||• part 1 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Evelyns pov Monday -6:30am

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Evelyns pov
Monday -6:30am

I woke up with my alarm going off and a banging headache because of this stupid party I went to.. god I'm so fucking stupid..

I get out of bed and turn my alarm off shit it's Monday already? I roll my eyes and walk over to my bathroom.

I am rich but I've gotta cover up these bruises.. for my abusing parents when should I report them? I'll ask maddie.

Maddie is the only girl I trust along with laila and Noah there my best friends.. the only girl I hate is Eliza she spreads rumors about all of us.

And is still wanting to be friends with us? Is she mental? I turn on the shower and hop in, god Thai hot water feels so nice on my back.

I wash my hair and body with my vanilla scented stuff, I get out and turn the shower off as I head for my towels.

I wrap one around my hair and one around my body, I dry myself and put on some vanilla scented lotion, god I love vanilla, I start to brush my teeth.

I walk out and lock my bedroom door and get changed, I change into my black Lacey bra and underwear as I get into some ripped blue jeans adding my thong straps on the side of my hips.

I then put on my black crop top that is showing some of my black Lacey bra, I make my way to my desk and start drying my hair and straightening it.

I did. my Make-up and added some lashes and lipgloss as I cover my bruises with some concealer, I look at my nails one last time.

Hmm I'm gonna re-do em tonight, I hop out from my desk and put on some Jordan's, I have a whole ass shelf of Jordan's it's like my comfort shoe.

I grab my mini handbag and walk out, I go downstairs to see an empty house? YAY.

Finally! I make my wag to the kitchen and grab a cola can stuffing it into my bag, I make my way and grab my keys from the door and head out.

I Hop into my black cadillac escalade and start to drive off, god I love my life except for the abusing part but..

Evelyns pov
Monday -9:56am

Im in my first class as it's nearly done, I see some boys looking at me and winking, I roll my eyes as I turn back around to see one of them making a sexual hand gesture.

What the fuck! I get up and walk over to him smacking him in the face "YOU CUNT!" I shout as the teachers eyes widen.

I grab my bag and shove my books in it, I walk of and slam the door.

Toms pov
Monday -10:02am

As I'm teaching my class I heard a door slam? I tell my class I'll be a minute or two and look through the window to see an 18yr old girl storming down the hall.

Jeez.. what's her problem? As I Walk back in i see all the girls staring at me? "Erm girls the screen not me" I say as they all turn away and look down embarrassed.

God I know I'm hot but some people have a staring problem, I mean I am in a famous band but..

As the bell rung everyone left for break, I sat down bored as ever..hmm maybe I should get a girl? Just for the day I mean wouldn't be bad?

I walk out and see a girl staring at me I come over and whisper in her ear "meet me in the janitors closet" I say as she squeals and runs of to her little friends.

I roll my eyes and go to my classroom draw and grab a condom stuffing it into my pocket.

I walk out and see the same girl that stormed out of class beating up some other girl, god she has a temper.

I walk down to the janitors closet where I find a girl naked waiting for me, I smirk..

Evelyns pov
Monday -10:10am

As I'm walking down I see the new 'hot' 'famous' teacher whispering something in a girls ear that made her squeal like a pig, god..

I walk down to hear someone being homophobic to maddie? What the fuck!

I storm down and walk over dropping my bag to the floor, I push the girl down and started punching her as she squeals.

I see the same teacher before walk out as I turn back punching her in the jaw when I hear a crack, that's my time to stop or I'll break her legs.

I get up with zero marks and grab my bag, I walk over to maddie asking if she's okay "yes yes I'm fine don't worry.." she says kinda shaking.

I hug her as I heard the loud speaker talk, "Evelyn ray to the principles office now!" He shouts as I roll my eyes and walk down.

I get some stairs of proudness and some stares of envy, I flip them all off and carry on walking.

I knock on the door as sir opens it up for me "hello miss ray!" He says "what do you want now?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Okay so.. if you get into one more fight your taken of the team.." he says my jaw drops "what no that's not fair they start it she was being homophobic!" I shout as he shakes his head.

"Ughh!" I say as I walk out, I slam the door and walk down to Eliza staring at the new teacher.

"God he's so dreamy!" She says smiling to me "yea he's hot an all!" I say smirking as he winks at me "omg he winked at me!" She says excitedly.

"Oh and by the way!" She says "he's mine! So don't try to steal him!" She says...


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