Chapter- 9

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I was so embarrassed. Day by day maybe I'm also becoming like her. Again he asked, "what happened? Do you want any changes in our plan?"

I replied, "no... nothing... its fine. Once you send your documents I will review it and let you know."

Luckily, he agreed to this. Thank god! Because I didn't hear a single word in the meeting so I have no idea what plan they were talking about. Thankfully, now I can go through the documents and take a decision.

But this is not a good sign. I can't divert my kind like this. That too in a meeting. I have worked very hard to reach this position. Okay, I agree I got this position because of my dad but I'm trying to prove my family and the world that I'm capable of handling the company and taking over the work from my dad. If I keep on doing like what happened in the meeting then all my dreams would be crashed.

Honestly, I can't completely blame dumbo for my absent mind. I think I should have one on one conversation with Nandini. So that I can know what is her problem and why does she behave weirdly all the time. Does she behave like this only with me or with everyone? If she is like this with everyone then why didn't there are no complaints against her?

At evening, I went to meeting hall to meet my staff. It was like a catch up meeting with all the employees from different departments. It was my idea to conduct this meeting once in a week to know the status of everyone by department and to know if other department need any coordination with the team.

When I opened the door, unknowingly, my gaze first fixed on my dumbo, who looked at me with wide eyes. I settled at my place and everybody started introducing themselves one by one. It was finally dumbo's turn. I noticed one of my staff, Dhruv was asking her to introduce herself, but she was busy staring at me. Or maybe in her La La Land.

Dhruv uttered, "excuse me Miss.."

She came to sense. He asked her to introduce herself and asked her name. She in daze replied, "Monster."

My eyes went wide. Did she really say Monster that too in front of all? I can hear lot of giggles in the meeting hall but she didn't correct herself. Oh god, even now she didn't realise what she just said. I literally held my head and brushed my hair backwards with my fingers. Finally, she noticed that everyone were looking at her weirdly.

She asked looking at others, "What? Why are you all staring at me?"

One of my staff named Pulkit said, "Nothing, Miss. Monster".

Her jaw dropping when she heard this. She screamed, "I'm not a monster."

I couldn't control my laughter seeing her fiery side. Infact everyone in the room started laughing. Pulkit told her that she herself just mentioned her name as Monster. She was looking confused as if she doesn't remember anything.

I felt pity for her so I spelled her name to let other people also know her real name, "Nandini Murthy. Her name."

She looked at me. I can see that she is in anger but I didn't understand the reason. First she zoned out when it was turn to introduce herself. After asking her to introduce herself, she told her name as Monster. I didn't say anything. And now when I cleared the confusion, instead of thanking me, she is giving me angry looks. But why? I think this is high time.

When meeting got over, everyone started to leave. When it was me and her and she was about to leave the hall, I just pulled her towards me which made her to get startled and she is in angry mode.

I asked her with serious face, "Nandini, I have one doubt. Are you always like this or only for some special occasions?"

She crunched her eyebrow and asked, "what do you mean?"

I replied point at her, "What do I mean? I mean this. Your madness."

Her eyes goes widened and her jaws dropped making a O-shaped mouth. Seeing her like that only one thought came to my mind, "damn you Nandini. Just close your pretty mouth otherwise... I know how to close it that too with my lips."

She said, "this is not fair. Who asked you to come inside this hall at that time?"

I said in amused tone, "because that was the time scheduled for the meeting I suppose. And by the way it's my wish. I can come whenever and wherever I want to. Everything is fair in love and war."

I pinched her cheeks and I went from there.
While leaving I remembered about something so again I turned back.

I noticed that dumbo was looking here and there as if she is trying to do some robbery. She went inside manager cabin and came out after taking one rose. I was surprised to see her antics. She always amazes me with her

I was curious to know what she going to do with that rose so, I followed her and observed her from a distance so that she doesn't see me. I was shocked to see when she started to pluck its petals one by one by uttering some word which I couldn't hear from where I stood and she frowned when she plucked last petal. But why? I don't know the reason.

Suddenly, her manager went to her and asked something. Seeing her face I guessed her manager was saying something in frustration. And her jaws dropped making a O-shaped mouth which is my favourite. Now I was damn sure that dumbo did something wrong. I didn't like she was getting scoldings from some other person so I just dialed her manager number to rescue my dumbo.

After her manager went from there, Nandini closed her eyes and prayed to god in relief. When she opened her eyes. I went to her and was standing in front of her with my smirk. I showed my phone screen to let her know what did I just do. She looked keenly at my phone and she looked me with wide eyes after seeing the name on my phone.

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