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W.c.: 1k.

Y/n's POV

I opened Sunghoon's messages. There were only two of them and they made me really confused.


"Y/n, call or text Niki because he's for real going crazy now."


Text End

The texts made me smile because they sounded funny. After I checked Sunghoon's texts, I looked at all of the notifications that I got from Jay and Niki.

Jay's texts were mostly "Niki is going crazy because you aren't in the car with us" and "please text him back diamond or he'll get on my nerve and I'll kick him out of this car." Also a few missed calls from Jay.

When I looked at the notifications from Niki, there was around 78 or 80 texts and 12 missed calls from him. I wasn't even going to read all of them. All I read was "Princess, pleasssssseeeeeeeeee, call me back or text me backkkkkkkkkk!! I'm begging youuuuuuu!!"

I thought for a while if I should call him or text him. At the end, I just left him on read because Jungwon told me that when the car stops and the car door opens, we need to go into the building quickly so the paparazzi wouldn't take too many pictures of us.

Five minutes later the car stopped and on of the bodyguard opened the car doors. Sunoo got out first and I followed after him, Jake and Jungwon were walking behind us. There was a lot of paparazzi everywhere and I didn't even know where I was going. All I did was follow behind Sunoo.

Finally, when we were inside the building I looked around and saw Jay standing in the corner talking with our manager. They were laughing and then I saw Heeseung, Sunghoon, and Niki standing a few steps away from them.

A smile grew instantly on my face after I saw Niki. I didn't go to them though, not until Jake started walking to their direction. After Jake started walking, I walked after him and straight to Niki.

Niki was with his phone and didn't see me at first but when he heard Heeseung saying "Jake, Y/n! Finally you came! The paparazzi really got onto my nerves today." and gave a bro hug to Jake. Niki's eyes sparkled with happiness when he saw me standing in front of me and he hugged me quickly. I felt how Jake, Sunghoon, and Heeseung were looking at us but Niki didn't let go of me so I just hugged him back.

While we were hugging, I heard Jungwon's and Sunoo's voice behind me. "Yoi, Heeseung hyung, Sunghoon hyung!" Jungwon said and ran to them in his cute run. Sunoo walked behind him and laughed at Jungwon's behavior. Niki finally let go of me and I turned around to look at everyone.

Jay and the manager went to our group too and then the manager started talking. The manager talked about the filming plan, where we are now and where we're going to go. I didn't know ANYTHING. and even after manager's explanation, I didn't understand anything.

"Now you have about an hour or so of free time." Was managers last words before he walked away, leaving the eight of us alone. All of us went our own ways. Heeseung and Jake went to walk outside (where no paparazzi were seen) while Jay, Sunghoon, Sunoo, and Jungwon went to get food and drinks in the cafeteria of the building. I still didn't know where I was and what was this building.

I turned to Niki who was already looking at me. I really hoped that he knew what was going on in here so he could explain everything to me. But before I could say anything, Niki took my hand and dragged me outside, to the direction that Heeseung and Jake had left.

"I want to show you something, later I can explain everything to you because I can see that you don't know anything." He said and chuckled at the end. I smiled at him as I tried to not trip as he kept dragging me. "Okay, but don't drag me so fast. I'll trip-yah!" And on those words, I almost tripped but Niki somehow managed to catch me before I completely lost my balance.

"Oh, sorry, I just wanted to show you the kittens." Niki said "Are you hurt?" He asked after I got up completely. He had his worried face on and it was so cute to look at. "I'm fine, but I'll be even better when I see those kittens." I said and Niki chuckled at me. He once again took my hand gently, this time he didn't drag me, we just calmly walked to the place where the kittens were.

When we got there, Heeseung and Jake were playing with the kittens. Jake saw us from afar and signaled for us to come. I let go of Niki's hand and ran to the kitten, Niki smiled at me and walked to the kittens behind me.

"They said that the kittens will be here only for today and tomorrow. The staff told us we can spend time with the kittens because it would make us more relaxed before the filming." Jake said as he carefully picked up a little white kitten. The kitten looked so small in Jake's big hands and the little meows that it made was so cute.

Heeseung was playing with another white kitten, but this one had black paws and the tips of its ears were also black. When I turned around to Niki, I saw him playing with a brown kitten and another kitten was coming to his direction.

I sat in front of Niki but I was looking at the kittens and not him. I felt his eyes on me though. And as I was patting the black kitten that just came over to me, I heard Niki chuckle to himself. I looked up at him.

"What's so funny?" I asked and Niki was now looking at the kitten that he was playing with and smiling. "Nothing... just..." he looked up at me "you look so cute when you're excited about something..." Niki said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Niki just called me cute and I could help it but smile at what he said.

Just wanted to inform you all that this will be my last update for the next week because it's going to be the last week before a short holiday so I need to focus on school:)

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