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Travis Pov :

Im not sure how to think, but now i have to act like my ligal brother is a stranger and my sister is a dog. What if they hant to watch our show with Phillip? what then. he can't clone himself. what was he thinking? WHAT WAS I THINKING? we can't do this collab, they will find out.. do they already know?

a docter walked in along whit Anya they talked and i got discharged, the doctor said i passed out beaccuse of stress, I guess all of this is in a way pretty stressful, the collab, reconneting and everything. well, the reconnection came after I fainted, but it still feels stressful. I don't know it feels like something is going to happen, something bad.

Phillip: "Here, mom brought your normal cloughts."

Travis : "Thanks."

I took the bag containing my cloughts and walked into the bathroom and changed. Ugh, my reflection.. I hate it so much, It doesn't seem like I will get used to it anytime soon.. I put my hand on the left cheek and dragged my hand along its smooth serface, All I could think about was that scars that had fascinated me all those years ago. he has such a beautiful face under that plain emotionless prosthetic. I bet if I got close enough, I could still have ditect what his eyes say. 

I walked out of the bathroom where Grace was playfully arguing with Phillip about how his makeup looked, and Anya just looked done whit there shit. She was ready to go. I think she's happy the mansion is big enough to get away from the two. If you couldn't tell, im the favorite child, I don't really understand why. I mean, shouldn't Phillip be the favorite? he's at least blood related to them. Anya says that blood or religion or anything other than love don't make a family, which I guess is correct. I love Anya, she's the mother I have always wished for. She saw i had a hard time adjusting to my new family when I came, and she sat me down and told me how our family works, I'm not Christian anymore, not like i ever was. I still wear the cross, though. Feels wrong to take it off.

we walked to the car and I sat in the front while Anya drove, Yeah we are very rich, we can afford a driver but in a way doing this kinds of stuff, go grocery shopping, Driving all that normal stuff makes her happy, she doesn't whant to look like some spoiled woman who spoil her children just beacuse she has the money to do so. I respect that about her. We aren't any better than anyone else just because we are rich.

when we got home, I was greeted with a big hug from Malikai and a ton of questions on how I'm doing and if I'm okay and all that, Anya said she already got me a therapist incase I needed to vet my stress out or needed someone to talk to. we were sitting in the living room when Anya got a text on her phone. It was Mr. Fisher or Henry says that we will meet up tomorrow for the weighting of the collab song. They have already started weighting a bit, and we, me Phillip and Grace, will write  a bit, and we see where we will go from there. we dont know a team or anything, so we are just gonna write some bullshit.

Anya and malakai left the room to let us start working on the song, It's our first time collating with anyone, so this is all new to us all.

Grace : "What if we Wright something a long the lines of 'Baby you can drive my car... Yes, I'm gonna be a star~ ""

Phillip: "That doesn't make any seanse."

Grace : "Oh well, come whit something better or help out instead of texting Larry Johnson."

Travis : "hurd Sal cut his long hair a bit, It's  a jellyfish hair cut now. He even dyed the tops a faded black"

Phillip: "Oh yeah, it looked really cool when we saw him."

Grace : "Mhh."

Travis : " And I tried to hold him, but it didn't really last long.. he's getting older.. I guess he's gotta cut his blue hair off."

Phillip: "Ba, ba, bam~"

Grace : "Have ya'll ever thought this is a weird way to Wright songs?"

Travis: "Yup, we have. You're Wright this down?"

Grace : "Yes."

We kept going from one subject to another before we had a big brain map with words and sentences we liked. Phillip let out a small gasp and a giggle while checking his phone so Grace and I looked over to see what was going on.

Phillip: "What? Oh, also, I found out that they are thinking of wanting to do a live story song"

Grace : "How do you know?"

Phillip: "Larry, you idiot."

Grace : "Shut your blue ass up. I'm a wolf. I can claw ur eye our, aWooo!"

Travis: "dont to that."

Grace: "boreing"

we keep working for hours before we get so tired we all pass out on the couch. we deserved a long rest after all our hard work, hope it was worth it, only way to know is by tomorrow,  can't wait to meet my blue hair boy again.

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt