Chapter- 8

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After Nandini left my cabin. I was unable to concentrate on my work. I was just laughing thinking and recalling her expression which is worth watching. She was looking cute though. Even I didn't realize when my dad came to my cabin as I was so engrossed in my dumbo's thoughts.

I heard a loud voice from my dad, "Manik what's so funny?"

I came to sense and made my face straight. My dad asked, "have you gone mad? Why are you laughing like a fool?"

I thought, "what the...fool? That too me? Damn it. This is all because of that dumbo. I hate her now."

My dad informed me that he was going to meet some clients so he asked me to attend his meeting here. I just nodded as yes. He gave me a weird look and went. I closed my eyes uttering, "damn Nandini".

I lwft my cabin to attend my meeting which was arranged on another floor. I waited for the lift. After some seconds lift came when the door got opened, I was surprised to see the person who was standing alone inside. It was none other than Dumbo. I just looked at her thinking I should not think much and avoid any conversation with her or else I will spoil my meeting.

Suddenly the lift started to shake and she screamed at the top of her voice, "aaah...Monster. It's an earthquake. I don't wanna die. I'm a single child of my parents. If something happens to me what they will do? I know elders will say if lovers can't unite in life they will die together but no I don't wanna die with a monster."

She looked at me," You also felt ground shaking right. Are you not scared?"

I looked at her with disbelief and gave her a weird look thinking,"everytime I think this girl can't surprise me more, I was proved wrong."

I said, "It is not earthquake. We got stuck in this lift."

She asked, "what? You and me got stuck? In one lift?"

Suddenly she started to sing, "hum tum ek lift room me bandh ho..."

"What!", I almost screamed listening to her lyrics. Somewhere her voice and her damm lyrics tempted me and my mind was telling, yeah baby we both are locked in lift shall we take advantage.

Her eyes went wide and said, "nothing we both got stuck in lift, so just for timepass I was singing."

I went close to her for making me to go insane and uttered, "oh really?"

She gulped her throat, she said in nervous, "ya.. Yes.. really."

Again she was about to sing which made me to keep my finger on her lips to feel that petals. I said, "stop it."

I scanned her face, she got lost looking at me, now I wished to read her mind, her thoughts and wished to know her feelings.

Suddenly, she hold my knuckles where my one finger touching on her lips, she lowered my hand so that fingers drawing a line on her chin, neck, chest.

When it came near to her cleavage she pushed me saying, "stay away from me. What are you trying to do? Why are you always behind me?"

I looked at her with shocking expression, "what the hell! Here, she almost seducing me and now she is throwing her tantrums and blaming me?"

I asked her, "who is coming behind you?"

She said confidently, "of course you. Who else? I came inside this lift first."

"It is just a coincidence that you came here before me. And moreover, this is a common lift. But sometime before someone came to my cabin. Who was that? Oh yes, that was you. You came to my cabin," I replied sarcastically.

She became silent and was in some deep thought. I asked her putting my finger under her chin making her to look at me, "now do you understand?"

She kept looking at me for a while before she realised what was happening she removed my hand and stepped a back. She said, "what is there to understand? I know very well"

Before I could say something, the lift door got opened. Seeing this she rushed to go out. To stop her I hastily held her scarf.

Without turning back she said, "monster, leave my scarf. People are gonna watch. What will they think about us? I'm telling you just leave my scarf"

I smirked myself and made her scarf to stuck on railing of the lift. I went to stand beside her like an innocent child and said, "I need to hold your scarf to leave it."

I leaned towards her and said almost brushing her ears with my lips, "But let me tell you one thing, I don't care what people will think if they see us together."

She looked me with wide mouth. I can see that her breathing got irregular. I just chuckled inside seeing my presence affects her and went from there for my meeting leaving dumbo alone in the lift and I'm sure she again went to her La La Land.

After I went to meeting hall but I just kept recalling that incident which happened in the lift with that dumbo. I chuckled myself remembering her open mouth when I left her in that state.

Just one thought came to my mind, "what she will be doing right now? did she go to her place or still day dreaming in the lift?"

I nodded my head as no as she is unbelievable.

Suddenly I heard a voice, "what happened Mr. Malhotra? Are you not okay with this idea?"

I came back to the reality and asked, "huh? What were you saying?"

He asked me, "you nodded your head as no
So I was asking if you are not okay with this idea."

I closed my eyes and opened thinking, "damn it! How I can get distracted that too in the meeting? Again? This girl is making me embarrass in front of others."

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