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"You know, I didn't realise that your son was dating Fernanda." My friend's father says as he sits in his chair, rolling up his sleeves. Gabriel, I think his name is. His remark makes me frown.

"We're not." I say, glancing at Antony, but he was too busy cleaning something off of his jeans. "We're just friends." I tell Gabriel, and he slowly nods his head.

"You seem proper close for friends, or is that some teenage thing I don't know about?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Pai, we're friends." Fernanda tells her father before she looks up and winks at me. "By the way, are we eating here, or...?" She asked me, and I shook my head once more.

"No, there's not enough space in here." I tell her, my hand on her back as I lead her into the living room where Thomas already was, balancing the plate of food on his lap as he cuts into the chicken.

"For fuck's sake." I hear Fernanda mutter under her breath, and I can't help but find it entertaining seeing them go back and forth. Thomas flirting, and Fernanda shutting it down as quickly as she can. She sits next to me on the couch, biting into a piece of vegetable before eating a forkful of mash.

"So, Fernanda." Tom began, and she sighs from beside me, leaning back on the couch.

"Hey, Theodore, how was your day today?" She asked instead, ignoring my brother. "Please say something before I clock you in the jaw." She forces a smile, and I slowly chew my chicken, nodding my head.

"My day was... great. I mean, I spent most of it with you, but yeah. It was fun." I told her.

"Hmm." She glares at me, mouthing something that I didn't understand, so I instead looked away.

"I need to pee." I quickly say, standing up, mostly so I could escape the weird, awkward tension in the room. I handed my plate over to Fernanda before she could complain and leave the room, rushing up the stairs and into the bathroom.


As soon as I unlocked the bathroom door and swung it open, Antony was standing on the other side, his hand reaching out, almost to open the door himself. He looks up at me, swallowing. "Hi." I say, stepping out of the bathroom. "Do you need to...?" I gesture behind me.

"No, I just wanted to get out of there." He sighs, rubbing his hands on his jeans. "I hate... people." He adds, shaking his head. "Situations like that."

"Oh. Well, you didn't have to come." I told him, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I know." He says, before his eyes drag up and down my body.

"You look good." I quickly say, my hands behind my back. "Like... nice. You look nice." I shrugged my shoulders, and Antony squinted his eyes at me, stepping closer to me.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not." I frown.

"Yeah, you are." His lip twitches up before straightening back out into a line. "Do I make you nervous, Moore?" He asked, taking another step towards me. I stand straighter. I don't know why I was so on edge around him. It's not like I haven't been around him before. I have. I guess because we're at my house and both of our families are literally downstairs, eating dinner with each other, it feels a little weird. It makes me feel all jittery and gives me butterflies and tingles that I've never felt before.

Then, Antony is lifting his hand and pressing two fingers to the side of my throat, right on top of my pulse. "Your heart is beating crazy fast, right now." His eyes flicker between both of mine before glancing down at my lips. "That can't be because of me, can it?" He teases, and I shake my head as I lift my head and press my lips to his.

Antony's hand cups the back of my neck as he pulls me closer, and my whole body is frozen. It's like I can't move or do anything except stand there and kiss him. Feel him next to me. Smell his unique scent. Want him closer. I step closer to him and now both of his hands are cupping my face, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I feel his fingers run through the back of my hair, squeezing slightly.

An embarrassing moan left my throat, and I quickly stepped away from him, covering my mouth in shock. My eyes are wide and Antony is smirking at me, humour dancing in his eyes. "We should go back down." I say, coughing.

"How about we don't?" Antony asked, and I frowned.

"They'll notice that we're not-"

"No, I mean... What if we just leave? It won't be that surprising for me to bail, and you can say that... I don't know, you have to pick up a shift, or something. Today's your day-off, right?" Antony asked, and I wondered how he knew when my day-off was.

"Yeah... it is." I nod my head. "Where will we go, though?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Antony shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know. Wherever we want."


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