Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

The soldier takes off his silver helmet to show off his beautiful blonde hair, wide blue eyes, and shining smile.

   I know this man, in fact, I love this man and I've missed him so much.

   "Asher!" I exclaim and run up and hug him as tight as I can.

   I get a whiff of the metal armor, but as my face presses against his, I smell his usual citrus scent, giving me just another reminder of how much I missed him.

   "How did you find me?" I whisper as I pull away so I can look at him.

   Asher's blue eyes are mesmerizing, they make me forget that I'm supposed to be practicing fighting today. I'm not reminded that my stepmother is trying to kill me. Instead, Asher brings me a sense of calmness and a sense of hope that maybe one day, I'll get to live in peace.

   "Snow don't be silly. I always find a way to get to you," he smiles and grabs a hold of my hand.

   "I'm glad you found me, but you can't be here long. Sage is still on the hunt for me and I don't want to risk getting caught," I say sadly.

   "Snow, I don't wanna live without you. You can't make me leave," Asher whispers and pulls me in for another hug.

   "Oh, so this is the handsome Prince Charming that Snow never shuts up about," Gus chuckles and comes up to us.

   "Um, yeah. Prince Asher Charming at your service," my boyfriend laughs and takes a bow.

   "Asher, this is Gus and Copper, they're two of seven dwarfs who have been letting me stay with them all these months," I introduce. "I've been safe with them," I smile.

   "You have no idea how happy that makes me," Asher says.

   "Why don't you guys take an hour or so to yourselves in the cottage? Copper and I can go into town to give you guys some space," Gus suggests.

   I smile and wink at Gus then grab Asher's hand and take him to the cottage. We get on our knees and crawl inside, then take no time to press our lips together.

   Asher melts into me as his fingers tangle in my hair. My mouth opens to his and our tongues meet for a quick second before he pulls away.

   "I missed this. I've missed you," he smiles and looks around the cottage. "It's kinda small in here," Asher laughs.

   "Yeah," I say and look away. "But it's the best I can do. I've been safe and secure here, it's all I can ask for."

   "You know, I talked to your father," Asher starts, "I went to the White Castle a few weeks after you were in the Charming Kingdom for Amelia's sleepover. Your father told me that you were missing and I was heartbroken. Ever since then, I've been riding all over the Fairy Tale World trying to find you."

   Wow. He's been looking for me for six whole months. If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

   "And you never gave up?" I ask.

   "No, of course I didn't. I love you so much, Snow. I love every little detail about you. I love the kind and patient side of you, and I especially love the wild side of you. I think about you every single second, I mean, you drive me crazy half the time, the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true," he says, grabs my waist, and lifts me up. I cross my legs around him and his armor, taking in this sweet moment. "I love you, Snow White. I love you so much," he whispers in my ear.

   I kiss his lips softly for a while then slowly go in rougher and rougher. He said he likes the sweet side of me, but he also likes the wild side, so I'll give him both.

   He pulls away after a few minutes of locking lips, and I jump down from his arms.

   "Asher, you're going to have to leave soon, but just know, I love you too. Nobody gets me like you do and I couldn't be happier to have you on my side through all of this," I say.

   "I don't wanna leave you Snow. These six months have been so hard. I can't let you go now that I've found you," he says softly and grabs my hands and holds them together.

   "I know, I know," I say. "But like you said, we'll always find each other. Once everything with Sage is over, you're the first person I'll come running to," I assure him.

   "Well, when the day comes, you know where to find me," Asher says and pulls me in for another hug.

   I don't know when that day will come or how things with Sage are going to play out, but I hope that day is soon. It could be more months, it could be years even, but however long the wait is, it'll all be worth it.

   Asher and I crawl through the cottage's tiny door and I hug him one last time. "I love you," I whisper.

   "I love you more, princess," he winks then walks over to his horse who's tied up to the side of the cottage.

   I watch as he rides away, off into the morning sunrise, ready for whatever comes his way.

   As for me, I'm definitely not ready for what I have coming, but I know I can get through it. With Asher's support in the back of my mind, I know I'll be able to fight Sage. 

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