||• part 2 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Evelyns pov Monday -6:19pm

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Evelyns pov
Monday -6:19pm

Im gonna hate myself tomorrow but I'm getting ready to go to another party tonight.. great.

I get out of the shower and start doing my hair, i curl it as i spray the shit outta it with hairspray, i make my way to my wardrobe to pick my outfit.

I pick a Long skirt with a slit all the way up, i get a mini top and a black leather mini jacket putting it on top, wow i Look fit as hell..

I make my way to my vanity and start doing my makeup, i do a simple eyeliner with gems as i spray my body spray, and perfume everywhere.

I put on some heels as i make my way down with a mini handbag, i see my parents.. shit.

Toms pov
Monday -6:48pm

i start getting ready for this part that I'm going to, i may be a teacher but i am Young? You may be wondering how I got this job well...

Let's say I threatened the school.. by killing them if they didn't let me get this job, i mean I needed some extra cash..

As i spray some cologne im ready to go, i make my way out as i see my twin brother bill "alright bill" i say as he smiles "yes how about you?" He says.

"Eh school kids are boring but it's whatever" i say as he rolls his eyes "why'd you even get the job we don't need any more cash?" He says as I smirk.

"Well y'know the famous football player Cristiano Ronaldo? And his wife Georgina Rodriguez?" I say as he nods.

"Yea well they adopted this girl called Evelyn ray and they want me to date her so they paid me to threaten the school" i say as his eyes widen "so I took it and I'm trying to find her because they abuse her.. i want to get her out of there" i say as he nods slowly.

"Yea and her like not real siblings are scared for her.. but they don't wanna get abused so what's so different about her?" I say kinda mad.

"Yea i guess your right..i heard that she's going to a party tonight? Is that where your going?" He asks me as i nod and look down.

"Feel bad for her.." he says as i nod aswell "but I better get going!" I say as he shouts bye while going up the stairs, i grab my jacket and head out.———————————————————————————

Evelyns pov
Monday -7:19pm

As I'm at the party dancing my heart out I see someone enter I turn my head from laila as i see the new teacher enter? What was his name..

Oh yes! Mr kaulitz, i turn back to see laila wonder off as i see Noah "hey Noah! How are you didn't see you today?" I asked  "i know I just got 'sick'' and I didn't want to go in" he says.

"Hmm Okayy we'll are you coming to my football match tomorrow!" I asked excitedly as he smiled and nodded.

"Of course wouldn't miss it for the world!" He says happily as i jump up and down "YAY LETS GO DANCE!" i shout as we dance.


Toms pov
Monday -7:19pm

As i enter i See Evelyn looking at me, wait..? Isn't that the girl that beat another girl up and got called to the principals office for something?

Hmm.. so she has a temper great.

I watch her grind on this boys backside as I soo on my drink, I mean I must say I am quite jealous.. could be me..

I find a girl and start making out with her, gosh she tastes like mushrooms, ew.

I pull of her and roll my eyes, i See Evelyn alone this is my chance!

I walk over to her as I could smell the drugs from her nose, shit.

"Hey Evelyn right?" I ask as she turns around smiling "yep! The one and only" she says laughing.

"Aren't you in my class? I teach history?" I say as she makes an o with her mouth "ohh yes! I sit at the back and I put my feet up on the desk?" She says as I realise that was her all along.

"Yes I have saw you, quite the charmer" I say as she blushes "well I am 18 bud so stay away freak" she says backing up abit.

"Don't worry I'm 19 even ask my twin brother, but he's not here right now" I say as she laughs "didn't look a day over 30" she says laughing.

"Ahh thank you very kind" I say laughing with her, I see her sipping her drink as she stumbles abit "can you take me home please?" She asks as I smile.

"Of course! Where do you live Evelyn?" I say as I carry her out and into my car "up like y'know the big ass house that ronaldo and Georgina live in? Yea that one" she says as I buckle my seatbelt in and start driving.

"Alright!" I say..


Time skip
Tuesday -2:31am

As i was driving she had fallen asleep in the front, now that I had her I could grab her stuff grab the money and she can stay with me..

We reach the house as I lock the car and knock on the door "hello Tom what bring you here?"  Ronaldo says as I smile.

"I have got Evelyn.. I'm gonna grab her stuff and the money better be waiting for me on the side when I come back down" I say as they smile and nod.

"Of course!" He says as I make my way to her room, after a while I finally got her clothes, all her shoes, all her makeup, all her accessories, and everything else.

Her room was empty, nothing in the draws nothing in the bathroom nothing on her bed, it was gone.

Teachers pet - Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now