with her horn glowing brightly, cast the spell. I turned to see that I was disappearing. Then I started to panic. But in a flash, the six of us were gone.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*To the world of da warrior kitties! :D-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Brackentail was bringing his patrol back to camp when he saw a flash in the distant trees.

"Come on. Let's go see what that is.", he said, calling to his patrol, breaking into a run.

The patrol ran up into the trees and saw six young cats. One was a purplish silver cat with purple eyes, one was a bright ginger with crystal blue eyes, one was a blue gray tabby with a tuft of white fur on her chest, and had strange rainbow colored eyes, another was a small light golden she-cat that had turquoise eyes, one was dark gold with light gold splotches with green eyes, and the last one was a long furred pure white cat with royal blue eyes.

The patrol surrounded the cats and Brackentail heard them talking.

"Twilight! I can't believe you turned me into a cat!", the white cat hissed.

"That's not what happened, Rarity! We were transported to this world, and turned into cats in the process.", the silver cat said briskly.

"Well, I'm still a cat! Twilight! Fix this!"

"I can't!"

The dark gold cat stepped in front of the two quarrelling cats.

"That's enough. Y'all need ta stop so we can figure this out.", she said in an odd accent.

The two cats calmed down. Brackentail nodded to his patrol and they surrounded the six cats. The blue gray tabby saw them and whispered to her companions. The six cats split up, running in three directions. Two of them headed towards the ThunderClan camp. Brackentail raced beside his patrol to catch up with the two she-cats. The large group made it to the ThunderClan camp where they all collapsed.


And there's your chapter! The story will be pretty slow for the next few chapters. The Mane Six will find their places in their respected Clans, and hopefully soon you'll get some conflict. Yea, I dunno at this point. But whatever.

Oh, yeah, last night I saw a bear.

Stay away from bears, you beautiful pineapples.


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