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Larry's pov

Ashly has ignored me all day seanse we left the hospital, Sal has been hiding in his room, mom and dad have been trying to talk to him all day, but he's ignoring everything. we tierd putting food outside his room, but he ignored that too. Soon it was 19.30 and I decided it was time to start walking twords the beach where im supposed to meet Phillip.

I put on my shoes and texted my mom. I was going to the beach so she wouldn't worry where i was. the sun had started to set in the distance, and the cold breeze hit me in the face lightly. I put my hair up in a bunch because the wind made it fly into my face and annoyed me. when I came to the beach, it was 20.03, and Phillip had the same idea as I did. I would guess because he was already waiting for me. His hair glowed like blue flames in the sunset..

Larry : "Hay rockstar"

Phillip turned around and looked at me and stood up. I walked over to him as he was figeting a bit with his rings.

Phillip: "Come on, let's go a bit further away."

I followed him further away, He didn't have his russian accent. I guess he can control it like an on and off switch. It's pretty cool is you ask me. we walked for like 6 minutes before we stopped, we were at pretty much the end of the beach. where he ploped down on the sand and motioned for me to do the same.

Larry : "So why did you want to meet?"

Phillip: "You look nice whit your hair up."

Larry: "Thanks, didn't answer my question though -"

Phillip: "I.. I think you have questions, I have answered at least. I promise i will only tell the truth, okay?"

I looked at Phillip, He didn't look at me back, I think he wanted to avoid making eye contact because he's either nurvuse or ashemed if himself for lieing to me.

Larry : "... Are you P-star?"

Phillip: "Yes, I am."

Larry: "Why did you lie to me? you don't have to hide anything from me. "

Phillip: "I will do anything to protect my family, Larry, even if it means I have to lie."

Larry: "Do you still love me?"

Phillip's head jolted up from resting in his knees and turned to look at me, He's eyes met mine, and he looked like he didn't really whant to answer the question but he abluged and gave me a smile, his eyes stared to water a bit like he was going to cry.

Phillip: "Yes.. I do.. I love you, I have tried but no one made me feel the way you did back then.. meeting you again made me realize how much I whant you, how much I missed you. I'm sorry for braking things off like that, I just feet wrong keeping you in a long distance relationship, knowing that you like physical touch"

I didn't need to hear more about his snobby explanation, a tear feel down his cheek and I raised my hand to cup on side of his face, I pulled his face closer to mine and gave him a kiss. He chanced position from sitting on his butt to sitting on his knees and put his arms around my neck. I put my hands on his waist pulled him closer. His has so soft skin. We broke up the kiss and he put his head on my shold and huged me close.

Phillip : "Let's try again.. this time we will get through it.. together"

Larry : "that's all I have ever whanted to do"

The moment was ruined by a ringing from Phillip's phone.

Phillip: "Hello? Travis? .. Travis.. Hello? I can't hear you.. Are you okay? Travis!.. Travis? ... Kenneth.. your supose to be in jail.. WHERES MY BROTHER, I Will Fuck You Up. Sal? Let him go! HE did nothing!"

Phillip took the phone and the person on the other side hung up. the mention of Sal is where I got invested. What's going on? is something wrong whit Sal?

Larry : "what's going on Phillip?"

Phillip: "Kenneth is out. he escaped. I think he has Travis, grace and Sal.. Maybe someone other people too I hurd muffled screams in the back and Kenneth breathing, some words not much more.

Larry : "He has my brother."

Phillip gave me a nod and we both stood up. He did something on his phone and started running, I followed him. We ended up stopping by a big mantion, Phillip took out his key and unlocked it, go get inside.

Larry: "Holy fuck dude, I knew your parents where rich but wow, is this your Band check money?"

Phillip chuckled at my comment but didn't reply. He whent inside and left the door open for me to follow inside.

Phillip "МАМА!" (MOM!)

the house was dead sliced, I closed the door and followd Phillip around the house.

Phillip: "TRAVIS! GRACE!"

We ran trough the whole house. Nothing, No one.

Phillip: "there gone.."

Phillip looked deleted, mad, he picked up a glass vase and trew it agenst the wall.


He turned around and pushed passed me.

Phillip: "We have to check if Sal, Ash, Todd  and Neil are okay, and your mom and dad"

Larry : "my.. mom.."

I got a call from my mom, Perfect timing too.

Larry : "MOM! Are you okay!?"

Lisa : "I'm fine sweetheart, Is Sal and the gang whit you?"

Larry : "No.."

Lisa : "We can't find the.. and they aren't picking up.."

Larry : "fuck.. Okay mom I will try to reach them. Stay safe, please. See you later"

I hung up the phone and Phillip took up his phone to call his parents, He reached them. He let out a sigh of relief and told them he was okay and nothing was wrong, He hung up. Why did he tell them what was going on? why did he say everything was fine? Nothing is finem Our friend, Family's are missing.

Phillip: "I sent a text to Adam asking him to track Travis phone. I have to lactation on my phone. get in the car. we have to find them befor it's too late.

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora