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W.c.: 0.8k.

Y/n's POV

Niki slept throughout the whole ride and I was happy that he finally got the rest he needed, he was getting sick. He was getting more pale and once in a while I could feel him shivering as if he was freezing. I did check his temperature by placing my hand on his forehead and then I noticed that he was still burning. Unfortunately, we didn't have the medicine with us so I hoped we'd get to the hotel as fast as possible.

While we were still in the car, I heard Niki saying things in his sleep. I didn't understand what he said but that was so cute to look at. I was holding his hand the whole time. At the end of the ride, Niki's head was on my shoulder as he was holding my arm while sleeping.

When we had stopped he immediately woke up and looked around. He looked lost and confused but when he looked at me and when he saw the other members in the car, he relaxed and closed his eyes again. "No, Niki, don't go back to sleep. We have arrived. You need to get to your room." I said softly while caressing his hot cheek. He furrowed while still with his closed eyes.

Later he still got out of the car and with Jake's help, he managed to get to his room. Jay got the medicine from the staff and went to Niki's and Jake's room where Niki was almost asleep again. I went with Jay because, why not, right? But when I got to their room, Niki was lying in his bed and I could see that he was in pain.

He did have a fever. The temperature was high and he had a headache. Jay gave him the medicine and tugged him in like a little kid before leaving. I wanted to stay but Jake told me to leave so I wouldn't get a fever. According to Jake (and everyone else) I have a really weak immune system.

When Jake finally pushed me out of the room, he shut the door right after. I'm not gonna lie, that hurt me a bit. Jake was with me the whole day and now just like that, he pushed me out of the room and didn't even say goodnight. But I didn't want to argue about anything so I just went to Jay's and my room.

When I entered the bedroom, Jay was lying on the bed, facing the ceiling. I went to him and laid next to him, not saying anything yet. "Did Niki do something?" I heard him say after a few minutes of silence.

My head and my eyes moved from my the ceiling to Jay. He didn't look at me, just continued staring at the ceiling. "No...well... yeah but it's nothing-"

"What did he do?" Jay's voice was serious even though he was smiling just a few minutes ago when he left Niki's and Jake's room. "It's nothing Jay... I'm okay, see?" I sat up and looked to the bed in front of me. Jay sat next to me too, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, hugging me.

"Y/n... we promised to not keep anything from each other, didn't we?... I won't force you to tell me though, if you don't want to." Jay's words and his touch comforted me in a way I didn't know I needed. I wasn't sad anymore about what Niki had said. Or maybe I thought that I wasn't sad.

"It's okay Jake hyung... you didn't ruin anything... there was no "our moment" anyway."

I felt that it was my fault at some point but the way Niki said those words... even when I remember them now, they somehow cuts deeper with each second I think about them.

That night I fell asleep while Jay was singing to me softly. He was lying down next to me as his fingers were brushing my hair gently. I was happy that I had someone like Jay in my life.

Before I completed fell asleep I remembered that the manager said we're leaving Australia tomorrow morning. Good thing that I didn't unpack everything completely. I was happy with this trip. It was kinda short but it was fun. A lot of good things happened: we visited Jake's family, I finally got a chance to play with Layla, and Niki and I... you remember? Even though we both got into a fight at the end, I still didn't regret anything that happened in Australia.

This one is short cuz I know you guys want updates but I don't have THE inspiration these days. I'll still try updating, but school break is over so I have to go back to school tomorrow😭.

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