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Niki's POV

I felt that being on a plane for so many hours wasn't helping me at all. I knew that I was probably burning right now but I couldn't do anything. I just tried to sleep the whole flight so I wouldn't feel the pain or something like that. But every time I closed my eyes, all I could think of was Y/n. I just wanted to hug her and fall asleep in her arms, while she played with my hair gently.

I truly wished I could be with her now. Even though she's sitting just a seat away from me, I still can't be with her.

Jungwon hyung and I were just talking about if I should or should not perform when we came back home. The performance was two days away and as Jungwon hyung said, fever doesn't go away in two days. At least not the severe ones.

I thought about taking tons of medicine before the performance and then just trying to live through it but Jungwon hyung had a point. I don't know when to take a break. I always put myself over the edge and then I regret it but I can't control it.

After a while of thinking about what I should do, I felt sleepy again and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, because of all the pain that I felt from the fever, I just couldn't find a comfortable position. I tried almost every position possible I think but still couldn't find the comfortable one.

But it wasn't just the pain. I missed Y/n. I wanted her to be next to me. I wanted to hug her. I needed her. Jungwon probably noticed that I couldn't fall asleep and how I sighed every minute and asked me again. 

"Niki... if... if I change seats with Y/n... would that help you fall asleep?" I didn't answer him. I wanted to say yes, but what if I got her sick too, I didn't want her to feel the pain I felt right now. "So? Did you hear me? Want us to change seats or-" I cut him off by saying "Yeah...but what if I get her sick?" "Then both of you gonna stay home while the rest of us will perform," Jungwon said with an innocent smile on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to the other side of him.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again but felt how Jungwon actually stood up and left his seat. I thought he was kidding. Minutes later Y/n sat in the seat that Jungwon was sitting in just a few minutes ago. I didn't move and acted as if I was asleep.

Seconds later I felt one of her soft, warm hand on mine. Her other hand was caressing my burning cheek. Then I also heard her sweet little voice in a whisper "Niki-san... I love you... please get better soon, I don't want you to be in pain..." My heart skipped a beat. Not just from her words but also from her touch, her voice, her scent, just from herself.

I smiled at her words and then her hands left my skin, and my smile followed. I turned my head to look at her with a pout on my face. "Why-" I didn't get the chance to finish whatever I wanted to say when Y/n started talking. "Because I thought you were asleep..." She had a surprised expression on her face, she looked cute. 

The next ten minutes were silent, we stared into each other's eyes deeply. My smile faded away after some time. I remembered what I said back in Australia, in that room when Jake hyung got in. I finally broke the eye contact and looked at Y/n's hands, before taking them into mine. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry for everything that I said in that room... I wasn't thinking... I'm sorry princess..." I also wanted to kiss her but I tried to control myself so she would get the fever too.

Y/n smiled and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "It's okay Niki... I have already forgiven you earlier." Her voice was so calm and I hugged her finally. If she catches a fever from me, I will blame myself but I can't keep myself away from her anymore. Seconds later I felt Y/n hugging me back. 

"I love you princess... just so you know," I said while pulling away from her after a few minutes. "I love you too," Y/n said while placing a kiss on my cheek. I smiled and then got as comfortable as I could, finding and holding Y/n's hand right after. Somehow Y/n being by my side made me feel safer, and finally, I fell asleep ten minutes later. 


It's short but I just don't have the inspiration again. I think I will take a break until the Christmas holiday. It's about a month or so from now. I will probably update my Instagram during the break though (Ig: hyrikwon. I post upcoming book covers there and short imagine stories (haven't posted any stories yet) so please go check it out <3)

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