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I should have gone home that night, but Fernanda asked if I wanted to stay over, and I couldn't say no. So, now I was laid on her floor with a blanket draped over my body, but I couldn't sleep. My friend's soft breathing filled the room, but my eyes were focused on Antony's door. I waited for him to open it, but he didn't.

So, I slowly got to my feet and edge out of Fernanda's room, standing outside of Antony's. My hand shook as I raised it, softly knocking on his door. I don't think I'm breathing as I hear shuffling from the other side and after a minute, the door is swung open. I look up. Antony is staring at me, his features stern. His lips were pressed together tightly and his eyes were dark and his hair had fallen onto his forehead in loose waves. "What?" He snaps, and I frown.

"You haven't spoken to me." I tell him quietly, and he rolls his eyes before retreating back into his room, flopping onto his bed. His feet hang off the edge as he leans against the wall. I follow him, carefully closing the door behind me. His phone was resting next to his thigh and I leaned against the door, interlocking my fingers behind my back.

"What do you want?" He mumbles, staring at the ground. I scoff and shake my head, trying to smile, because if I didn't, I might have cried. I noticed the way his jaw clenched and he couldn't make eye contact with me.

"Antony." I speak softly, and his eyes flutter to a close. He rubs his hand over his mouth a few times before clearing his throat and licking his lips. "Will you please- just- look at me?" I asked him, and I noticed the way his breath shudders before he lifts his beautiful brown eyes to mine. They waver a little.

"What do you want?" He asked, quieter this time. I chew on my bottom lip.

"To talk about-"

"Forget it." Antony scoffs, sitting up. "It was nothing, you should just fucking forget it." He tells me, and my breathing gets heavy. I clench my fists behind my back to stop myself from hitting something. Preferably him. "I was plastered, don't forget that."

Drunk words are sober thoughts, right? I could feel a headache building up, but I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind so I could concentrate. "You told me-"

"I didn't fucking mean it, Moore." He snapped, and there it was. I was no longer Theo to him. I was Moore. I look up at him, my breath shaky. He couldn't keep eye contact with me again. I take a step forward and he sits a little straighter.

"Tell me that to my face." I tell him, and his head snaps up, his eyes squinting as he looks at me.


"Get up here and tell me you didn't mean it to my Goddamn face, Antony." I snap, and he's instantly on his feet, approaching me. I stand straighter and he's opposite me. His eyes are blazing as they flicker between both of mine.

"I. Didn't. Fucking. Mean it." He says, and then his hands are on my chest as he pushes me away from him. "Fuck you." He spits, and I can't help but laugh as I rub the tiredness out of my eyes. "What?" He scoffs, his mouth parted slightly.

"You're a shit liar, Antony." I tell him, and he grimaces, turning away from me. "You can't even look at me!" I yell, and his jaw clenches once more.

"Because you're-" He stops himself. He bows his head and sighs, his eyes closed.

"I'm what?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"You-" He huffs, frustratingly running his fingers through his hair.

"I understand that you're scared, Antony." I sighed, my hands dropping to my side. "I know that you're worried about your dad-"

"Oh, for- shut the fuck up, Theo." He mutters before he's opposite me once more, cupping my face and kissing me. My eyes were wide with shock and I almost couldn't believe it. Antony, after forcing himself to believe that he didn't feel anything towards me, is kissing me so tentatively that it feels as if all my limbs are made of clay. It feels as though I'm about to collapse onto the ground.

His fingers are running through my hair and I'm pulling him closer by the waist as we kiss desperately, his tongue slipping into my mouth. I gasp and stumble back, my back crashing onto the door as our lips smack against each other. Fire ran through my veins and shivers ran up my spine and my fingertips tingle as I pressed my palm to his cheek, my thumb rubbing circles on his skin.

Then, we're both pulling away and our foreheads touch momentarily. Our breathing is heavy and we're clinging onto each other, almost afraid that we'd fade away if we let go. Antony's hand was on the back of my neck and he gave my skin a little squeeze before his thumb stroked my jaw lightly.

"I should get to Nanda's room before she realises I'm missing." I breathe, my eyes fluttering to close as Antony takes the smallest steps away from me. My hand curls around the door handle, and I'm breathing so heavily that it's impossible for me to have any oxygen left in my lungs.

"Yeah." Antony nods his head, his eyes flickering down to my lips for a split second. "I'll see you, Theo." He nods his head, and the sound of my name leaving his mouth makes the butterflies in my stomach increase tenfold. I gulp, and give him a small smile before I open the door and leave his room.

 I gulp, and give him a small smile before I open the door and leave his room

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