Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"How'd you sleep?" Quert, the dwarf with the brown hat asks me with a smile as he hovers over me and my makeshift bed.

   "I slept great, thank you all again for your kindness, how can I repay you?" I ask and stand up, still wearing Penelope's clothes that I stole.

   "You don't need to do anything, maybe just visit us again if you get the chance. Good luck with your journey and running away from home," Flint says with a smile.

   I wink at the kind dwarf wearing his red hat. I couldn't be happier that I ran into him last night. Having a different place to stay for just a night to put my mind at ease feels so good.

   Waking up in a new place has my mind refreshed, I feel like I'm ready for anything. I may be crazy for thinking this, but I think I'm gonna go back the the castle. I feel like I can take on Sage, I just have a feeling that today, people may believe me when I tell them about her wicked ways.

   As I say farewell to the seven dwarfs as they head off to the Enchanted Forest's gem mines for work, I head out on my way, back to the palace.

   The air moves in blossoming arcs within the sun's rays, bringing on a new day. I'm feeling lucky today, got the sunshine on my side.


Walking back to the castle in the clear daylight feels so much more relaxing than the chilling cold of the night.

   As I get back to the castle I call home, the guards are hesitant at first to let me in.

   "Sir, I assure you that I'm Princess Snow White. I mean look at my black hair, green eyes, rosy cheeks, and fair skin. I swear I'm telling the truth," I say to the guard and cross my arms.

   Having people think I'm a crazy liar is second nature at this point, but it doesn't make me any less upset.

   "Last time I checked, Princess Snow wore frilly gowns, not a black tee and ripped jeans," the soldier laughs.

   "Why can't you just let me in? I don't need to explain myself to you!" I huff.

   "New protocols. Queen Sage won't allow us to let random people wander in the palace," another guard laughs.

   "Well if that's so, I can't wait to see her get upset when she finds out that you're refusing to let her stepdaughter inside her own castle," I say and raise my brows.

   The two guards look at each other with wide eyes then immediately open the castle's big silver doors for me.

   I guess bringing up Sage was a good idea.

   "Thank you," I smile and waltz in.

   I find my way upstairs into my room and after a nice shower and a new outfit, I feel refreshed and ready to take on whatever has come my way.


"Oh, there you are! I didn't catch you this morning!" Penelope says as she comes into my bedroom.

   I'm sitting in front of my mirror, brushing my hair. It still feels weird having it so short but I've honestly grown to love it.

   "Yeah, I had a late night. Actually, Asher and I broke up again but I don't wanna talk about it. How was your night?" I ask.

   "Snow, I'm so sorry. I didn't even know you guys were dating again," my maid says.

   "I don't wanna talk about it. Tell me all about your night! Did you dance with any princes?" I ask excitedly.

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