Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Yesterday I had a great birthday but today is a new day and I need to get back to cooking, cleaning, and making sure our cottage is in the best shape.

   For dinner, I'm thinking of making chicken pasta with green beans. Of course, we're out of vegetables, so I guess I need to pick some out in the Enchanted Forest.

   I grab a basket and take in a deep breath as I step outside of the cottage's door.

   Now that I know how to fight thanks to Copper and Gus, I know I'll be able to defend myself if I see that huntsman again or anyone who looks like they're working for my stepmother.


I walk about a half mile north of the cottage where I know there'll be a garden of green beans, carrots, and peas.

   Throughout the White Kingdom, there are community gardens where anyone can go to pick vegetables and fruits. It was an idea my mother had when a lot of our citizens came to the castle begging for food.

   As I approach one of the small community gardens, I see an arrow fly by in the distance. A woman with the prettiest blonde curls I've ever seen runs by. She doesn't have a bow and arrow with her so I think she's the one being chased.

   Close behind her is a familiar tan man with dark curls and a sly smile.

   Sage's huntsman is chasing after the blonde woman, shooting arrows at her, missing every aim.

   This man must be pretty good in bed for Sage to keep around because he's got horrible aim.

   I decide to leave my basket on the ground and try to help the woman out. If the huntsman is chasing her, that means Sage is chasing her. Anyone who's against the queen is someone I need to help.

   A large cave is just south of here and I'm sure that'll be the best place to hide from the huntsman.

   I sprint as fast as I can to the cave and take a moment to breathe. I'm pretty fast so thankfully, I've gotten here before the woman has.

   A minute passes and I start to hear heavy breathing and hard footsteps approach. The second the blonde woman passes me, I reach my hands out and pull her inside the cave. Before she can get out a scream, I put my hand over her mouth and quiet her down.

   "Shh, don't worry. I'm here to help," I assure the woman.

   I can make out her nodding and then she quiets herself and sits on the ground, letting her heart rate slow down.


After a few minutes or so, I can sense that the huntsman is gone, so I speak up. "The coast is clear, let's get out of here," I say and motion for her to come out of the cave.

   Once we're both out, I get a close look at the woman and she's absolutely gorgeous. Her baby blue eyes compliment her golden hair, and she looks so well put together. There may be dirt stained on her face, but I can still see the beauty within her.

   "So who are you?" she asks, confused at who I am and why I helped her.

   If Sage is trying to get her, she's on my side, I probably don't need to lie about who I am. "I'm Snow," I smile.

   The woman just stares at me for a minute then shakes her head, pulling herself from her thoughts. "Oh, I'm Goldilocks," she says. "Thanks for helping by the way."

   I smile at her. "It's no problem. Queen Sage's huntsman was chasing you. I'm not sure what her intentions were, but her huntsman is brutal. I'm glad I was able to help."

   Goldilocks gives me a nod then I tell her to follow me. Hiding away at the cottage has helped me stay safe from my stepmother all these months, maybe Goldilocks can get some safety for a bit.

   "Are you by any chance the princess of this kingdom?" she asks.

   I laugh at her. "Yeah, I am the princess."


   I haven't thought about my title in a while because I don't feel like a princess anymore. I don't get to wear long ballgowns or dance at parties. I don't get my meals made for me and I have to make my own bed.

   But maybe being a princess doesn't mean all of those things. I may not live in the castle, but I'm still as kind, selfless, compassionate, and big-hearted as the girl who did.

   I may not look like a princess anymore, but I always will be one.

   I'll always be Princess Snow White who has hair as black as a raven, lips as red as blood, and skin as white as snow. 

Author's Note:

Wow! I can't believe I've finished this short story already! This was a fun one to write, Snow's always been a favorite of mine and I'm so happy I was able to dive into her story while being chased by Sage. Also, I know that it seems like this story didn't get a proper ending, but if you've read Cursed Hearts, then you know that the end of this story just dove into the beginning of that one! Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it so much! I really hope you enjoyed it! Thanks again!

Also, the Fairy Tale World series is far from over and I have another short story planned that will be up in a few days. Thanks again for reading, I appreciate your support so much!              

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