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W.c.: 1k.

Y/n's POV

The next morning came by quickly and before I knew it, I was sitting in the car, on our way to the airport. We didn't wait and right after all of us woke up, we packed and left the hotel. I missed Australia already, even though we hadn't left yet.

Jake also missed Australia while still being here. I could see that he was more silent and calm today than he usually is. And we all know why he doesn't want to leave so quickly. It's his home after all, his childhood was spent here, he grew up here, and his family is here. I would feel the same way Jake does now if I would be in his place. And I believe we all would feel the same.

Niki's fever has gone down a bit since he got a lot of sleep since yesterday but it still was there. It didn't go away just yet. Now Niki was halfway asleep while we were driving to the airport. He must be really exhausted because of all the pain he has now. I wanted to hug him but Niki was the one who told me to stay away from him for a few days until his fever is gone. I didn't want to though.

Fifteen minutes later we stopped next to the airport and like usually, there was tons of people standing outside and inside the airport.

When we got out, the staff and bodyguards, and even our managers (I don't know how many they have) tried their best to keep as many people as possible away from us. We also tired to go to the gate as fast as possible.

When we were in the plane, I was sitting next to Sunoo this time. I wasn't complaining because it was always fun to be with him, but my mind was with someone else the whole flight.

While we were getting ready to take off, Sunoo and I started to talk about how we need to make another kdrama night together because we haven't done it in a while.

While we were flying, both of us listened to our own music for a while and then started playing card games that Sunoo bought back in Australia. We mainly played UNO but he also had some other cards prepared.

Finally, two hours later, the moment where the sleep hit me came and my eye lids started closing slowly. I didn't fight it, after the stalker was caught I tried to stop looking at everything with scared eyes. I hated sleeping on the planes before the trip to Australia, but now I think I'll try sleeping more on the planes.

A few more hours has passed and we were still on the plane. At this point, my legs and my back were aching from sitting for so many hours but I didn't want to stand up either. I just turned to the other side and tried to fall back asleep. Sunoo was also sleeping so if I don't fall asleep, I won't even have anyone to talk to.

When I turned my head to the other side, I heard Heeseung's voice. He was laughing and Jake was taking over his laugh. That made me smile because I knew that Jake was smiling too now, he will always be happy with his six brothers. But specially Heeseung, Jungwon, and Niki. Two minutes later I heard Jungwon and Niki taking.

The two of them were sitting together, in the same line where Sunoo and I were sitting, right next to us. It looked like Sunoo was in a deep slumber while I couldn't go back to sleep and started to listen to what Jungwon and Niki are talking about.

"And you really think that will be a good idea? I mean, look at you, you're sick from head to toe. You can't perform while in this condition. Your body needs to recover after the fever first."

"Jungwon hyung, I told you already and I tell you again — I'm fine. It's just a fever. I still can practice and perform. You need to chill out a bit and just trust me. You know that I won't push myself too far. If I feel that my body needs a break, I will take a break, I will stop dancing, singing, rest, drink some water. Like my mom taught me."

"And what if you don't feel that your body needs the break? I know that you like pushing yourself over the edge and then you suffer a lot. You don't tell anyone but we all know that you aren't feeling okay. And performing with a fever is the most stupid thing I've heard. No, not the most stupid. Then one where you said that you will wear your pj to go swimming last summer was the most stupid. This one is the second most stupid."

"Ha ha ha, how funny."

"Okay... and what will Y/n say about this? You really think she will let YOU, her beloved boyfriend, PERFORM while having a fever??? If you asked me, I would say... no. No way. She will tie you to the freaking chair in your room before leaving so you wouldn't even go near the stage."

"I can always say that I don't have the fever anymore-"

"The performance is in two days. The fever doesn't go away in two days."

And from that moment silence, I didn't hear any more words. I don't know if I just fell asleep or if they stopped talking. Either way, I now knew that Niki wants to perform while being sick and there was no way I'm going to let this happen. When I'm sick, he doesn't let me leave my room and when he's sick, he thinks he can do whatever he wants? No way. I won't let this to happen.

I don't know what to say so just goodnight because it's midnight now and I'm super tired and sleepy. 😴

His Eyes 2  •  Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now