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I looked at her and thought, "Now, what is she doing here? Why does she always appear at the wrong time? Oh god, I don't have any patience either for her KBC round or acting like a dumb statue game. I just wanna go home and sleep but now I can't even leave her alone."

Like a gentleman though just for the formality I asked, "Hi, are you waiting for someone?"

Somewhere I wished her answer to be yes so that I can just wait for the person to come so that I can leave from there as I was very tired and just needed a place to crash somewhere.

She in her stammering voice said, "Hi sir... Sir..., go... Good evening. I'm waiting for my... cab. If it doesn't arrive then I'll go by bus."

"Cab?," I reconfirmed.

"Yes, if it doesn't arrive then I'll go by bus, " she said.

"Cab? At this time? It is not safe." I thought.

"Shall I drop you?," I asked her in uncertain tone. What if she say yes, I have to tolerate her throughout the journey. But if she says no then also I wouldn't like as I can't leave her alone here and wait for her bus. I don't even know the timings for the busses as I never traveled in one.

I was waiting for her answer eagerly but when I looked at her she again went to her dreamy La La land where there are unicorns and ponies I guess.

I asked with loud voice, "Hey, I'm asking you."

She looked at me blankly, I asked, "what happened? Do you have any problem?"

In my mind I thought, "oh god, what is going to happen? This girl herself is a big problem."

After an eternity, she replied, "no its okay. I'm fine. I can manage."

In the meantime, I started to feel thirsty so I went to my car and took my water bottle which was in my car door bottle holder. I opened my water bottle but suddenly I heard a scream, "No..." and my bottle fell down.

I looked at her by closing my ears and asked, "What? You scared me that my bottle fell down. Why you screaming?"

She said with hesitated voice, "hmm...since you are, I'm ready to come with you."

I looked at her in disbelief thinking suddenly what entered into her mind and I smirked asking her, "When did I insist you?"

Her face dropped down when I said that. Seeing her face I couldn't help but I chuckled looking at her which only made her to pout which I found really cute. Hold on? Cute? Shut up Manik.

I opened my car door for her and said, "Come."

She just looked me with glee. Instantly, she came and sat beside me. Suddenly, she said with her smile, "thanks my hot monster."

I looked at her thinking, "what I heard from her is right or not? Did she just call me Monster? Correction, hot monster?"

I raised my eye brow. "Wait! Now why is she blushing stupidly? Her cheeks are all pink. Did I kiss her or did I ask her for a date? Oh Manik, date? And kissing? That too this dumbo? Wow... that will be the funniest moment in my life."

She asked, "what?"

I asked her, "what you did say now?"

Suddenly her eyes went wide and looked at me. I asked again, "what you did say, tell me."

She uttered, "tha...than...thanks."

I said, "complete it." She said in a low voice " monster."

I thought, "What the... so I heard it right. She did say hot monster. This dumbo girl is calling me monster."

Suddenly I heard her voice, "Uhhh... I m sorry. I used to read vampire stories and I was scared thinking about all the monsters and werewolves, witches and suddenly you came out of nowhere at this time so, I... I..."

That's it. I didn't need to understand any of her explanation. I rolled my eyes because, talking to her and listening to her is all waste of time.

I said,"forget it. Now tell me where you wanna go?"

She replied, "wherever you wanna take me."

I asked in shock, "What!!! By the way I'm thinking to go to asylum baby, do you wanna come with me?"

She said, "Sorry, to my home."

I looked at her amazed thinking, Now I really think she really needs to go to asylum because that is the best place for her.

I asked, "Okay last time I'm asking very clearly, where is your home?"

She asked, "why are you asking my address?"

This time I got irritated and said, "of course to drop you."

I looked for her answer but this dumbo girl again went to her La La Land. I thought maybe she herself planning to join the asylum. I kept hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked, seeing my hand she started to blush.

I immediately removed my hand from her thinking, "Oi... I'm not trying to get intimate with you to blush."

She came to reality I looked at her controlling my anger and asked in a warning tone,"are you going to tell me your address or you will get down from my car?"

Now she said, "Malad."

I was driving in a complete silence. I didn't dare to utter a word and even she didn't say anything. After sometime we reached at her address.

I opened the door for her she looked at me and said, "what happened? Is your car broke down? No issues. We can get some shelter for a night to stay."

My eyes went wide hearing her words, god, this girl's brain got completely damaged. No... no... she don't have a brain at all.

I said, "Nice idea but your house came. So we don't need to take a shelter for a night. You can go to your home and I'll go to my home."

Again she got lost in her thoughts. Damn it. I held her wrist losing my patience, she looked me with shock. I made her to get down. She smiled sheepishly and started to go towards the gate.

While she was going, I asked her name. I thought I should know her name to give her an award of World's craziest person.

She turned and replied, "Nandini Murthy."

I nodded and sat inside my car. Suddenly, she turned and shouted, "thanks monster."

I gave her an angry look and replied, "You are not welcome."

Her mouth turned into 'o' which I looked in the mirror when I started to drive. I smiled myself seeing her cute face.

Monster's Dumbo Where stories live. Discover now