Beach date

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Travis Pov :

The moon was nice, ugh im so hungry, I just can't bring myself to eat, why. The thought of eating just sickens me. Why am I doing this to myself. lucky the moon made me feel better, The sound of the waves Rolling in the shore the cold air hitting my face, it was all so nice. I liked the loneliness of it all because, in a way, I didn't feel lonely at all. Just at peace. Herr, I could be Travis and not T, who seems to be my new personality. I got to kiss Sal, though.. that was nice, I missed his lips so much.

Sal : "Are you native American?"

Ek! Huh? I- where the fuck did he come from??? do I not look native American? ugh back into the T role play.

T : "Yeah, I am. How did you know?"

Sal : "Just good at guessing, I guess."

We talked a little, and Sal climbed up on the wall to sit, I was a bit worried he would fall, Now it's not a very deep fall, but He could hurt himself badly. he took of his prosthetic off after I told him he looked like he had two black eye sockets instead of actual eyes. Woah, he was as beautiful as I remembered, even more beautiful, I really love his unique face. I just stared at him in awe until I realized I had to say something.

T : "Wow, you are beautiful under the prosthetic..."

he looked shocked over what came out of my mouth.. Fuck did I say something wrong? shit.. Travis, what the hell. Sal started figeting with the prosthetic in his hands. he turned around to look at the moonlight in the water.

Sal : "Thanks.. it's very beautiful here during the night.."

T : "Yeah, I like it here. I uselt take evening walks here just to look at the moonlight. Sometimes, I get P-star and Little Wolf to join me."

Sal : "That seems wonderful, My brother would probably not do that even if I beged. He's somewhat of a lazy ass."

I cuckled and reach to take sals hand, He didn't fight back and let me take his hand in mine.

T : "Well I'm here, let's enjoy it. Come one. "

I held his hand while he got off the wall, and we started walking down twords the middle where the wall stopped and led down a ramp where we walked down, befor we stepped foot on the sand we both took of our shose. He held his blue convers, I guess he bought another per after the first one. I had black shoes on. The green just wasn't the style in russia.

We started walking on the beach, still holding hands like it was the most normal thing in the world. this is wrong. what? this is wrong. No. THIS IS WRONG. NO! SHUT UP!. I let go of sals hand and put my hands over my ears, trying to get the voice to stop. I sat down on the sand holding my ears.


Sal : "T! ARE YOU OKAY?"




My vision whent black and I could hear Sal yelling my name. He picked up his phone and called someone. Who was he calling?. Sinful, descusting creature. Father..

When I woke up, I looked around the white room. Hospital, again. fun. As I looked around the room, there were teenagers scattered everywhere. Ashley and Grace were on the couch sleeping. I hate when they sleep whit there masks on, It could be denguruse, but what chose  did they have?. Phillip was on a chair in a corner, resting his head on Larry's sholder who was sitting in the chair next to Phillip. Neil and Todd were cuddled up in a corner. and Sal sat on a chair next to my hospital bed and rested his head on my lap.

I reached out and combed my fingers through his blue hair. He's so pretty. I guess he's a light sleeper because he's head jolted up.

T : "Morning sleepyhead"

Sal : "T.. what happened at the beach?"

sould I tell him? would he understand? I can't tell him, I'm Travis Phelps. I just can't, It would put me and my sister in danger, and maybe my whole family too.

T : "I have a bad past whit my bio family. and sometimes I just feel like I can hear their disapproval of me."

Sals lip trembled like he wanted to say sometime, but he couldn't make out the words. He just sat up and took my hand.

Sal : "Doctor said you might have passed out because of lack of food. you should eat more, P-star said you have a bad relationship with food."

T : "I guess I do. I'm just not hungry. "

Sal : "Please eat. even if you're not hungry. "

This isn't right. Sal deserved to know who I was. but would that change everything. My poor blue boy, I know he just wants to take care of T because he, I, we? look like each other, beacuse well we are each other. But Sal doesn't know that, for all he knows, T and Travis are two different people.

T : "Sal, I think this needs to stop. I know you only care for me this much because I look like a past lover to you, but I can't see you beat yourself up about this anymore. I'm not him, Sal. I will never be him."

I haven't noticed it at the time but the rest of the grupp had awoken from our voices and where just listening to us. Sal didn't have his glass eye in, and his other eye he had left started tearing up, And where his left I sould have been where just an empty eye sockets that started filling up whit water, I rember Sal saying that when they operated away his left eye they kept the water pocket for some reson he couldent rember.

Sal : "I know."

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt