Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I've packed a bag and am now setting out for the Enchanted Forest. I didn't say goodbye to Father or William and I feel awful, but I'd rather be guilty of it than dead. If I'm going to leave, I need to do it now and that includes not getting to say goodbye to my family.

   Penelope's promised to keep my secret, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm going to miss her so much, I mean, I'm gonna miss everyone so much, but I'm going to have to be alone for a while.

   I don't know where I'm gonna go, I don't even know if I'm going to stay in this kingdom. Don't know what's down this road either, I'm just walking, hoping that the right place will find me.

   My goodness, the dwarf's cottage! I could go there!

   They were so friendly and kind, maybe they'll take me in. I could tell them the truth about who I am and maybe they'll take me in. Maybe if I just explain that I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world, they'll let me live with them.


"Oh, Sarah! You're back!" Flint exclaims as he answers the quaint cottage's small door before I can even get the chance to knock. "Guys! Sarah's back!" he shouts to his friends.

   "Yeah," I laugh nervously.

   "Well don't just stand there, come on in!" the sweet dwarf wearing his red hat smiles.

   I get on my knees and crawl through the small door. I smile as I see the other six dwarfs all sitting at their small table, excited to see me.

   "Sarah, we didn't think we'd see you back this soon!" Barnaby, wearing his green hat, says.

   "Yeah, what happened to running away from home?" Gus laughs and scratches his short black beard.

   "It's a long story, you guys wanna hear it?" I ask and let out a small laugh.

   Chuck's baby blue eyes that match his blue hat grow wide. "I love stories!"

   "We've got nothing better to do," Flint laughs. "Saturdays are our days off anyways, we're not mining today."

   I smile and take a seat on the floor, crossing my legs. The cottage's roof is maybe five and a half feet tall at best, so sitting on the cold floor is the only way I can be comfortable.

   "So before, I can even begin, I'm sorry I lied to you all," I take in a deep breath. "My name isn't Sarah, it's actually Snow."

   The seven little men collectively gasped.

   "Snow? Like Snow White?" Copper questions.

   "Wait, so that means you really are the princess? No way!" Grub exclaims.

   "Hold on, I thought your name was Sarah. Why would you lie to us?" Barnaby asks and crosses his arms.

   "Guys! Let Sarah, I mean, Snow, talk!" Flint shouts.

   I let out a deep breath. "I know it may sound crazy but yes, I'm Princess Snow White and I'm running away from the castle. My stepmother wants me dead and my life is in danger."

   "I can't believe we're in the presence of a princess!" Quert the brown-hatted dwarf smiles.

   "I can't believe we let her stay with us for a night! We helped a princess!" Chuck shouts with excitement.

   "I can't believe she lied to us about her name," Barnaby says and crosses his arms, still not over the fact that my name isn't really Sarah.

   "Guys, enough! Let Snow explain, she's probably scared right now if the queen is out for her blood," Flint says and tries to calm his roommates down.

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