The everlasting dance

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Sals Pov :

Grace ran into Phillip's arms and he embraced her in a hug. Todd pulled out his phone and put on flash. He said something about how dumb he didn't think of that befor, dumb of us all to not think of that befor. Now that there was so much light I got a pretty clear viwe of it all. we where in a long hall way and there where metal doors whit cell bar holes in them. many on both side. what kinds of horrors did Kenneth do here..

Phillip: "Grace have you been here before?"

Grace : "No.. I just know Travis have.. He's the only one along whit father and mother who have"

Larry : "I have always wondered why you two only call them father and mother and not mom and dad"

Grace : "Weren't allowed too, Come on"

We started walking after Grace who was still in her... dog... form?.. He sniffed the floor as we walked.

Larry : "Why weren't you allowed too?

Neil : "So you're a search dog?"

Grace : "Fist of all, Rude Neil, I'm not a search dog, I'm a human who can turn into a dog also gaining a very good seanse of smell If I could I would be in my human form but I don't whant to turn human incase ya'll see me naked. so I chose to stay in this form. second of all We weren't allowed too beacuse we just weren't, If we called them anything else but Mother and Father or Ma'am or Sir, we would get beaten, Travis more then me.. He suffered the most"

Sal : "..poor Travis.. "

Ash : "Explains why he was the way he was in high school"

Todd : "though ya'll figured that out years ago"

Larry : "Didn't think it was so bad that if he addressed the wrong he would get beaten"

Poor Travis.. really, I wish I could have helped sooner. Even now 8 years later, I feel guilty not helping sooner. My poor blond.. brunnett? boy..

Grace : "Phillip, there's so many smells, I don't know witch is Travis, I don't know whitch to follow"

Phillip : "Oh great at a cross too, Really fucking amazing."

Larry reached out and took Phillip's hand. Pulling Phillip back a little. It was kinda akword that he dared to do that infron of us all. Love really is blind, ain't it?

Sal : "As much as I love that you two are dating again, I would really love if we could get the guy I whant to date out of danger AKA away from his father so I can have a boyfriend just once in my life, thank you"

Larry and Phillips faces turned red and grace sniffed more on the middle of the cross. she seemed confused raising her head pointing her ears up.

Grace : "Do you guys hear that?"

Sal : "Hear what?"

Phillip: "Shh"

We all got quite trying to hear what ever Grace was hearing. grace started walking twords the left and we followed, then a right turn and another left and slowly we started hearing a song.. seemed old.. song.. "as when the dove" and old classing opera song, the voice was familure.. Travis? Travis can sing opera???

we keept following the music until we came to a big door, It looked out of place.m It was a dubble door, it was shining, just dusty it looked like it was made from some rare magical Crystal. and a big golden dog stood in the middle holing at something. It was so out of place and so fancy.. too fancy. Phillip tried to open the doors.

Phillip: "Ugh there too heavy! Help, please"

We all whent and tried to open the doors and they where really stick shut. I banged my fist against the door.

Sal: "TRAVIS!"

the door clicked and started to slowly open itself up.. my jaw dropped a little underneath my prosthetic and I'm pretty sure the others where as shocked and impressed as me.

Larry : "how did you.."

Sal: "I.. I don't know.."

The door creaked open and slowly we could see the big room behind the door. It was even more impressive then the door itself.. The whole room seemed like out of a fantasy book. The walls where made of the same beautiful crystal like material and big mirrors where on all four sides. The ceiling had a.. beautiful art work, is.. is that supose to be me? In the middle of The ceilings painting was a blue hair boy whit the same prosthetic I have on. and under my look alike where Travis? holding a cross praying.. the rest of the ceiling art work was just beautiful glittering crystals and golden dogs.. The room was mostly empty except for a music box and.. Travis.. Like the real human Travis, He was dressed in a black
liturgical vestments, uselt worn by prints. he had a white collar and his old Cross necklace on. His hair had been dyed blond once more.

He was singing opera song and dancing a duet dance alone, waiting for a partner to dance whit.. something about it all drew me in.. I couldent control myself I walked twords Travis who was danceing whit an invisible partner and took the place joining into the polska dance.. Somehow I just knew where to put my feet..

Travis : "As when the dove, Lements her love~"

Sal : "All on The naked spray.. When he returns"

Travis & Sal : "No more she mourns, But loves the live-long day"

Travis moved his hand and uncliped my prosthetic, starting into my eyes.. I was in a trace, I couldent stop him, I didn't whant to stop him.. we where both force to keep danceing.. we where stuck.. but we whanted too.. we belonged here.. together.

Travis let my prosthetic fall to the floor, breaking in the proses, who cared? not us. he danced breaking it more when stepping on it. something told me to stop, stop destroying it... but I couldent.

Travis : "Wretched lovers! Fate has past"

Sal : "This sad decree: no joy shall last"

Sal & Travis : "Wretched lovers, quit your dream! Behold the monster Polypheme!"

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