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h a r r y

I like Brooke but I can't date her. One, if I date her she could bring a lot of problems to my family like the head of the vampires kill us. And two, she could get hurt by our enemies. Our enemies are vampires too but they actually like to hurt people, they are the bad kind. We are the good kind so that's why we learn to control our thirst. For example, my foster dad is a doctor. Imagine how much blood he has to go through in one day.

Anyway, prom is coming up. I want to ask Brooke but all the cheerleaders want me. It makes me sick. This being popular, it makes me sick. I tried to talk to Brooke yesterday but everyone started talking to me that they didn't even let me talk to her. They just pushed her out of the way while we were talking to talk to me and that made me mad. I just want to be normal.

"Brooke!" I yelled as I saw her standing on her locker. Brooke closed her locker and laughed.

"I don't think it's s good idea if you talk to me, all of your friends will push me out of the way again." Brooke said and tried to walk away. I grabbed my her arm and stopped her.

"C'mon, we don't talk like we used to." I sighed.

"We still talk it's just that you're busy." Brooke shrugged and smiled.

"No. I mean, we don't go in the secret hiding place anymore and we don't really talk as much." I said.

"Well we can't. Everyone surrounds you in the cafeteria and they'll kick me out if I sit with you."

"Then, let's go somewhere else. They let us get out of school to go to lunch. Let's stop by at your place. Your parents aren't going to be home, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess we can go to my house for lunch. But I don't want to eat in front of you since you don't eat food." Brooke whispered. "I hate eating when someone isn't, it's awkward being the only one chewing."

"Don't worry, I've got my meal with me." I smirked. The bell rang and everyone was already going to class. "I'll see you in an hour at your house.. Yeah?"

"Yeah." Brooke nodded and smiled.


b r o o k e

I saw Harry in the hallway while everyone was going to lunch but he had to go to the restroom first. Do vampires still pee? I don't think so. Maybe he had to fix his hair. I passed by a few cheerleaders and they were talking about how hot Harry is. I find it funny how they used to think he was weird and now they think he's all hot.

"I might go to prom with Harry!" One of them yelled. I scoffed and leaned against my locker and waited for Harry to get out of the restroom.

"Let's go." Harry said as he got out. I walked in front of him and he grabbed my back with his arm.

"Harry, come here man!" A guy yelled across the hallway. Harry turned around and shook his head then walked out of the school with me.

"So, what are you doing for prom?" Harry asked.

"I think I'm just going to watch the house while my parents go on a double date with their friends." I shrugged.

"Okay then I'll pick you up at six." Harry smiled and looked at me as we walked home.

"No, Harry. I can't go to prom. I'm going to be humiliated." I shook my head. "I can't go to prom, I can't. I would love to but I can't."

"Don't worry about what everyone thinks of you. It's going to be you and I. We're going to be fine and we're going to have a good night."

I sighed, "Buy I don't have a dress.."

"I'll buy you one after we eat at your house." Harry smiled. I thought about it. I didn't want him to waste his money on me.

"Aren't girls supposed to go with each other to buy prom dresses though?" I asked. "Besides, you can't waste your money on me. No, Harry. I can't go."

"C'mon, we'll be the perfect prom couple. We both have brown hair, we're both British, and we're both right for each other." Harry smiled.

"I did find it kind of funny, I thought I was going to be the only English girl at this school." I laughed and looked at him. "What part of London where you born in?"

"I don't know, I just know that I was born in London." Harry smirked and grabbed my hand. He held it. I furrowed my eyebrows but I went along with it. "What about you?"

"I was born in Holmes Chapel, small city but I came to America when I was about nine years old and got used to calling my mom mom instead of mum." I explained.

We walked up to my porch and I unlocked the door.

"Your house is massive." Harry looked around with surprise. "My house is pretty big too with a lot of windows. What are you going to eat?"

"Pizza. My mom and dad left pizza for me here since they're not coming in the afternoon." I smiled and grabbed the pizza box. "Let's go to my room."

We went upstairs and I put my backpack down and sat on the floor with Harry and started eating my pizza. Harry was eating like some chicken or meat.

"I thought you didn't eat food." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"This isn't food. It had blood in it." Harry smiled as he ate it. He grabbed his drink and drank some from it.

"What is that? Grape juice? It's rather dark."

"It's blood." Harry smiled. He showed his teeth which showed the blood in his teeth.

"You have some blood in your teeth." I pointed out and laughed. Harry licked it off then he smiled once again.

"Do I still have it?" Harry asked.

"No." I shook my head and smiled.

"Is that a turn off? Was that nasty? I'm sorry." Harry wiped his mouth. "I shouldn't be eating my meal like this."

"No. It's kind of cute." I laughed. Harry looked at me and smiled. We stayed looking at each other for a minute but then I cleared my throat and looked down.

"I think you're cute." Harry moved his meal to the side and got closer to me. "No, you are beautiful."

I laughed and looked down, "Shut up."

"You're blushing." Harry smiled. He touched my face with his cold skin and he bit his bottom lip. I furrowed my eyebrows. "You have thick eyebrows."

"I know. I like it that way." I nodded. "I don't like thin eyebrows."

"I like it that way." Harry smirked and kept on touching my face. "I like you overall."

"You like me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like you. A lot." Harry whispered and came in closer. I grabbed him and kissed him. Surprisingly, he went along with it. Our lips were moving this time. He got on top of me and still made out with me.

I'm surprised he hasn't stopped, he could've not control it anymore and bite me. But he was moaning and enjoying it.

"Why haven't you stopped?" I asked as he kissed my neck. I was a bit scared because he could bite it any second.

"I love you." Harry whispered and kissed me once again.


Harry Styles as Harry Styles

Brooke Ramsey as Lily Collins

Undead // Harry auWhere stories live. Discover now