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Y/n's POV

Me and Niki were now sitting on the grass and watched the sun disappear as the moon and the dark, starry sky replaced the bright day sky. Niki was sitting behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist and his chin was on my shoulder, I leaned into his chest. I knew that both of us didn't want this moment to end.

After a few more minutes I felt Niki's arm around my waist tightening and pulling me closer to him. I didn't move my body, I let him do whatever he wanted but I wanted to look at him so I moved my head to the side a bit.

"What's wrong?" I asked after a few seconds of looking at him. "Nothing... I just... thought... you are getting cold..." he answered with a hesitant voice. He had an adorable expression on his face now and it made me smile. I once again relaxed into his touch as the warmth from Niki's body heated my now halfway-cold body. I didn't see Niki's face now but I knew that he was smiling.

Twenty more minutes passed and it was almost dark now. I heard Niki's phone ring. It was Jake. Niki looked at his phone and pulled his arm away from my waist which meant that his whole body pulled away from mine a bit. The coldness of the night started hitting my body not even a second later. Niki answered the call.

"Yes, Jake." Niki said. I was looking at Niki the whole time he was talking with Jake and when the call ended, Niki looked at me. "What is it?" I asked him. "Jake wants us to come back to the hotel. They all are worried about us being in a foreign country when it's dark." Niki was now standing up, leaving me sitting on the ground alone. Even though I knew from his voice that he was sad about not having this moment last a little longer, Niki still had a warm smile on his face.

"Come on, we both will catch a cold if we sit on the ground any longer," Niki said and held out his hand to me. I took his hand and he helped me up. After getting up I was about to pull my hand away but Niki started walking, his hand squeezing mine before he said "Let's hold hands princess," with his innocent voice but I saw the smirk on his face. I didn't say anything and just walked with him.

Fifteen minutes later we were next to the hotel. Niki's hand was still squeezing mine as he pulled me into the hotel. We saw a few members of your staff and bowed "hello" to them before going into the elevator. The staff members didn't look surprised by us holding hands. I guess they either got used to us being close to each other or... the members told them about our relationship, which I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

While we were in the elevator, I felt how tired I was from everything that we did today. Playing basketball with Heseung and Jake, walking to the cafe, then to the other side of the park with Niki, now back to the hotel... Oh, and in the morning Sunghoon and Jay took me to see the morning birds. I was half asleep the whole time we walked to the place where the birds had to be but now, all of the exhaustion hit me. Niki was standing right next to me but a bit behind me and I leaned back into him a bit.

"Is something wrong?" He asked right away. "No, I just... now felt all of the exhaustion... It's been a long day for me." I said with my eyes closed. A few moments passed in silence and then I felt Niki move. Seconds later I felt Niki's lips on mine, his soft and warm lips on mine. He spun me around without breaking the kiss so I would face him and deepen the kiss. His hands were on my waist and my hands were on his chest.

Soon, the kiss ended because I pulled away after hearing the elevator doors open. Niki wasn't happy about it but he didn't say anything. "Come, I'll walk you to your room doors..." He took my hand again and walked out of the elevator. I was wondering if he was mad that I broke the kiss or if he was also tired and that's why he didn't say anything about it.

When we were next to my and Jay's room door, I turned around to face Niki. He was looking at me already. "Sorry for breaking the kiss—" I said but Niki interpreted me, "It's okay, we both are tired. If you think I'm mad or something, I'm not, don't worry princess... Goodnight," Niki said and smiled at me. I smiled back and went on tippy toes, giving him a peck on the lips. "Goodnight Niki," I said and then opened the door.

Before entering the room, I looked at Niki for the last time and smiled when I saw him looking straight in front of him where I was standing just a few seconds ago. He looked cute.

I got inside my and Jay's room and locked the door. I walked further into the hotel room and looked around. I didn't see Jay anywhere but I could hear the shower running so thought that he was probably in the shower. And I was right. Fifteen minutes later Jay came out of the bathroom wearing his white robe and wet hair. "Oh, you're back. How was your date with Nishimura?" Jay asked and I rolled my eyes. "Good... You knew about all of this, right...?" I asked and Jay chuckled. "Yeah, if only you would've seen how Niki was running from one neckless to the other in that jewelry store. I wish I filmed it." Jay said and we both laughed.

We talked for a bit more. Later I went to shower and then both of us went to sleep. I bet that I will be smiling while sleeping tonight.


I'm writing this while listening to TXT with Anitta's "Back for More" and it's such a good song I can't stop listening to it. Anyway, the first chapter of "His Eyes 2" is done. I love writing this book :)

This chapter had to come out on October 7th but because I am in a good mood now I'm publishing it now;)

His Eyes 2  •  Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now