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I was amused and asked Nandini, "so you love me before?"

Her eyes went wide and looked at me. She asked, "haan... What?"

I asked with a smirk, "If you hate me now then did you love me before?"

She stammered like kid who caught red handed. "," saying this she rushed from there looking back at me only to hit my cabin door which was closed.

I screamed, "careful!"

She caressed her head and left. I couldn't help myself but laughed. I thought, "she and her craziness is unbelievable. She is crazy for sure but still she is cute."

Suddenly, I got one call regarding a client meeting. I needed to go to Dumbo's department. I don't know how and when but now I started to love her madness.

So, I went to meeting hall and collected some files from Nandini's team leader and also told her to call Nandini.

After some time she opened the door only to get shock, seeing me with her team leader. Her team leader calling her but she still looking at me in lost state. May be in anger? She heard loud voice from team leader.

Nandini replied, "yes, tell me why did you call me?"

Her team leader said, "you have to accompany him to attend one client meeting."

She shouted, "What!!!... No, I can't go with him."

Her team leader asked, "do you know who is he?"

She said in confident, "I don't wanna know. I'm an employee and even he is also one employee here. Okay, maybe he is senior to me but that doesn't mean I will go anywhere with him."

I was amused, "damn, still this dumbo don't know who I am. Unbelievable."

Her team leader said in anger, "he is Manik Malhotra."

Before she completes, Nandini said, "I don't care if he is Manik Malhotra or Monster Malhotra."

"What the... How can she use Monster name in public?"

Her team lead also got shocked and said, "He is our boss's son."

But Nandini immediately said, "then I'm our boss's daughter."

Team leader and I both looked at her like as if she is an alien then she realized what her team lead has said. She screamed, "what?"

Nandini looked at me and I raised my eye brow. She lowered her face and uttered, "sorry!"

Looking at me she asked politely, "shall we go sir?" I just felt to kiss her then and there seeing her pouting. I smirked looking at her nodding yes.

I was walking towards my cabin for my laptop and Nandini following me like an obedient student. I still can't believe that she didn't know about me and my position in this office. Well, of course she wouldn't know. How she can know when she always used to day dream.

I stopped in the middle just to make sure that she is following me and suddenly she bumped on my back. I turned back to look at her. I was amused to see her who was looking at me with one eye closed and one eye opened. I folded my arms on my chest and gave her unbelievable look seeing her antics. She opened her both eyes and looked down like there is no one innocent as she is.

I asked, "what's wrong with you?"

She uttered, "you..."

I asked her in amusement, "what?"

She stammered saying " stopped in the middle and I didn't see that's why I bumped on you."

I looked at her thinking, "no need to waste my time as I'm getting late."

I just started to move silently without replying back. After taking my laptop and we both went from there.

I got client's call so I fixed Bluetooth on my ear and started to drive. I noticed from corner of my eyes that she was staring at me like I'm some alien. I ignored it and just concentrated on my driving and my client's call.

Finally we reached our destination. I looked at her and rolled my eyes thinking, "damm it again she started her hobby, don't know where she always getting lost."

I called her name but madam was still busy in her dream. I just felt like I have to enter into her dream to bring her back. I tapped on her shoulder. She jerked and came out from her dreamland. I gave her an irritated look for making me late.

I asked her, "are you planning to be here itself?"

I was surprised to see her thinking about this. Oh god, again she started to dream. With my closed eyes I called her name controlling my anger. Already my clients are waiting there but this girl is not ready to come out of her thoughts or dreamland. Again I shouted her name and she came back to her sense.

I asked, "what the hell is wrong with you Nandini?"

She said with puppy face slowly, "sorry sir, shall we?"

I started to go inside telling come fast. She was followed me silently. Thank god again she didn't go back to her dream land.

I saw that my client was sitting at the place where we reserved. We both went there. After shaking hand with him we started to discuss our stuffs for which I came. While talking I'm looking at Nandini occasionally. A smile came on my lips seeing her who again lost somewhere. But I was shocked to see her because she blushing furiously.

I thought, "what the hell is going on her mind? Is she having a boyfriend? Maybe she remembered their moments that they spent together and that's why she is blushing?"

Honestly, I didn't like this thought that there is someone in her life to share those moments and this was very disturbing. I started struggling in the meeting to discuss my points with my clients. I'm unable to concentrate on their words too.

He asked me, "Mr. Malhotra, are you okay?"

I felt embarrassed that I got caught because I never lose my concentration in the meeting but now this girl is distracting my mind.

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