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I felt embarrassed that I got caught because I never lose my concentration in the meeting but now this girl is distracting my mind. I composed myself and turned on my professional mode.

Suddenly, I'm shocked to see Nandini who was sleeping keeping her mouth little open.

I uttered myself, "what can she sleep like this? That too in the meeting?"

My clients chuckled saying, "I think your employee got bored hearing our business talks." And he asked me, "why did bring her here?"

I thought myself, "how can I tell him that I started to like to spend time with her." I blushed as this is my first time I'm feeling like this. I don't know what to answer him. Luckily, he got a call at that time saving me from his question. After that call he went from there as he was having some other work. He said he'll look into the files and let me know later.

I looked at her sleeping figure and lost myself thinking how it will be if I get to see this view at every morning on my bed. I just felt to close her mouth with mine. Suddenly, waiter came and asked, "Sir, do you need anything?"

I came out from my thought in shock thinking, "when did I change fully like her? Here, she is sleeping and without waking her up I'm just dreaming about her."

Waiter called me, "Sir?"

I came to reality and nodded as no. I got angry on myself, "how can I lose my senses?"

I tapped her gently to wake her up. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked here and there and asked in hurry, "where are the clients?"

I replied with gritted teeth, "they left."

She asked, "but when? I didn't see."

I said in anger as I got distracted because of her in front of my clients and also the waiter, "we finished our meeting, when you were busy sleeping."

She gave a big yawn which irked me more. I started to shout at her, "how can you sleep at our meeting Nandini? Do we even realise what our clients might think about us? I felt damn embarrassed when that client was giving me weird looks" suddenly she uttered while I was busy in yelling, "I need sleep".

I looked at her in shock and said, "what? Here I'm scolding you but you are telling me you need sleep".

She said with yawn, "because I need sleep. I couldn't sleep because of you. Do you even know whole night I was... ".

I looked at her in disbelief thinking what did I do? I just turned and went silently because I can't argue with her now. I don't have patience. I can't even fire her as she wasn't supposed to be here at this meeting in the first place.

She sat inside the car and turned on the AC while folding her legs on the seat and silently drifted to sleep. All the time I looked at her thinking from which planet she jumped from? I started driving without wasting my time otherwise her presence itself enough to drive me crazy. Suddenly I started feeling that bringing her here is the worst decision.

When we reached her home. I looked at her who still sleeping like kid. I didn't want to disturb her sleep. I came to her side and opened the door. I looked at her face and caressed her fringe which was falling on her skin little. I just felt to feel her skin on my lips.

Brushing my gutter thoughts aside, I lifted her and she hugged me instantly which aroused my feelings for her. Why does she make more difficult for me everytime?

I took her to her home and called her parents as door was already open. Her mom came and was shocked seeing me holding her daughter. I just told her not to worry and explained her what happened at the meeting and how she just fell asleep.

Her mom also gave a disbelief look at her daughter who buried her face on my chest. She allowed me inside and showed her room. She went inside to bring water for me. I scanned Nandini's room and made her to lie on the bed.

When I tried to leave her, she murmured, "Monster Manik... I hate you. Sho... sho... Go away. You are nightmare."

I was shocked and amused hearing her talks. She kept on murmuring something which I couldn't hear. I chuckled seeing her pouting in her sleep. Her mom came and gave me water. I just drank it and went from there looking at Nandini once.

Next day, while I talking with my friend, Mukti who came to my office to meet me. Suddenly I saw Nandini who just came there. I got surprised seeing Nandini at my cabin. I asked Mukti to go.

After she went, I asked Nandini, "What are you doing here? Do you need something?"

She stammered, "I...I..."

I controlled my smile and asked in teasing tone, "are you going to propose me?"

She was shocked and screamed, "no."

I chuckled seeing her reaction and asked her why she came here.

She said, "thanks for dropping me yesterday.. but how did you lift me?"

I raised my eyebrow thinking, "did I just hear that right?"

She uttered sorry and started to move. How can I let this opportunity to go and that too after hearing her sleepy words. Suddenly to her shock I lifted her in my arms.

She screamed, "hey monster, put me down. What you doing?"

I said with a smirk, "you asked me how did I lift you. I was just showing you that."

She looked at me and made her lips into 'O' shape. "What a kissable lips," I thought.

I dropped her down and burst in to laugh seeing her horror face. She just ran from there like blind girl by waving her hands here and there which made me to laugh out loud.

After Nandini left my cabin. I was unable to concentrate on my work. I was just laughing thinking and recalling about her shocking expression which is worth watching.

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