||• part 17 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Evelyn's povMonday -3:23pm

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Evelyn's pov
Monday -3:23pm

Me and Tom have stopped going to school, we don't think we needed it anymore with the mafia and everything.

"Tom baby?" I ask "yes liebe?" He replies "can we go get McDonald's?" I ask as he nods excitedly, we both jump out of bed.

Oh yea that night of wonders was amazing, I think we should really do that often, don't ya think?

I slip on some sweatpants along with a crop top, I grab some Jordan's and a puffer jacket, I quickly make my way into toms room to see him slipping on his shoes.

"Cmon babe let's go!" I say eagerly dragging his hand to the car, I open the door for him as he gets in, I slam it shut and get in on my side.

I quickly buckle my belt and Tom started driving towards McDonalds "what do you want baby?" He asks putting his hand on my inner thigh.

I start to get abit flustered which I think he could tell, his hand starts to travel up further to my area, I start getting really flustered.

"Baby what are you doing?" I ask as he stops his hand from going up "nothing what do you want?" He asks.

"Just some chicken nuggets and chips and a coke!" I say shouting as he nods, he orders what he wants and pays.

"Thank uuu" I say as we make it to the getting our food window, we waited for about 4 minutes until our food came out.

We quickly grabbed it and zoomed off, we played music and started singing and dancing while driving to the nearest beach.

We make it there quickly and lag out a blanket, we sit down putting our food down and started eating "I love you eve" Tom says.

I smile "I love you to" I say back kissing him softly, I start to eat my chips, dipping it into tomato sauce.

I See Tom chopping down on his burger "baby" I say as he looks at me "can I have a bite?" I and as he nods and passes over the burger, I take a bite and hand it back.

"Yum!" I say as he giggles, I start to eat my chicken nuggets while sipping on my coke, i start to get bored so I go onto my phone.

I See Laila asking if anyone wants to go out tomorrow night, I quickly reply saying yes, I need a night out, but I didn't know why there doing it on a school night?

I finish up my meal as I see Tom texting someone sipping on his coke, I go to check just to make sure he's not texting other bitches, but to my surprise he is.

The name Is Chloe, she's a blonde bimbo with big chunky lashes and nails, I get that I were those but fucking hell there not that bad..

I start to get abit teary eyed "Tom I'm just gonna go dip my feet in" I say as he nods and carry's on texting.

Tom's pov
Monday -4:21pm

I was sitting down sipping on my coke texting my cousin Chloe congratulating her on her 2 year anniversary with her girlfriend.

There such a sweet couple I need to get eve to meet them all, I look up to see eve tearing up abit "I'm gonna go dip my feet in" she says as I nod and carry on texting.

Shit.. I think she thinks I'm cheating on her or something, I need to call bill to ask him what do I do, I start ringing up bill "bill hello?" I say as he groans "what Tom I'm tryna have a nap" he says tierdly.

"Whatever anyways you know our cousin Chloe? And how it's her 2 yr anniversary?" I ask as I could just tell he was nodding.

"Right anyways I think eve saw and she got teary eyed and said she was gonna go dip my feet in?!? What the fuck do I do!" I say.

He groans "just wait until she confronts you?" He says, I roll my eyes "fine whatever bye bill!" I say hanging up.

I see eve coming back with a puffy face, shit.

"Baby what's wrong?" I say as she breaks down "are you cheating on me?" She says having a voice crack "no baby I would never do that" is say.

"Well who's Chloe then huh?" She says wiping her tears and getting up from me "Chloe's my cousin its her 2 year anniversary with her girlfriend" I say as she has a guilt look in her face.

"I'm sorry.." she says lightly "it's okay baby you didn't know" I say as she lays down on me "I hope we get married one day" I say happily as she agrees "me to we could have like 2 kids!" She says laughing.


Teachers pet - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now