The cell room.

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Sal pov :

where am I? why is it so dark.. what's thar sound?  sounds like someone is struggling..  ugh I can't see, how long was I out..

Sal: "Hello?"

Todd : "Sal?"

Sal : "Todd?"

Todd : "Omg Sal!"

Ashly : "I'm also here"

Neil : "Me too"

Sal: "where are we?"

Todd : "I dont know but it's so cold here"

??? : "eugh.."

Sal : "Who's there? Larry?"

Travis : ".. ugh.. no.. travis... my head.."

Sal: "... Travis.."

Travis.. why was he here.. where are we..

Todd : "Travis, are you also tied up?"

Travis : ".. You guys are tied up?"

Ash : "Yes, Please help us get untied"

It got quite for a moment but something furry brushed agenst my wrists where the rope sat.

Neil : "AKE! What's that! is there a rat down here!"

Travis : "Ufh, don't punsh me"

Todd : "Gosh what are you a werewolf or smt?"

Travis : "... Yeah?"

Ash : "What?"

Sal : "T?"

Travis: "Guys please, let me get ya'll free I will explain when we can see again"

Travis.. Travis is here.. What is he doing here.. where are we? Why are we here. where's Larry, why is it so dark. I tried making my eyes adjust to the dark but all I could see was the glowing from a per of eyes.. one blue, one brown.. Another voice apered someone where in the dark.

?? : "Travy? where are we"

Travis: "Grace! where's Phillip?"

Grace? Travis little sister? Phillip? I though Phillip and Travis didn't have contact anymore..

Grace : "he sould be whit larry"

Travis : "Okay, good."

Grace : "Travis where are we?"

A small sniffing nose could be hurd and then a russeling, like someone was putting on cloughts. I rubed my wrists and stood up. More russeling from grunts and breathing could be hurd from my friends. I felt a light touch. and then someone grabbed my arm.

Travis: " dont worry sal, its just me. I think I have a clue on where we might be.. everyone find each other in the dark its better to know were we all are."

I feel another touch on my left.

Neil : "Sal?"

Sal : "yes?"

It was a lot of trying to identify who we touch but someone how Travis knew who is who. same whit Grace. My eyes started to adjust a bit and I would guess the others did too, The room was small and seemed to be made just by stone. There was a big door whit a small whole that had bars like a prison. a few minuts passed that feels like an iturnety and loud echo for steps could be hurd. a small, warm light apered to peek trought the bars and I could faintly make out Todd, Neil, Ash, travis and grace's suiluets.

??? : "Hello son, Long time no see. are you ready to finish what was started?"

a bang was hurd and Travis had thrown himself agenst the door.

Travis : "LET THEM GO! Father I beg you! let them go! I will do anything you ask of me as long as you let them go."

Kenneth? he's out.. of jail? did he escape? What the hell was going on, why did he bring us here? I hope Dad, Lisa and Larry is okay.. oh God they must be so worried..

Kenneth : "Oh? anything?"

Travis : "anything father please.."

Kenneth: "You still are pathetic Travis, you know that right?"

Travis : "Yes I know father, please father let sal and his friends go"

Kenneth: ".. I can't believe I raised such sinful and patetic Fag son. But you are all I have, your sister isn't to much use either."

Neil : "Travis.. is this how you where raised?"

Travis : "Neil please. Father let them go."

A loud rusty click was hurd from the door and the light got bigger, showing Kenneth in his full glory. And the back of Travis. Kenneth reached out and pulled Travis out. pushing him to the ground.

Sal : "TRAVIS!"

Kenneth: "Ugh, faggots."

I tried running twords the door to help Travis but he shut the door in my face. I banged on the door as hard as I could. yelling out for Travis. but no response.

Sal : "TRAVIS!"

I hand griped my sholder.

Neil : "Sal.. please, there's no use losing your voice"

Sal : "What sould we do? this is a nightmare.. please say it's a nightmare..  I just have to wake up.. Right?"

Todd : "Sal, its not we are really here"

a small sob came from grace and Neil took his hand off my sholder. I think he whent to confert grace.

Seconds turn into minuts turned into hours, in the beginning Neil, Todd and ashly talked alot then less and then we just sat in silence waiting for something  anything. I started to get hungry. Really regretting not eating now. ugh it's so cold. Either I'm going to die of hypothermia or starvation.

A few more minutes or hours, Not sure witch past and many stomach growls. and a lot of Todd and Neil being all loved dovey couple bullshit, then out of no where small quite steps could be hurd dragging on the floor. I stood up  to check what's going on outside the. I had to stand on my toes to see out the bars.

Sal : "Hello?"

Larry : "Sal? where are you?"

Sal : "Larry!"

Phillip: "shhh"

Sal: "Phillip?"

Phillip: "Yeah, shh we are here to help. is Travis there? Grace too?

The rest of the grupp had stood up to come closer to the door to hear what was really going on, to be closer.

Sal : "No, Kenneth took Travis, some time ago.."

Phillip: "Fuck, grace there?"

Grace : "yeah I'm here"

Phillip : "Grace, Turn into your dog form, And try to rip apart the door lock"

Grace : "Okay.. guys please move away from the door"

Todd : "wait you guys are real wolfs???"

Grace : "Yeah, we are"

Todd : "How is that.."

Phillip: "Tell ya later now grace you ready"

It got quite for a moment befor I hurd cloughs dropping to the ground and clawing at the door like a dog is frantically trying to get out. a few seconds of the scratching and a blop was hurd.

Phillip: "Yes! good job grace"

the door opend up, and it got a bit lighter.

Sal : "Are you lighting everything up whit your phone flash light?

Phillip: "Yup, let's go fine Travis."

So We Meet Again. (Sal ×Travis)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora