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At night, I was laying on my bed trying to sleep. I recalled about the incidents which happened in whole day and finally it stopped at Nandini.

I remembered her stupid answers and how her facial expressions were changing each time, how cute she was looking after hearing his "not welcome".

Suddenly I realized what I was doing. I'm also going like mad which I never did. I'm smiling on my own. Brushing her thoughts away I covered myself with a blanket and drifted to sleep.

Next day morning I was in deep sleep. Unknowingly, that dumbo came in my dream. That's when someone woke me.

I shouted, "dumbo, just leave me." because in my dream it was dumbo who was waking me up. Suddenly, I heard my name in loud voice, "Manik!"

I jerked from my sleep and looked at my surroundings, then at my mom who was looking at me in shock. I immediately said, "oh it was you...I thought it was dumbo."

My mom gave weird look, "Who is this dumbo?"

"No one mom. Some dumb person who was trying to wake me up. I didn't see her face." I tried to manage the situation.

"Her face? Hmm... Interesting," My mom giggled.

"Dream mom. It was a dream. Not a reality. So please, relax," I said.

She gave me unbelievable look and left from there. I kept hand on my head muttering, "this dumbo is making me as mad."

I went to office early than usual today due to some work. I forgot some file in my car so I came out of my cabin. While I was going out somebody was blocking my way and standing there. I looked at that person face.

I was shocked and thought, "what the hell this dumbo doing at the entrance by closing her eyes and standing like a statue?"

After few seconds she opened her eyes, and she was shocked. I thought seeing her weird behavior my employees will soon get admitted in the asylum.

Suddenly she uttered," Payasam cancel"

I asked in disbelief, "what?"

She cleared her throat like she having throat problem and said, "what... This is between me and Ayyappa. Now why are you blocking my way? Move aside."

I said, "excuse me?" I was thinking, "what the hell is wrong with this girl? And who is blocking whose path here?"

She said, "no... You are not excused. Never ever. Why you are disturbing me?"

I looking at her with amused expression. She went from there saying, "stay away from me...stay...away....did you get that?"

I thought "What just happened? When did I ever disturb her? Infact I should be the one complaining here." I sighed and went to take the file from my car.

After some time, while I was busy in work my manager came to my cabin and informed, "our company is conducting free medical camp for the employees. Every employee have to attend it and we need to arrange place for them."

I told him, "On which floor the camp is?

Suddenly, some thing clicked in my mind. I quickly finished my pending work and went to search for Dumbo. See, at last she made me to search for her.

I went to the floor where they were checking our employees, I was just scanning the floor to find her and I found her. I rolled my eyes looking at her. Even here she was lost somewhere.

Without thinking much I held her wrist. She was shocked to see me. I told her to come but she was again busy in usual hobby which is getting lost somewhere so I started to drag her and took her to one of the doctor who was busy in checking other employee.

I left her hand and told that doctor, "leave others, first check this girl. I think she is having some problem to concentrate."

I added seeing her shocked face, "doctor if she have any serious problem, send her reports to me. I will arrange treatment for her."

She looked at me again with open mouth in aaaw

"This is look is so cute," my mind screamed. What the hell you are thinking Manik. I left from there leaving her with doctor.

I was standing in my cabin and going through some file. Suddenly, someone barged inside and held my collar. How dare that person.

I was shocked to see Dumbo standing infront of me holding my collar aggressively. I realised she is so short. But, no one ever behaved like this with me. What the hell she is doing now?

She shouted, "how dare you to say like that to doctor? Do you think I'm mad? If I'm acting crazy then it is just because of you monster. Don't come infront of me otherwise I don't know what I will do. Why are you playing on my nerves? I told you to stay away. Can't you listen?"

I thought, "woww... Dumbo changed into tigeress. Hmm... interesting."

I kept my finger on her lips which is so soft. She was looking at me with wide eyes.

Suddenly, thought came to my mind, "Does she always had soft, plumpy, luscious lips or am I just noticing this now? How will her soft lips feel on my hard lips instead of my fingers?"

And this thought shocked me. How can I think like this that too for this dumbo? I wished to caress her lips with my fingers to feel her softness for some more time, but I m Manik Malhotra. Not some teenage guy who keeps running and wasting time behind some girl. I composed myself.

She uttered, "huhh"

I said in a low voice, "breathe."

She closed her eyes to compose herself. Without realizing myself I started admiring her. But, my mind warned me to stay away so again I started check my file.

Suddenly, she stamped my foot shouting loud, "I just hate you now."

I was amused and asked her, "so you loved me before?"

Monster's Dumbo Where stories live. Discover now