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W.c.: 1k.

Y/n's POV

Alarm. I hear my alarm going off again. I frown and reach for my phone. As I turned off the alarm, I looked at the time and it was almost 7 am. 6.55 am. I turned my head to the side and saw Jay's bed already empty. How does he manage to wake up so early?

For the next fifteen minutes I was laying in my bed, playing with my phone and sleeping. Suddenly I heard the door open and then Sunghoon's and Jay's voices. I continued looking at my phone but soon I saw Sunghoon leaning against the wall and Jay coming from the other room. I looked at Sunghoon who was looking at me and smirking.

"What?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing... How was your date yesterday?" Sunghoon asked with a grin on his face. Jay was in the room too now but it looked like he was doing his own thing, which is cleaning the small table that was a bit dirty from yesterdays morning mine and Sunoo's tea talk hour.

"Good... why are you smirking? It's literally just 7 in the morning, you'll get wrinkles if you smile too much, you know." I said trying to get the smirk off of his face. Sunghoon and Jay scoffed at the same time and then Sunghoon said "I don't believe in that stuff, you and Sunoo are smirking more often then me or Jay and still, I don't see any wrinkles on your face-"

"It's because we're young and you're old-"

"Don't call me old you little-"

"Enough." Jay had a strong voice mode on and the two of us shut up. You better not make Jay mad in the morning. "Y/n, get ready. We're leaving in one hour." Jay said and I looked at him confused. "What? Where? No one told me that we are going somewhere today..." I said.

"We're telling you now" Sunghoon said and I rolled my eyes at him. Today was one of those days where I teased Sunghoon and he teased me back, or the other way round. "Okay, I'll get ready. Where are we meeting?" I asked as I started getting out of the bed.

"Go to Sunoo's room, he and Jake will be there. The rest of us are leaving a bit early and the four of you will leave after us. Sunoo said he has breakfast for you." Jay said and took his bag with him as he looked at the mirror.

"Four? But isn't it just me, Sunoo, and Jake-"

"Heeseung too" Jay cut me off and I nodded. That means I won't see Niki for long... I'll text him when I'll have time. Now I need to get ready.

Jay and Sunghoon left and I got ready. I put my hair in a massy ponytail because Jay said it looks better and I will be more comfortable. A pair of black leggings and a baby blue top. I also got a dark blue hoodie, Niki's of course, and went to Sunoo's room.

There I found Sunoo sitting with his phone in his hands, looking at all of the selfies that he just took. I walked to him and sat next to him on the sofa. Sunoo smiled when he saw me.

"Hiii! Finally you're here! Here, eat this and then we'll leave." Sunoo said as he gave me my breakfast. I was one of the people who didn't like eating breakfast most of the time. Sometimes, in the mornings, I get out of bed and go straight to eat breakfast but sometimes, like today, I didn't have a big appetite. I ate my breakfast, Sunoo knew how much I eat so he picked the best amount of food for me.

As I was drinking my morning tea, Sunoo put his phone down and looked at me. "So... how was your-" I didn't let him finish as I said "It was good. You're the second person to ask me this today and the third person to even ask me... why are you all asking this?" I asked in annoyance. Sunoo laughed.

"I was asking because Niki didn't stop talking about it since the day he, Jake, and Heeseung planned the date." Sunoo said while still giggling. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "Jake and Heeseung?" I asked.

"Yeah. Niki asked them for some help..." Sunoo said and looked at his phone and at the time. "Anyways, we need to go. The car is probably already waiting for us." Sunoo then stood up and so did I. "But shouldn't we wait for Jake and Heeseung?" I asked. Sunoo looked at me with confusion written across his face.

"Yeah, Jake is waiting for us in the main lobby already, but Heeseung isn't going with us." Sunoo said and now I was the one with a confused face. "Then who is going with us?" I asked but Sunoo just shrugged before saying "I don't know, the staff didn't tell us. We only know which time we need to leave and so happened that me, Jake, Jay, and Sunghoon were talking about today while we were in the cafe yesterday and Jay told us that you were going to be in the car with me probably. He played a spy with himself and figured that all of the "clues" point at you going not with him but with me... I don't know... Okay, let's go 'cause we're late." Sunoo grabbed my arm and dragged me to the elevator.

As soon as we got to the main lobby, I saw Jake waiting and smiling at us. I hugged Jake and said hi to him. Minutes later we walked to the car that we were supposed to drive with. When I got inside the car I saw that one of the members is already inside the car. It looked like he was sleeping.

"Y/n, sit next to Jake. I'll sit next to—" Sunoo got cut off by the member that was for sure not asleep after all. "She can sit wherever she wants Sunoo hyung..."

I love leaving you hanging like this. Guess who's the "member" that is inside the car already🤭

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