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Niki's POV

Y/n and I talked two days ago — a long talk. And I truly think it did something to make this relationship complete.

Since we officially became a couple, something was always missing. Yes, we were happy, and yes, we loved each other but there was something off about this relationship. Especially after the incident in Australia.

But now everything was amazing. That feeling was there. The one that was missing since day one. Having Y/n next to me brought me joy and peace and I knew it did to Y/n, too.

Right now, for example, we are shopping together. Well, not only just us two. Jungwon dragged along. Like always.

Don't get me wrong. I love Jungwon hyung but sometimes I feel like a third wheel when Jungwon is there. I feel like a third wheel while with my girlfriend and my best friend. For example, right now.

Jungwon was picking out dresses for Y/n, while I stood there with my all-black outfit and cold face. I understand that it's my fault that I'm distancing myself from Y/n when Jungwon is around. But I can't help it. I don't know why I do this either. I try but every time I think I almost got the car back on the road, it drives off the road.

"Y/n, what do you think about this one? You like white summer dresses." I heard Jungwon say as I snapped out of my deep thoughts. When I did, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Y/n was standing there in the most stunning white dress I have ever seen. I bet I have seen thousands if not millions of dresses like this, but wow... Y/n made it unique in a way I will never understand.

"Whoaa... this dress is made for you, Y/n..." Jungwon said as he placed the other white dress back in its place. I kept silent.

Her eyes met mine and I felt the urge to take those two large steps, take her in my arms and never let go. But we were in public. Of course.

"What do you think, Niki?" Her soft, honey-like, voice reached my ears as I finally blinked. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

After a few more failed tries to calm my mind down and concentrate on what to say, I finally spoke.

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful. You make the dress look stunning on you..." I muttered. I thought she didn't hear me but then she smiled so I understood that she heard what I said.

Damn... Was her smile always so beautiful?


"We'll get 4 big ramen bowls. Also..." Jake continued ordering us dinner at a Japanese restaurant.

We were done shopping an hour ago and twenty minutes ago Jake came to the mall so we could have dinner together.

Now Jungwon was sitting next to Jake while I was sitting next to Y/n. She was on her phone and me being me, I looked over and peeked at her phone screen.

I shouldn't look at her phone like that.
Good thinking Nishimura. Couldn't you have thought about that before trying to look at her phone?

"That's it. Thank you." I heard Jake say as I looked over at him. Y/n did too.

"So, ahem," I cleared my throat before continuing "are we eating and then going home or doing something fun before we leave?" I asked as I took a sip of the water I had taken with me from home.

"I have a day off tomorrow and I'm leaving today at 8 pm for my parents' house." Jungwon said. From his explanation, I understood that he couldn't stay after the dinner. We all nodded.

"I can't stay either. I promised Heeseung I would go play basketball with him and his brother. We haven't played with him for a few months now. Sorry..." Jake spoke after a few seconds had passed. "But you two could go to arcades. Y/n isn't doing anything but sitting home anyway." Jake added.

"Yah, I don't just sit there... But he's right if no one can come, we can go to the arcades..." Y/n said after she exchanged playful death glares with Jake.

I felt warmth blooming in my chest. Gosh, Nishimura, don't tell me you're blushing in public. 

I smiled at Y/n, letting her understand that I agreed. If I try to talk now, I'm for sure gonna look like a freaking tomato.


Okay, I now kinda know the plot of the whole book that have left so I'll try to update more often :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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