Show Time, Baby!

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Phillip Pov :

Where the fuck is she, we are supose to go on stage In like 10 minuts!

Travis : " Phillip where is Grace?"

Phillip  : "I dont fucking know"

We looked at each other for a sec, I think we both imagened the worsed sanerios going on in our heads, She left like 20 mins ago to run to the store and buy glue beacuse a pice of her mask feel off and we didnt have anything to fix it here, witch is like really fucking dumb like whos the Mororn that run thes fucking show and why do they NOT keep glue or any fixing material for the singers who need to repare shit.

The crowed is going wiled and every few minuts someone girl eould scream so high pich you would think she had lost her voice but nope, same girl 4 mins later.

Anya : "Трэвис и Филипп, где ваша сестра?" (Travis and Phillip, where is your sister?)

Travis : " Мы не знаем! она должна вернуться!" (We dont know! she was supose to be back by now!)

Travis looked so sad and scared. I was too, but he looked like he was in a panic, I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled im into a hug. He has a fear that birth parents will come for them and try to finish the retual, which is like dude they have at least 20 more years in prison.

Phillip  :"Может попробуешь ей позвонить? она не отвечает на наши звонки" (Can you try calling her? she's not responding to our calls)

Anya : " Хорошо, если ее не будет здесь, когда нам придется выйти на сцену, спой «АРВА»" (Okay, if she's not here when we are supposed to go on stage, sing "ARVA")

Phillip  : "ок, мам" (okay, mom)

I watched my mom as she picked up her phone, her lock screan was a picture of me, travis and grace hoping up the adoption pappers ourside our house in russia, crazy how his acully my brother now, I mean yeah I have always see him as my brother but now hes acully my brother and Grace is my sister, so I guess santa did get my letter after all, a little late respons but thank Santa anyways! where  are you, Grace?

Grace POV:

fuck, fuck, Shit! Im fucking late! hope im not too late! I ran as quickly as I could, I knew I would be faster as a werewolf but I can't risk people finding out its not a costume, I held the bag whit glue and my mask in it close to my chest just to make sure I didn't drop them. AH! YES! Im in time, kinda.. I started running quicker trying my best to run around the crowed of howling people. Damn shes hot.. Grace focuse, Stage now.

Grace : "Ouf!"

I ran into someone standing, fuuuuck, I hate myself so much.

Grace :"I'm so, so sorry! I'm such a stupid clumbs!"

Larry : "hay, it's okay. You good?"

I looked up as I recognized the voice, Larry? Oh yeah fuck they where supose to watch the show. I forgot completely. I stood up quickly, getting out a sound to excuse myself, but before I could start running to the back, I felt a little push

Sal : Almost forgot your mask, little wolf.

I looked over to the short blue haired boy holding my mask, Oh no.. My face turned red out of emberessment and then pale from relaxation they knew what I looked like now. I snatched my broken mask and looked at Sal straight in the eyes.

Grace  "Dont tell anyone!"

I griped the mask close to me and pushade trought to get to the stage, I was late!


Grace : "I'm sorry, there was a long as line!"

Phillip : "Мать! она вернулась!" (Mom! shes back!")

Travis came to me and pulled im into a hug as sound as he was close enough. Phillip ran over and joined into the hug. I huged them both back, it was nice knowing they cared so much about me. Mom walked over to us while we huged. and let go.

Grace : "Мама! Извините, я опоздал!" (Mom! Im sorry, im late!)

Anya :"Грейс, все в порядке. Я просто волновался, не случилось ли с тобой чего-нибудь" (Grace, it's okay. I was just worried if something had happened to you)

she gave me one of her nice warm smiles that made everything I have ever done okay.

Anya : "Идти! ты начинаешь через 5 минут и выходишь на сцену!" (Go! you start in 5 minutes and go on stage!)

Grace: "A fuck my mask"

I looked at my mask lucky it wasn't super broken just a bit of a cracked, I put glue over the crack just to make sure it didn't break during the show beacuse that would suck. Suck ass, travis would probably like to suck Sal's ass. Bro is a hard cored simp for real. All he talks about is Sal. Now, not to me, but he talks to Phillip about it, and Phillip tells me, in this trio, it's either keep it to yourself or everyone will find out sooner or later.

I put on my mask and started climbing the ladder to go to my starting position, when I finally reached the top I saw Travis on the otherside giving me a thumbs up, I gave him one to agreeing that we are okay. We have done this tousent times before, but it's always a little nerve recking. so for you.who don't understand what we are doing, we are gymnastics, so we do tricks and stuff on stage. the first trick is a fake fall, me and Travis will swop from each side and try to switch pole but we will fail to do so get caught in the net but then the net will snap and we will fall onto a mattress that's hidden a bit bellow stage. there we will turn into werewolfs as Phillip sings "wolf in sheep's clothing" the we will join in. The whole show has a lot of pruformaces which I could tell you about but I

Phillip: "Are you breaking the 4th wall again?"

Grace : ""

Phillip: "this is why Mom doesn't fucking love you"

Travis : "mom loves grace, but this is why you don't get to have a pov"

Grace : "I have thought and feelings"

Phillip: "yeah, unvalid once"

Grace : "fuck you, I will tell mom now I'm turning off my headset I.dont whant to talk to you slanky bitches anyways"

Sometimes I wish I didn't have Phillip as my brother, he always knew what's up. he is a slinky bitch. and he's mean sometimes.

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora