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W.c.: 1.1k.

Y/n's POV

"She can sit wherever she wants Sunoo hyung..." Jungwon said. I was shocked at Jungwon's tone of voice because it seemed a little cold and a bit too serious. I mean, yeah, he is the leader and all, but Jungwon never talks in a cold or serious voice without a serious reason.

I looked at Sunoo and then back at Jungwon. He had his eyes closed still. Eventually, I sat down in the seat that I was closest to and dragged Sunoo to sit next to me. Jake didn't say anything and just sat next to Jungwon.

The whole ride was silent, mostly because all of us were with headphones. Or some of us were almost asleep. In my case, I was half asleep and with headphones because why not? I still didn't know where we were going though.

Later, I figured that I needed to stop trying to sleep because it won't happen. Not having anything better to do than play with my phone, I remember that I wanted to text Niki. When I opened the message app I saw that I had a few messages from Niki already.


Niki: Good morning, Princess 💝 Hope you slept well
Niki: I was expecting to see you this morning but I guess that we're back on our "idol life" again...
Niki: Anyways... I couldn't really sleep well tonight because I had you on my mind 😉 I'll go have a nap now though
Niki: Bye Loveee😘✌️

Text End

I read all of the messages and smiled. Good that the others were busy sleeping and listening to music because if at least one of them saw me now, smiling at the phone, they would grab my phone and read all of the texts.

I didn't know if I should text Niki now or not. If Niki is having a nap now, that means he's with headphones, and listening to music because he doesn't sleep in the car without headphones. And if he's listening to music I don't want to disturb it with the notifications sound that will go off when I send him my message.

In the end, I texted Niki, ignoring all of the other thoughts I had in mind about him.


Y/n: Morning Nikisan~
Y/n: I slept like a baby but I'm sad that I couldn't see you this morning. I hope you have a good nap now if you didn't get enough sleep throughout the night🤗🫶

Text End

I put my phone down and closed my eyes again. I was still sleepy even after giving up on having a nap. To my surprise, this time I actually fell asleep five minutes after I closed my eyes. As I was almost asleep, I heard my phone buzzing with a notification but I couldn't open my eyes anymore. I was so close to falling asleep that my brain turned off and then I fell into the dream land.

I don't know for how long I was asleep but after what felt like hours of amazing sleep, I felt someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jake next to me, no Sunoo or Jungwon. Jake had a warm smile on his lips which made me smile too.

"Good morning," Jake said as he chuckled. Jake just knew how to put me in a good mood, even if he didn't try. I giggled and yawed afterward while Jake looked at his phone because someone texted him. I looked at Jake and then remembered what I wanted to ask him.

"Jake," I said and Jake looked at me from his phone right away. He hummed in response. "Where is Sunoo and Jungwon? And where are we even?" I asked and Jake smiled again.

"Sunoo and Jungwon went to get us drinks. We are at the gas station. Look through the window." Jake said and I turned around. I couldn't see the window because someone had closed the curtains that were installed in the car. I opened the curtains and saw Jungwon walking to the car with two drinks in his hands. Jungwon had a grey hoodie on with black pants and white sneakers.

Jungwon got inside the car and then Jake got up and got out of the car but right before leaving he asked "Y/n, want coffee or something?" I shook my head in response. When Jake left, Jungwon sat in Sunoo's seat and looked at me. He gave me one of the drinks that he had bought. He bought one of my favorites. There was an awkward silence between us after that but he broke it. "Y/n...I just want to make one thing clear... I'm... not mad... at you. I know that it might look like I'm mad because of how I've been acting today but I really was just tired. I almost didn't sleep last night..." Jungown really did look exhausted and when he said that he didn't get sleep last night, it made me worried.

"Jungwon, are you okay? What's going on?" I asked while reaching for his hand. I could see the pain in his eyes and it hurt me. "I'm okay. I'm not hurt or anything but just... the last few months weren't that busy on schedules but it was tough for me as a leader... I bet that you noticed me being on the computer almost 24/7." He smiled through the pain. I hugged Jungwon and felt his whole body being really intense. And not because of the hug. Jungwon was really tired and he needed a break from everything. We came to Australia to get some rest and now we have only a week in a half left. Jungwon deserves that week in a half of rest.

Later, when all of us were in the car again, Jungwon told us that we were going to some kind of park and then back to the hotel. It was like a sightseeing tour just that we didn't have a guide and we (specifically I) slept during the whole trip. When we started driving again, I went on my phone and saw all of the notifications that I got from Niki and Jay, there was a missed call from Heeseung and two unread messages from Sunghoon.

I first opened Sunghoon's messages...


Okay, I finished this so now I'm going to sleep.

(The day of update?)
I don't know how to say it. Anyways, I published the second chapter of this book today but here's the third chapter. I don't know when I'll update this book from now on but I'll try my best to keep you updated and keep my school work going🤗

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