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My friend didn’t speak to me for the rest of the day. I throw my backpack onto the floor of my bedroom before stripping off my shirt and pulling my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. I tried calling Fernanda, but her phone was busy, so I sent her a text instead. She hasn’t responded yet. 

I throw open my wardrobe and grab my towel from the bottom, throwing it over my shoulder to take a shower, but just as I turn around, I get the scare of my life when Antony is standing near the door to my bedroom, his hand on the doorknob. “What the- what the fuck are you doing here?” I gasped, just as his eyes flicker down and back up. His tongue is at the corner of his mouth and his spare hand is tucked into the pocket of his ratted hoodie. 

The moment Antony blinks, his eyes change. They’re instantly glaring at me, like I just killed his entire family line. “What the fuck happened with my sister?” He asked, and my jaw dropped open in shock. He came all the way over to my house from his cushy little room to ask about his little sister? His sister, who’s room is right outside his? 

“What?” My eyebrows raised. 

“She came home with a pissy attitude and you were the last person she was with, cunt, so you obviously know what the fuck’s going on with her.” He sighs, and I slowly lick my bottom lip. 

“I didn’t realise that you care that much about her.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood, but it didn’t work. Antony’s frown only deepens as he takes a step towards me. I gulp. 

“She’s my fucking sister, Moore, so you better tell me. Right now.” He states, and I slowly shake my head. Antony’s eyes widen a fraction, and that’s when I know I fucked up. I try to move, but he leaps forward and wraps his fingers around my neck, slamming me into the wall behind me. I groan in pain, my eyes squinting shut as I try to push him off of me.  

My hands are against his chest, but he wouldn’t budge. My eyelids spring open and Antony’s gaze is so strong that my eyes waver a little, dropping down to his lips before back up. I notice the little flash of a movement in his right eyebrow before his grip on my neck loosens by a margin and I can breathe a little. 

“Stop-” I tried to speak, but his thumb was pressed against my voice box. It was a weird sensation. The strange drop in my stomach as I pleaded with him using my eyes. Antony’s lip twitches a little as he sniffs, using his other hand to rub lightly at the tip of his nose. 

There was a weird glimmer in his dark eyes. Eyes the colour of golden rays and the alluring scent that consumed him filled me. And… I couldn’t help it. The way he looked at me… it was like my stomach was on fire. It was like I was on fire. All of a sudden, I was leaning forward and my lips were on his and it was like time stopped all around us. 

We both froze. Every emotion that had been building up inside of me for the past few weeks all flew out, bursting out of me like they were flames and this kiss was the fuel needed to ignite them. It was like the first drop of water on a desert, the only thing needed for survival. It was a survivor’s kiss. 

Until Antony pushed me away and I felt a sharp, stinging pain on my cheek as he slapped me. I stumble back, leaning on the wall in shock. Antony’s cheeks were ablaze and a withering expression covered his face, his eyes dark and his mouth parted slightly in shock. 

“What the fuck are you doing?” He snapped, and I gulped. I stand a little straighter, pressing a few cold fingers to my cheek to ease the pain. I take a step towards him, but he stumbles back, almost at the door to my bedroom. My lips quiver.  

For a first male kiss, this was pretty shitty. It sucked. I purse my lips in annoyance, mostly aimed at myself. What was going through my mind to kiss my friend’s brother? The one guy who would kill me and find great pleasure in doing so? The one guy who makes his day by making my life miserable? How stupid and desperate did I have to be? 

“I’m- I’m sorry.” I say, pressing my lips together. “I don’t know why I did that.” I add, quietly, before looking away from him. His eyes waver a little before he shakes his head. 

“Fuck you, Moore.” He spits, and I try to swallow the large lump in my throat. He steps back even more, until he’s standing outside of my room. My eyes widen when I see Thomas behind him, turning the corner. He freezes, his eyes flicking from me to Antony and back again. 

“What are you doing here?” He snapped, and Antony turned around, a raise in his eyebrow. “Get the fuck out of my house, Barbosa.” Tom crossed his arms over his chest, and Antony scoffs, turning his head to glance at me before he pushes past my brother and rushes down the stairs. I don’t breathe until I hear the front door open and slam close. “Care to explain?” Thomas raised his eyebrow, throwing his rucksack onto the floor next to mine, crossing his arms over his chest. 

“It was nothing.” I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face before picking up my towel from the floor and walking past Thomas. He stops me by putting his hand on my shoulder, and I lower my head for a few seconds before looking up at him. 

“Don’t get yourself into shit you can’t get out of.” He warns me, and I blink at him before shrugging off his hand and walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

” He warns me, and I blink at him before shrugging off his hand and walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind me

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