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On that night, I was going restless thinking about Nandini and her reaction at the party. I know she also have feelings for me but the question is do she really like me the way I do? Her tears stabbed my heart like I was her culprit. I was just wishing to quickly fast forward the time to the next day so that I can meet her at the office. It was a sleepless night for me.

Next day morning, I went to the office little early than usual. I just fixed my gaze at the entrance and waited for my dumbo to walk in but she didn't which was making me to go insane. When I decided to go to her home, my dad called me for some important work and I got busy with that and to sign some deal I had to leave for Mumbai immediately because that deal was really important for my company.

I cursed my fate as that point of time I didn't want anything in my life except my dumbo but I had to leave for Mumbai because of my dad. But I know one thing for sure that this engagement can't be happening, no matter what.

After signing the deal I came back to home. Looking at the decorations and hustle I realised it was the day of my engagement. Everyone was busy in the arrangements and I was not at all interested in that. When I heard all staffs are going to attend my engagement, I thought about Nandini. Will she come here? How will she come here when I'm the reason for her tears. I looked myself in the mirror and I knew what I had to do.

At evening all the guests started to arrive for the function. My mom came to my room to tell me to get ready. I just closed my room door and to get some peace I went to my private pool. I looked at the stars which were glowing brightly.

Suddenly I sensed someone standing here on the other side. To my shock it was none other than my dumbo. I can't believe my eyes that finally she is standing in front of me. I looked at her beautiful face with her eyes closed. Maybe she sensed that someone is watching her so she opened her eyes and looked at me. I can see that she was shocked to see me.

I started to approach her, but to my surprise she started to move backwards. I didn't stop and atlast she leaned on the wall and I stood in front of her leaving just few inches between us. She was clutching her dress in nervous and her breathe was getting uneven. I tucked her fringe behind her ear to get clear view. She closed her eyes feeling my touch. She looked divine. I wrapped my one arm around her petite waist and another arm cupped her soft cheek where her lips were quivering which tempting me to take.

Slowly I leaned towards her reducing the distance between us and I placed my lips on her soft petals. My fingers were playing on her waist. My other hand was caressing her cheeks. It started off with a gentle kiss but I didn't know when I deepened the kiss which making me blissful by feeling her skin and taste after tasting her strawberry flavor lip gloss. I bit her lower lip which made her to open her mouth and I entered my tongue inside. My tongue played inside her tasting every corner of her mouth.

This time she held my shoulders for support. Her closeness was arousing my inner feelings and desires which buried for many years. Her another hand cupped my hard cheek she caressed it with her soft fingers which I loved to feel. While my tongue was exploring her mouth, she also started to play with my tongue same way like I was doing.

I was surprised and stepped back. She opened her eyes and looked at my eyes while I was already looking at her. She withdrew her arms and she tried to leave and I was not ready for that. I caught her wrist to stop her.

She turned and looked at her wrist where my hand was holding then looked at me. I pulled her towards me with force which made her to crash on my chest, without creating any gap between us. We looked at each other I lowered my face and my lips touched her like feather touch.

I whispered softly brushing against her lips,"kiss me."

She looked at me with her doe eyes. She was feeling nervous to initiate her first move. Her one arm rounded my waist, other went on my nape. She looked at my eyes then at my lips. With closed eyes she pressed her lips on me which made me to feel heavenly. She started to suck my lips which gave me goosebumps. I can feel that it was her first kiss and it made me so happy. Her fingers were playing with me hair. I parted my lips giving way for her tongue which she did and she explored my mouth completely.

When my fingers were playing on her navel making circles, she sucked her stomach inside and gasped inside my mouth. I felt she was suffocating to breathe which made me to move away from her. With closed eyes she was collecting her breaths. Unknowingly our forehead rested on each other. Her breathe falling on me and mine on her.

I noticed that Alya's and my parents were coming towards us so by taking this chance I confessed so that everyone can hear this, "I love you Nandini."

Nandini's eyes shot open in shock. I was expecting her answer but to my surprise she just kissed me again throwing her arms around me in happiness which I welcomed warmly. Suddenly as I expected I heard the door sound. We stopped kissing and looked at everyone who were in shock.

Alya's parents left from there and my dad came to us. "What is this Manik? You are supposed to get engaged with Alya and here you are..." he stopped looking at Nandini.

I said, "Dad, I like Alya. She is really sweet. I met her in business gatherings but I don't have that feelings for her. I can't marry her. I love Nandini. I love her very very much. Always."

I saw that Nandini was so touched and so she was very emotional with my confession. She held my hand and entwined her fingers in mine. I held her hand giving her the assurance that I'll always there for her. No matter what.

My mom came and asked," Manik, I know that we should've asked your opinion first before announcing your engagement but you should've told us about your feelings right? Don't you think it is unfair to Alya that you are spending your time here when you didn't break up with Alya?"

Everyone were waiting for my answer. They all were staring at Nandini as if she is at fault. I looked at Nandini when she slowly removed her hand from my grip. I could only see guilt in her eyes which I didn't like.

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