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Niki's POV

Of course, they were against me performing. I knew I was sick. I'm not stupid. I felt sick. But I knew my job too.

No one told me that being an k-idol would be easy. But I still did it, because it was my dream. It still is. It's what I want to do.

I'm happy that my members care for me, but I'm old enough to know what is good and bad for me.

On the other hand, I did start feeling worse after dancing for a bit. My head started hurting again and I felt sick again. That's why I didn't pick a fight with Jake. If I weren't feeling like shit, I would've started the bickering with Jake.

Then there's Y/n. I know she's worried about me and I appreciate it, but that doesn't mean she will change my mind. Well, maybe a bit...

I was lost in my thoughts when the girl from my thoughts popped up in front of me.

"What?" I asked right away. I didn't notice my voice tone, but I guessed it was harsh or weak from Y/n's frown face.

"I'm not going to try to convince you to not perform. You make your own decisions. Just keep in mind that your performance depends on your health too. And our performance depends on your performance too. If you perform poorly, the whole team will do poorly too." Y/n stood with her hands crossed over her chest as she finished.

She was right. Damn. She was right.

I didn't say anything and watched as Y/n left. I already knew everything that Y/n just said, but only after hearing it out loud did I understand fully. 

I breathed in one big time before leaving the building. I went straight back home. Not by a car. Even though I had a fever, I still needed fresh air. And right now I also need to think about what I'm going to do next. 

Y/n's POV

It's been over ten minutes since I came back into the practice room. Niki wasn't coming back. That means he understood what I was talking bout. I hope.

We finished the dance practice before we left the HYBE building too. But there was one problem. When we got to the garage, both of the cars were there. Which meant that Niki walked on foot, if he even left the building.

"He's home." Jay said when I clicked the seatbelt. I looked up at him.


"Niki's home. He's okay." Jay repeated with his eyes closed. I nodded slightly, not saying anything. 

The whole ride was silent. Comfortable silent. We all were tired and I bet that it was the same in the other car. 

When we got home Niki wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. Everyone went their ways and I went to Niki's room. I found Niki lying in his bed with headphones on and a book in his hands. He looked much better now than he did at the HYBE. 

He noticed me and sat up, putting the book aside before speaking. "You're back. How was the practice?" He asked in a calm voice.

"Good... How are you feeling?" I asked. There was something off about the way we acted around each other for the past few days. Or maybe weeks...

"Much better. Thanks for... for what you said back there. I finally understood what I was doing wrong," His voice was steady and calm. "And, Y/n, I'm happy you're here. I need to talk to you. About this relationship."

Short but will do. Just to let you guys know this book is going to end soon, because 1-I don't have any big ideas for this book anymore, 2-I want to finish this book, 3-This book is like a part two of the previous book and the final chapter (I think/not 100% sure) will have two different endings. (sorry for not updating. School is killing me but it's almost summer break. 1 week left to go💪💪)

His Eyes 2  •  Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now