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Larry's Pov :

I looked over at what Sal was pointing at, and we saw just three people playing on the beach, so what? I looked over at Sal and the rest of the gang. They didn't seem to understand why Sal was so interested in those random people.

Larry : "Okay, Sal, let's go it's getting late, and mom is worried,"

I put my hand on my brother and started leading him with me, and the rest followed. all night had Sal been acting strange, Why? I guess we will just find out later at the apartments. Can this have anything to do with the hyper realistic fur sutes?

we arrived at the New York hotel apartment building after around 10 minutes of walking, we all were pretty quiet trying to figure out why Sal was acting so strange, the elevator ride up to the 4th floor was awkward non the less but when we finally got into sals apartment we where more worried the awkward, Neil locked then door comeing in last. Neil and Ashley started on dinner when we got home. Our original plan was to eat out, but Sal just started acting strange so that when in the trash, witch is a shame because I wanted pizza.  I sat down on the couch with Todd and Sal whent into his room to change his shirt.

Todd : "I think that I should co-ed."

Neil, Larry, and Ash : "No."

Todd : "Okay, fine. I see how it is. you start a fire One time and you have lost all rights to cook"

Neil : "Babe, it wasn't one time it was 6, and you always manage to burn things, Remember a year ago when you sat fire to water?"

Todd : "..."

Ashley and I chuckled, it's still funny to think about I mean who the fuck sets fire to water? Sal came out wearing my old oversized sanity falls T-shirt, revileing all his self-harm scars. He cut a lot after Travis left.. it's still sad to think how much impact that church bot had on my little brother, but I guess I don't have much to say, I did cut too after Phillip left.. two brothers falling for two best friends whom they can't be whit, irronic as fuck.

he walked over to stand in front of the couch, grabbing all of our attention. He took of his prosthetic so we know what ever he's going to say is important.

Sal : "Okay so quick explanation, when we where standing and looking at the show I hurd a crack like someone stepped on a stick and it broke, so I looked over and I saw T standing under the small stage by a ladder. he took of his mask and looked at me, and no dont call me crazy"

I looked over at Todd who looked at me, whatever he has to say next might he wierd. should I ask if he has taking his medication?

Sal : "I'm pretty sure I saw travis"

we looked at each other our faces soften to the knowledge that it wasn't something outragus but we looked back at Sal and gave him a sour look.

Larry : "Bro, I know you Mis-"

Sal : "No Larry,  I swear it was fucking Travis!"

Todd : "And your proof? I mean, Travis is blond, and T is Brunette. "

Sal: "I could recognize those different colored eyes anywhere,

Ash : "Oh? T has hetorocromia? cool"

Sal : "Is that all you care about? Not the fact that I just told you I think T might be my ex lover?"

Larry : "Barly your lover"

Sal : "I loved him, he loved me I think that's close enought"

Ash : "Eaaahuuuh.. Yeaaaaaa sureeeee"

Sal "OK. Let me rephrase, Not the fact that T might be the one and only person who wants to fuck an ugly monster like me? THERE. BETTER?"

it got quite in the room. is that really what he thought of himself? no one thinks his a monster.. right? I mean, a ton of people love us..

Larry : "sal..."

Sal had tears forming in his eyes, and he ran into his room. All of us just looked at each other, and Neil was sturing the soup.

Ash : "So..."

Larry : "Fine"

I stood up and looked at my friends who looked like they wanted to run away from the situation, out, far, far away. I walked up to his room and knocked twice. I could her his soft sobs behind the door, I messed up?

Larry : "Come on, sal.. let me in.. we are brothers, im here for you, I swaer. "

I hurd a click and I pulled the door knob,  walking into sals room I realized I had never really been in here, yeah when we first got the apartments in New York beacuse we do most of our work around here I helped most stuff in but other then that.. Sal was sitting on his bed curled up in a corner. He had his head down in his knees. Ever so often, he would give a little hic up and a snuffle.

I walked over at my little brother and sat on the bed, I looked at his bedside table it had a small lamp, a bunch of empty and half full medication flasks, and a picture.. of Travis, He was holding an ice cream and smiling, I guess it was from the day before he flew away to russia.

Larry : "Sal, I know you miss him, I know the feeling, I miss.. Ed.. Phillip, too, but I had to move on.."

Sal : "Bullshit, I know you better then anyone, you are not over Phillip, you had a crush on him for 3 years and nothing happened between you two and when it finally did he broke up whit you after a day. I know you feel like you failed your first relationship and wish you could do it again. "

I took my eyes off the picture of Travis and looked at Sal. his eyes were red from crying, and his face was wet.

Larry : "You really do know me better than anyone."

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora