||• part 9 •||

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———————————————————————————☆Toms povTuesday -9:30am

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Toms pov
Tuesday -9:30am

me and Evelyn Are in the jail bailing bill out, I start to sign some papers as she stays asleep softly in her chair.

A couple minutes later bill comes out smirking, I smile sarcastically as I pick up eve and say bye to the officers.

"Bill what the fuck!" I say as he snickers "what? Evelyn is your girlfriend and I couldn't stand them abusers being out there!" He shouts as I roll my eyes and places Evelyn in the front seat putting a blanket over her.

Bill sits in the back as I start up her car, I slowly drive off onto the highway zooming it down "god bill! Your so stupid!" I shout in German as I see him roll his eyes.

"Bill this ain't something to joke about, I legit had to bail you out do you know how much that cost? " I say as he sighs "I'm sorry Tom.." he says sadly, I hear a couple sniffles.

" bill don't worry just next time tell me.. anyways Georg and Gustav called they asked to see us tonight over dinner for our next tour" i said as he nods.

"Is Eve gonna come?" He asks as I nod "of course!" I say as he squeals "YAY!" He shouts as eve flinches in her sleep abit.

"Shut the fuck up!" I whisper yell as he says sorry, i smile as we arrive , I park eves car nice so I don't hit it and open the car door.

I get her out and carry her upto bed, I lay her down softly as I go back downstairs "so bill what you doing today?" I ask as he shrugs.

"Dunno..? You?" He asks "obviously dinner with Georg and that.. I may leave Evelyn here?" I say as he nods in agreement.

"Sure whatever" he says as I smile and nod.

Evelyn's pov
Tuesday -17:32pm

"Evelyn we're going now!" Tom shouts as I hum in agreement "bye!" He says kissing me as I kiss back, he pulls away and smiles as he leaves his house.

Finally! I take of my dressing gown revealing my short black mini dress, I go upstairs curling my hair and doing my makeup, I finished it off with lashes and body spray.

I put on some heels and walk downstairs I contact Laila and maddie telling them to meet me at the club, I knew Tom was out until late for this dinner thing.

I got a taxi since I didn't wanna take my car and leave it there? I got In and out the taxi, I saw the big flashing sign on the club.

Eek! I haven't been out in ages..

I see the girls talking to the bouncer as I finally come to there rescue, I walk over showing abit of coverage as he winks and let's us in.

"EEK!" We all squeal and laugh as we take a shot, I bring the girls over and start dancing my heart out while I down more shots.

The girls down more shots as well but less than me, I start swaying my hips until I feel some one come up behind me.

"Oi!" I shout as he backs away, what I thought creep..

Time skip
Wednesday -4:36am

As I'm being carried in toms arms drunkenly speaking random shit "hellooo tommm wanna fuck?" I say as he laughs.

"When your sober babe" he says as I scoff "whyyy" I say as he smirks "I want you to remember how good I make you feel babe.." he says as I smile and turn away.

Tom lays me in bed softly as he takes of my heels and dress putting me into soft pjs, he takes out the wipes wiping my makeup softly trying not to be rough.

I smile as he kisses me and puts they blanket over me.

Toms pov
Wednesday -4;50am

As she starts falling asleep I put her dress in the wash and her heels away, I mean I am quite mad she didn't tell me she was going out but gotta be a good boyfriend..

I sigh to myself hoping she didn't cheat.. that's all I'm worried about, what if she cheated?

She shouldn't off she's not like that.. she loves bill and me and hopefully Gustav and Georg when she meets them.

I'll just ask her friends they weren't even drunk.

I smile to myself and start getting undressed turning on the shower, I hope in washing my scalp in between my braids, I wash my body.

I step out and brush my teeth and I forgot to brush eves, whatever I'll just do it in the morning..

I dry my body and braids as I throw on some boxers and baggy sweatpants and hop into bed.

I see Evelyn cuddle upto me and mumble something "I love you.." she says as I smile to myself almost dropping a tear..

"I.. I love you to."

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