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𝙸𝚝 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚗 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗
𝙸𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚑
𝚂𝚘 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚎
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎.


Jeongguk softly whined as the rays of light shined onto his face. His mouth formed into a pout, while he stretched his body from it's stiffness.

He felt pressure around his waist and on his neck. His body, even in it's sleepy state, went into fight and flight mode. He immediately turned around and pinned the other's body onto the bed.

He froze, staring at the other's face. He was surprised Taehyung was still asleep. How much of a deep sleeper is he?

Jeongguk chuckled, getting comfortable as he straddled the bluehead. He let his right hand rest against the bluehead's chest above his heart while his left hand caressed his face. He looked so innocent, so precious.

He slowly leaned down and quickly pecked the other's lips. He covered his face and silently squealed.

Jeon Jeongguk! Friends don't kiss!

He hastily got up and rushed to the bathroom while Taehyung snored his problems away.


Joongsik was up and ready for school. He hurried towards the dining room to get his breakfast and dropped to school by his father. The sight awaiting him, shocked him. Was he dreaming? He swears he woke up. . .

"Taehyung?" He asked in surprise. It was just like in the movies. Literally.

His father was on his Sumsang tablet writing something with the pen, clad in black slacks, a black shirt and tie with his blazer hanging on his chair while Taehyung was serving Waffles and cream with fruits clad in grey sweats, a white sleeveless sweatshirt with his blue locks tied into a mini bun with an apron on.


"Oh! You're up!" Taehyung said with a bright smile.

"Morning champ! Come on, breakfast is ready!" Jeongguk said with a small smile.

His dad, smiling in the morning? Joongy never imagined. Was he dreaming? Honestly was he going mentally insane?

"Eeeq!" Joongsik shrieked as he was lifted off of the floor by Taehyung. He whined in annoyance while the older chuckled. Taehyung pecked his forehead and set him down next to his father. Jeongguk also pecked his forehead and ruffled his hair before going back to his work.

Joongsik was just about ready to combust because what the hell? Is this really happening? He feels so. . .

"Now I know you're a busy Prof but you gotta eat," Taehyung said patting Jeongguk's shoulders. Jeongguk pouted and put his tablet away. Taehyung quickly dished for himself, took off the apron and sat down.

"Ok! Let's dig in!" Taehyung beamed. Joongsik was still in shock.

"So Joongy, did you sleep well?" His dad asked snapping him out of his baffled state.


"Had any dreams?" Taehyung asked before munching on a strawberry, Jeongguk already had star eyes looking at him eat so adorably.

"I had a weird dream." Joongsik said with a frown. The adults hummed, urging him to elaborate. "I was living with SpongeBob in his pineapple, then when I remembered I was a human, I suffocated. Then Sandy came and gave me her weird suit. I breathed again and thanked her, then she said I had to marry her since she gave me the suit. I was perplexed. I refused and she called Patrick. Patrick and I wrested and when he won, he married Sandy. SpongeBob stopped the wedding saying he was in love. Sandy cried in happiness and said she loved him too."


Jeongguk had a face that could be memed because what in the fuck? Taehyung was just as shocked.

"That was. . . interesting." Taehyung said unsurely.

"At least love won in the end-"

"That was not the end." Joongsik said confusing the adults.

"When SpongeBob said he was in love, he meant with Patrick, who rejected him saying he was too "square" shaped. I woke up while SpongeBob had depression."

The silence was so loud it was awkward. Taehyung snorted, his hand over his mouth trying to muffle his laugh. Jeongguk slapped his shoulder while also trying to hide his smile. One more look at the boy's nonchalant face and they burst into laughter.

"Oh my-"

They laughed so hard their faces turned red. Taehyung threw his head back while clutching his stomach. Jeongguk leaned forward while clapping his hands. That was the weirdest shit they've ever heard. And it was coming from Joongy of all people.

Joongsik stared at their laughing faces with a calm heart. He never had that dream, he just wanted to see them laugh together. His suspicions were right, they look beautiful laughing together. He knows what he feels. He feels so. . .


What an interesting morning. . .

Wonder how Jimin is doing. . .


"I'm so glad you're home My Sweet Mochi!" Mrs Park said while snuggling into her son's side. Jimin snuggled back. He was a total mama's boy.

They were in the lounge. All 12 of them. Jimin, his mom, his aunt and uncle, his 5 cousins, his two brothers and his sister. The only people missing were. . .

"Sorry to keep you waiting," the other said while walking into the lounge with Mr Park.

"Jimin, nice to see you're still alive," his father said with a smile.

"Back to you old man," Jimin said, half asleep cause his moms scent was so calming.

"Ok, let's start this meeting," the man who called it said with a stern tone.

"Father, I've always obeyed you. I've done everything you asked of me. I gave up my life to run your company since none of your sons had the balls to. . ." A silence hovered in the room. Jimin, sensing that shit was about to go down, sat up straight. "Your other 3 sons have pathetic careers, while I am the heir to your company. I asked you for one thing. . ."

Jimin was getting nervous. Besides from feeling bad that his brother just said the truth, he was anxious as hell.

"You gave it to me, but with terms and conditions. But they are not being followed."

"What do you mean son?" Mr Park asked in a sorrowful voice. Jimin felt bad. Now he was sure. He was sure and it scared him. If only he was a better son, if only he didn't nearly give his father a heart attack when he expressed his love for dancing. This wouldn't be happening. Now he had to suffer. Jimin was scared as hell because. . .

"He cheated on me father, and I'm devastated. It's either you deal with this, or I'll quit," he said in finality. He sniffed, wiped a few tears gaining sympathy from his family. Mr Park was fuming, and Jimin was horrified. . .

Bogum knew about Taehyung and Jeongguk, knowing his father, he knew hell was about to break loose, and their love story, might become a tragedy. . .


I realized I forgot to add my signature poems at the beginning. Hope you enjoy!

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