||• part 25 •||

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——————————————————————————☆Evelyn's pov Saturday -3:12am

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Evelyn's pov
Saturday -3:12am

I stormed inside the house with all the group following behind, i quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcase.

I started stuffing everything in there, I heard someone come upstairs and running into my room "Evelyn wait!" He says as i turn around "what tom? What Tell me" I say sobbing as I sit down on the bed.

He comes to sit down next to me while scratching my back lightly, I sobbed into my hands as Tom started speaking "im sorry Lex I really am I just fuck up relationships and there it goes" he says as i start to feel bad..

"Tom you cheated on me i didn't I forgive you but I need some space" i Said as Tom nods, I continue packing my bag. I grabbed some makeup and skincare along with some of my hair products.

I kiss Toms cheek before going down stairs to them all "So can I stay at one of y'all's houses??" I ask as bill nods "Bill You had A house this whole time!" I say as he laughs "we're else was I supposed to go when You all we're having sex?" Je says laughing.

I laugh along as me and Bill say bye to them all, I get into his car as he turns to me "so what happened!" He says eagerly.

I explained it all to him then we started driving since I wanted to get into my new bed while for now..

I finally made it here with Bill as we started walking inside, our shoes clacking on his marble floor. He really bagged this house up.

He shown me to my bedroom and it was massive, it was like my room in Toms house that I never used..

I thanked him and set my bag down grabbing some of my body wash and skincare stuff along with some pjs and went into the bathroom attached to the room.

I showered and changed and soon fell asleep thinking about how Tom could fix this relationship.

Evelyn's pov
Saturday -9:37am

A week had passed And me and Tom were still Not Talking until this day..

I Wake upto the smell Off sausages and hash browns, I went downstairs to see breakfast laid out with a little note.

'Evelyn this is from Tom I made this all for you to say sorry, I really am and I know you may think wow your to scared to say it to my face and your Right i am scared to because I always fuck up a relationship ship, i cant keep one, please come talk to me when your ready.." the note says.

I started tearing up and decided to go and see him today after a week i haven't had sex, kissed anyone Not Even hugged anyone!

I Need to see him i havent smelt his Cologne on his hoodies or his baggy ass t- shirts, i ran upstairs and got changed into some high wasted baggy jeans with a white tube top and and my thong straps on the side.

I put on some Jordan's and grabbed one of his jackets and sprayed perfume before Heading into my car that Bill brought over last week on Sunday.

I zoomed to Toms house and knocked on the door "Tom!" I shout as I heard footsteps to the door, it opens to See Tom with his shirt Off and in sweatpants that looked dirty.

Tom's pov
Saturday -8:12am

I dropped off the food and the note as I drove home feeling sad, this past week has been Shit. I haven't been eating i havent had sex or kissed anyone since the incident..

I sighed and got home, i thew my keys on the counter and went up to my room. I haven't left my room till today.

My brother and everyone came round they still couldn't get me out, the only people I would've let into my room was Bill and Evelyn.

I soon fell asleep thinking about Evelyn..

Tom's pov
Saturday -9:50am

I heard some knocking on the door and a voice I get up quickly and make my way downstairs to the front door, i Open it to See Evelyn standing there softly.


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