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Manik's thought-

I never thought that this girl will also call my name in my life. I hope she won't make me to go mad due to her craziness.

I went to her and asked, "Hey... What are you doing here at this time? Do you need any help?" 

I was waiting for her response but somewhere I was also mentally prepared that she was going to play a rapid fire round with me but to my surprise she was just standing there like a statue, blinking her eyes and looking at me. Again.

Seeing her like that the only thought came to my mind was "Is she again day dreaming? How much weird a person can be?"  

I lost my patience so I snapped my fingers in front of her. She came out of her supposedly dreamland and said, "Huh?..."

I asked her, "Are you okay?"

But nothing happened as she again went to her La La Land and I was just standing in front of her like a fool and waiting for her to speak something. I had enough. I literally took deep breathe thinking where the hell I'm stuck right now. 

Again I uttered in disbelief seeing her statue form, "Hey!"

She finally said something with her stammering voice which I took few seconds to understand her words, "Actually... I... I...Con... Conference room...way...where...". I seriously, thought she has gone nuts. I asked her, "You are new to this office right?" to which she just nodded positively. 

In my mind, the first question came was, "are you the new mad to this office...but thank god I didn't ask some thing like that. I controlled my patience a lot that time. I cleared my throat and said, "it is okay. Just go straight, then take left and from there, take right."

I told her the way for conference room and I noticed her who was again standing like statue, lost in herself. Seeing her in that state, I just felt like to pull hair, not mine... hers. Yes, I thought thought to pull her hair to make her come to the reality and get some sense.

At last, I asked in loud voice, "Hey you got it?"

She just looked at me blankly, "whattttt.... What you said?". 

I looked at her with amused, "I told you the way for conference room." 

She asked, "Really?... When?" 

I looked at her with shock. Actually shock was an understatement. I thought which idiot hired her? I thought to fire him for hiring candidates like her. If he keep on hiring these kind of candidates then in no time the company will be shut forever.

I said, "come with me." She looked me with wide eyes, "no... my TL, I mean my team lead called me. I have to go to the conference room", she said hurriedly. 

I said, "Why conference room? We can go to some nice cafe where we can have a nice chat, get to know each other, spend some time together." She said, "Huh...? But I really have to go to the conference room." 

I felt like banging my head somewhere. She clearly didn't get my sarcasm. I thought, If she doesn't go to the asylum, she will definitely send me over there. 

I calmed myself down and said, "Even I was going to the conference room so I told you to come with me." She asked in a confusing tone, "But just now you mentioned about cafe?"

I felt every single cell in this world stopped moving. I gave her an irritated look. She just uttered in a low voice, "sorry." 

It's waste to talk with her so I just started walking towards the conference room as I was already getting late. All thanks to this dumbo. Throughout the way I was making sure that this dumbo was following me and has not gone to her La La Land again. 

When we reached, I looked at her who was standing there like a statue. I thought, "not again... What is wrong with her?" I gave weird look. 

"Thanks for your help... Now move why looking at me?" saying this she went inside. I looked at her in shock and uttered, "what the...Is she mad?"

I looked at her in disbelief who just went inside as if nothing happened. Rolling my eyes I went inside for the meeting. 

After the meeting, I went to meet my dad to discuss about some deal which is very important for our company. I could see that he was looking tensed. I asked him, "what happened dad?"

My dad said in angry tone, "we planned to discuss this important meeting today but still that mad didn't prepare the documents."

When I heard mad from my dad's mouth I thought about dumbo. She is not like as she looks. She may look as innocent and naive but she can make others crazy and mad person by her endless talks or just by being in a statue form. 

Suddenly, I heard my dad loud voice, "Manikkk." 

I came to senses and asked, "yeah dad?" 

My dad looked at me by narrowing his eyes and asked, "I already told you everything and was asking your opinion on this deal since past 5 minutes. Where have you lost and since when you started to day dreaming?" 

My eyes went wide thinking "what the last, she succeeded in making me mad like her. No way. She can't do that." I brushed her thought and tried to concentrate on our deal. 

My dad said looking at the entrance, "see Manik, now this mad came with file." 

I said immediately without looking who came, "now why did she come here?" I turned towards the door to see my manager and closed my eyes. 

My dad asked, "Manik, are you okay? What happen to you? I was telling about the manager but whom you are asking about?" 

I cursed my fate and said, "hmmm... Nothing dad. Shall we start the meeting?"

 I can see that my dad was not convinced but he still nodded as yes to my luck.

Lots of work I had on that day so, it took me more time to finish my work and start from my office to home. It was already 9 pm. I noticed some familiar figure standing on the road. When I reached near, my eyes went wide. "Dumbo? Not again. Hold on! What is she doing here at this time?  Is she again day dreaming? No no... night dreaming? That too in this lonely road at this time." 

I stopped my car and lowered my window glass. Her eyes went wide like as if she was seeing some ghost who came to disturb her dream.

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