Dog brother.

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Phillip pov :

Phillip : "FUCK! He knows."

Grace : "what's going on?"

I looked over at my sibling, we were all waiting for our mom to come and discharged Travis.. Again. they looked at me with confusion, which is understandable.

Travis : "If you didn't want me to say who I am, I'm sorry, I"

Phillip: "No, Travis, it's okay.. he just texted me, "P-star?" he figured out who i am."

Grace : "Do you know who I am?"

Travis: "I think the chances of him knowing are pretty high."

I texted Larry back while Grace and Travis looked at me with desperation, they whanted to know what was going on, what's comeing next, Is this the end to our career?

"Meet me at the beach later at 20.00"

I felt a buzz but dared not to check just yet. we waited in silace for around 6 minuts befor a doctor walked in along whit mom.

Anya : "Трэвис! мой малыш, ты в порядке? Ты поел? ты заставляешь мое материнское сердце волноваться" (Travis! my baby, are you okay? Have you eaten? you make my motherly heart worry)

He reached out her arm and walked over, cupping Travis face and kissing him on the head, pulling him close into a hug. Travis always looked so surprised when she did thes things, Showing and expressing her love for her children, I feel so sad every time I think about how his Mom or dad did that to him. Travis wrapped his arms around mom. He leaned into the hug like he had longed for it. I looked over at Grace, and we looked at each other, I love having a typ of sibling understandment. It's like having friends on a different level. looking at grace, I knew she also whanted a hug. I walked over to her side of the bed, and we hugged. we both shed a tear just to annoy Travis about the situation.

Travis : "What are you two doing?"

Phillip: "I just get so emotional when I see mother and son bonding."

Grace : "Oh, It's really beautiful."

Travis : "You two are the pain to my existence."

Anya : "Stop bothering your brother."

mom rarely spoke english with us, It's always russian, we stopped and looked at her like we waited for something.

Anya : "Что? Я понимаю английский" (What? I understand english)

Phillip: "да, но вы редко говорите с нами на этом языке" (Yes, But you rarely speak this language whit us"

I let go of garce, and she put one hand on her hip, resting her standing. She nodded in a greement, The doctor who had seen this all unfold in sliance walked up to mom and gave her a small papper. she gave him a nod, and he walked out. I handed Travis the cloughts he had on the day before when he passed out.

Anya : "давай, давай что-нибудь поедим, сейчас почти 13:25." (come on, let's get something to eat. It's almost 13:25)

we walked out of the room to give Travis privacy while changing. He came out like 5 minutes later, and we walked to the car, not much to say to each other. but Travis looked back at me and Grace, looking at us like asking if he should tell her or not, I looked at Grace, and she looked at me. It was my choice to do it or not. I gave Travis a small nod when walking out of the building he told mom everything about Sal, our fake identities, Larry. we sat in the car, Travis in the front to talk to mom more. and me and grace in the back. I pulled out my phone.

"How's Travis?"
"What's going on? see you at 20.00"

I closed my phone and looked, Waiting for what our mom have to say next.

Anya: "Я поговорю с Малакаем" (I'll talk to Malakai)

and we rode in silence until we stopped at a McDonald's to eat some breakfest, lunch?, Brunch?.

Travis : "Что говорится в записке?" (what does the note say?)

Anya pulled out the note, I guess it was just easier letting him read it instead of translating it all into russian. I sat next to him and dicided to read it too, He didn't pull away and let me read, I guess he's use to my curiouser nature.

The not basecly said that he need to start eating 3 times a day to not get a eating disorder. It wouldn't be the first time. and to talk to a therapist. this is all so stupid. I mean yeah I whant my brother to be fine but it's the same note over and over. he keeps going to the hospital, he keeps getting sent to a therapist. it doesn't help, why can't people see it dosent help. I looked at the hopeless expression on Travis face. he's tierd too. After the long silent brunch, Mom drove us home and whent to walk whit dad about the situation. Travis returned his place on the couch.

Phillip : "who needs a cat when you have a human-dog brother as a couch potato"

Travis : "Haha, very funny"

Phillip: "Move over your tall gens are take up a lot of the couch"

Travis didn't move. he just turned into his full dog form so I will feel bad over telling him to move. but whatever a he's shorter this way, Too big to be considered a normal sized dog but too small to be a human length. his cloughts layed in a pile under his big dog butt.

Phillip : "Why are you like this"

Travis : "Warff!"

Phillip : "I know you can Talk in your dog form too, you can't fool me."

Travis : "Stop complaining and sit down, I gave you more space as you whanted"

Phillip : "Yeah but your naked on the couch I don't whant to sit next to a naked guy"

Travis : "I have fur"

Phillip : "Yeah but if u turned human you eould be nakend"

Travis : "I won't turn human"

Grace had gone to on the opposite side of the couch looking at her phone. Most likely texting Soda. I'm not gonna bother keep arguing whit Travis about having fur. His still naked on the couch.

Travis : "Look, wasn't so bad was it? whana pet me and feel better, petting cute things make people feel better"

Phillip : "Shut up befor I chain you to the dog house"

Travis : "Woah, Threatening me? rude"

I reached over and pulled out a hair.

Travis : "OW! Dude!"

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