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Suddenly, I got some call so, I attended that. It was for a meeting that I had to attend so they called to inform me. I kept my phone aside and looked at my laptop screen. That girl already left and now one boy was giving his interview. After shutting down my laptop I went to attend my meeting. That day my dad didn't come to office so I had to take care of all things at office.

At evening, my mom called me to tell me to pick her up at the market place as her car broke down. I left the office and reached there in few minutes. I called my mom to inform her about my location and asked her come there after buying her stuffs. I got bored listening to music in my car so I came out and stood there by leaning on the car.

Suddenly, I heard some girl's voice, "Shut up! Give me that". I turned towards that direction from where that voice was coming. I can see that one slim figure tiny girl was talking... no... Actually, she was shouting at two kids. She must be in her early 20's.

One kid said, "Di, you can't have it. Already, you have cold". Here, I was thinking about what topic they were talking. Then, I noticed that kid was holding a kulfi in his hand. I'm surprised and thought who was kid here? This kid was talking like a mature one but that girl was acting like a kid literally.

That girl asked stubbornly, "just give it to me. If I eat one kulfi I won't die with damn cold," saying this she sneezed. I just rolled my eyes looking at this scene.

That kid also said sternly, "I can't give this to you otherwise, your mom will scold me".

That girl replied, "fine then. You only have this. By the way just now I remember one thing. Last exam you got less marks right and you forged your dad's signature in your mark sheet. Yes, I will tell to your dad then of course he will pamper you with lots of love," saying she raised her eye brow with a smirk.

Immediately without saying another word that kid gave kulfi to her and he ran from there. He knew what exactly she meant by lots of love. I just thought looking at the scene "unbelievable" and smiled like fool.

One old man who was crossing me saw me there standing, smiling alone looking at that girl who was eating her kulfi as if that was the only thing she ever wanted in her life. He muttered, "Seriously, look at this guy. If they see any beautiful girl they won't leave any chance and start chasing them like a mad person. They can't even let the girls live peacefully,".

My smile vanished instantly hearing this. I looked at the old man who was going by saying this. "Was he referring that to me?  How dare he can say like this? I'm not some crazy guy who will chase the girls. And who the hell will chase this mad girl who fights for kulfi with kids? Definitely not me. I will never do that."

I noticed my mom who was searching for me, I showed my hand so that she can notice me. She saw me waving her hand and we both left from there.

Next day in office when I got some free time, I clicked the interview footage file and started watching it casually. Yesterday I couldn't catchup the interview sessions after the meeting.

Suddenly, I saw one familiar figure walking across in the office. My eyes went wide. "Oh god! It is none other than that kulfi girl." And I was surprised that she was only that dumbo girl in the interview who played rapid fire round yesterday with my employee. She is like a child, doesn't have any maturity then how can she think that we will select her or anyone in this world for a job? And moreover, she didn't allow the interviewer to ask any question after that as she was busy in throwing questions back to back. I just nodded my head as impossible, closed my laptop and started to do my work. I had a presentation which was supposed to be handled by me and I had only few days in deadline. I never thought about this girl as I was fully engrossed in my work. Office, work, home ...repeat. Yes, that was my routine. You can call me boring, workaholic but I call myself dedicated and perfectionist.

It has been two days, after I saw that girl. But how destined play its cupid. One morning I came out of my cabin, walking towards my conference room as I had an important client meeting to attend. Suddenly, I heard my name, "Maaaannniiikkk" I thought who running train on my name by stretching it this much. I turned and saw the person only to get shock. One thought came into my mind that time "What the hell this dumbo doing in office?" Which idiot person selected this dumb girl? 


Manik smiled remembering that day. Who would've thought that day was just a beginning of a beautiful new chapter of his life which he will be forever grateful to the universe. He knew that the chaos was about to happen when he saw her in his office but that day he didn't realise that his life will turn upside down for good. 

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