||• part 4 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Evelyn's povTuesday -8:36pm

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Evelyn's pov
Tuesday -8:36pm

I See a beautiful rose bouquet sitting on a grand table with the plates and cutlery all set up nice and neat.

"Wow Tom.." I say as I turn around to see him smiling "thank you this is like more beautiful than me" I say as he scoffs.

"Nothings more beautiful than you eve" he says, I smile at the nickname as he gets out and goes round to my side opening the door for me.

"Thank you kind sir" I say in a British accent as he chuckles, we hold hands as we walk in, no one's in here perfect!

He pulls out the chair for me as I sit down smiling, the waiter comes over and asks what drinks we want.

"Can I please have a Cola please" i sag as Tom asks for the same "he was defo flirting with you" he says while rolling his eyes.

"I mean I pulled you so of course I am?" I say sarcastically as he laughs, damn..


Time skip
Tuesday -9:12pm

As we finished our meal we were now horny and ready to get home.. Tom zoomed down the highway as his hand was on my inner thigh going in circles.

We finally made it to the house as we saw no one was home, YES!

We both got out and he held a hand out for me, we legged it upto toms room as we shut the door and locked it, he kissed me passionately.

"Mm" I say In-between the kiss as he started taking of the miniskirt, I took of his belt along with his jeans as he took off my T-shirt and bra.

We we're both left in our underwear, as we continue to make out, it was getting a little steamy in here, he pushed me on the bed and took of my thong and his underwear.

He reached into the draw to get a condom and slid it on, damn it was big..

"Are you ready?" He asked me I nod eagerly as he gives me an 'okay' face as he enters me.

I jolt my head back moaning as he thrusts into me harder and faster "hmph fuck.." I moan out as he grunts.

I felt hot liquid in the condom "that was two minutes you cum that fast?" I ask as he pulls out "no somethings wrong I don't cum this fast" he says kinda angry.

"Well I'm pretty good then!" I say happily as he groans "I normally cum in like half an hour?" He says aggressively "shush tom admit it I'm better, and I didn't get to finish!" I said unhappy.

"Well let me do the honours.." he says as he trails down my body to my inner thighs I hum softly as he goes up to my clit "oh shit.." I moan as he starts laying kisses on my clit.

He goes down a bit more and licks right in my g-spot "Oh shit Tom.." I moan out as I put my hand on is head guiding him.

This is going to be a long night....


Teachers pet - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now